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Damaged Goods: A Detective Inspector White Caper - Written by Jack Everett and David Coles

Brilliantly gripping mystery.

Firstly, I have to say that if you are looking for a book to grab your attention right from page one and then keep you hooked right through to the very end, then this is definitely the one for you.

Robert Cleghorn is a troubled man, with a past which makes him deadly. Ex-Special Forces and CIA, he is a highly trained, dangerous killing machine. However this is not all, war vet Robert has suffered brain damage, and has undergone extensive treatments which have left him with false memories of the past and the ability to suffer no remorse, a cruel and calculated killer.

Bubbling under the surface of this tortured mind is the injustice he believes his brother Alan has done to him, an infatuation with his sister-in-law Stephanie, and the firm belief that given the chance to talk to her, she will love him again. Then, whilst working for Alan at his home near Lake Kissimmee in Florida he snaps…

Whilst in the U.K. Detective inspector Stewart White is starting his new job in Leeds. As he settles in, and gets to know the officers, including the mysterious Shelly, a link is discovered between a series of seemingly random crimes. It soon becomes apparent that there is a deadly killer out there who must be caught quickly. But who are they searching for?

As communications hot up between American and the U.K., the true horror of the events in Florida unveil themselves and things begin to make sense. The killer has travelled to the U.K. on a false passport and is on a mission to right past wrongs, leaving a killing spree in his wake.

Following a trail across a snow clad Yorkshire, the police and the CIA are both desperate to stop this man, before he accomplishes his goal, but which one, if either will manage to do so?

This book was truly un-put-down-able, action packed with strong characters, an excellent plot, and plenty of twists and turns right until the last page. With such a brilliant storyline, I would love to see it made into a film. I cannot recommend it highly enough and look forward to reading more from these talented authors.

About the Authors:

JACK EVERETT is author and coauthor of a number of fantasy, science fiction, crime and thriller novels. Some are published, some are in progress and others are still in gestation. Jack also handcrafts stunning snooker cues and award-winning modern objets d’art from exotic and magnificently figured timbers. He collects books and playing cards though there is little space in a much overcrowded home. He dreams of having a bigger library, and hopes to one day have the extra room he dreams of.

DAVID COLES began writing fantasy and science fiction longer ago than he can now remember. His works have explored the local stars, killed off huge numbers of Roman legionaries, uncovered what happened to King Arthur and the Round Table—and hatched a few thriller plots. A founding member of the international Historical Novel Society, he has attended workshops run by Terry Pratchett and the late David Gemmel. David lives with his wife and a pet laptop in God’s own county—Yorkshire in the UK—where he also designs and builds websites for friends and programs for fun.

About the book: Newly promoted Detective Inspector Stewart White starts off his career in Leeds with a seemingly random assortment of crimes. A rest area murder. A pub brawl. A missing person.

As the deadly crime spree escalates, White receives a chilling call from a Florida sheriff. A psychotic Special Forces veteran, Robert Cleghorn, has murdered his brother, assumed his identity—and is believed to be looking for his brother’s vacationing wife in England.

Expertly trained to eliminate potential threats to his mission while covering his tracks, Cleghorn quickly proves to be just as elusive as his sister-in-law. Can D.I. White and his newly assigned police team find Stephanie Cleghorn before Robert does?

Authors Website:

Damaged Goods is available from Amazon:

and Barnes & Noble

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