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Digital short Saturday A.J. Pompano Driving Directions

Paranormal mystery murder short story is what the tags read on this digital short story by A.J. Pompano. Has your GPS ever given you the wrong directions? Ever wonder why? One explanation can be gotten from this brick of plastic explosives disguised in a firecracker 4910 words. Check out the story line:

“Chuck Stratton’s detective father brought two disappointments to the grave. One was that that he couldn’t find a kidnapped girl in time to prevent her murder and the other was that his son didn't become a police officer. It isn’t until Chuck is led astray by an errant GPS that his father is able to rest in peace.”

Yes this is the same A.J. Pompano I featured last week. The other author I featured was David DeLee; I will be using another of his digital shorts next week ,FYI. Why would I go to the same well in consecutive weeks? The answer is very simple as I am not too complex, I love his work. The quality of his writing ability stands out. Driving Directions is about 4910 words and not one of them is wasted, none of them are superfluous. The plotline is a tight construct of tension and heartache. I was totally immersed in this, in such a zone reading this, that time just passed me by. I read this on my laptop, the only thing that moved was index finger clicking away to turn the virtual pages, I don’t think I even blinked, BAM it was over.

I am going to be bold and say that I am going to run the table with Mr. Pompano’s work, I get too much enjoyment from reading his hard work. The other digital shorts he has that I have yet to read are: The Sanibel Slouch and Promises to Keep. Here is the author’s biographical information:

“A. J. Pompano has been writing short fiction for more than twenty years. His kayaking sleuth, Quincy Lazzaro, was introduced in “The Copy Cat Didn’t Have Nine Lives,” published in Still Waters: Crime Stories by New England Writers. A past winner of the Helen McCloy/Mystery Writers of America Scholarship, he has written many academic pieces including one on teaching detective fiction. A member of Mystery Writers of America and a brother member of Sisters in Crime, he is on the committee for New England Crime Bake, a conference for mystery writers and readers, held every November in Boston.

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