The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Corporate sponsors will pay for your book promotion -- if you know how to approach them!

What if in less than 18 months, you could accomplish the following without spending one red cent of your own money?

Have a major PR firm represent you and get you booked on...
* ABC World News
* National Public Radio (NPR)
* Oprah & Friends
* 63 major radio stations

And then ... What if companies like Coca-Cola, Wachovia, Yahoo, Toyota, Sony Pictures plus other Fortune 500's and leading non-profits offered to...

* Buy 50,000 copies of your self-published book every year,
* Make it possible for you to get $500,000 in advances for your next book,
* Pay you fat speaking fees for speaking engagements,
* Give you testimonials from their CEO,
* Send emails to 100,000+ of their customers or volunteers promoting your book, cause or business,
* Feature you on their website and guarantee you'll get at least 5 million impressions.

Is the above a fairy tale? Can it really happen ... especially if you're not already famous?

It already has for Brendon Burchard, an author and speaker who's figured out some really ingenious ways to land corporate and non-profit promotional sponsorships and use them to fund his marketing efforts.

To discover how you can use his methods to promote your own book, product or business, you're invited to a free telephone seminar on Tuesday, December 30th.

You can sign up for this free teleseminar at

Here's just some of what you'll learn on Tuesday's call:

* What to do step-by-step to get a major company to sponsor your national promotional tour and pay for everything!

* Why the current economic downturn means more big companies and non-profits sponsoring authors, speakers and entrepreneurs -- even if they're not famous.

* A website you can use to find potential sponsors and promotional partners.

* The secret phrase which gets big nonprofit organizations to endorse your book and promote it to their members.

* The title of the BEST person to contact with your proposal and why you should never send one done with Microsoft Word.

* The #1 fatal mistake to avoid making when trying to land a deal a sponsorship deal with a Fortune 500 company.

* How to write a short proposal that gets huge companies to sponsor you -- even if you're an unknown, self-published author (HINT: there are five elements and he'll reveal all five on the call). And more!

Again, to sign up for next Tuesday's call go here now:

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