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The Author’s lab/ Collaboration series now has an even dozen installments to its name. Who would have thought way back when (April, 2011), when we did “Down Low-Dead”  with the great Vincent Zandri, that this series would carry on as it has. Rose A. Valenta came up with an excellent idea and executed it and me to a tee.

You see Rose A. Valenta is a syndicated newspaper columnist and she specializes in humor, she is also the author of “Sitting on Cold Porcelain”  a book that has many of her musings in it. Her idea was to have the two of us face off in a comedy club allowing the audience to decide the winner. The outcome as you may well imagine is that she spanks me pretty bad. Here I am going up against a pro, what else can happen. I am more than happy to take it on the chin to help out an author. Heck,I offer to let authors kill me in their novels every day on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE, so why not let Rose slay me on the digital stage.

The best thing of this effort is that her wit and charm are showcased. She is an exceptionally talented author and has a very good sense of timing. Her ability to take what is happening in the news and show it in a humorous light is amazing. We have been fortunate with The Author’s Lab/Collaboration series to have many firsts; this is another.

April Pohren has been kind enough to provide us with the foreword and it rocks; enjoy it.

Things have changed around here. I am now the published author by Trestle Press of “I Have Chrome Balls, Don’t You?” an “In Between The Collaborations”, “Down Low- Dead” with Vincent Zandri, “The Jersey Shore Has Eyes” with Big Daddy Abel”, “G.S.I Gelati’s Scoop Investigations Psychotic Detectives” with Thomas White, “Who Whacked The Blogger” with Benjamin Sobieck,“Thad and The G-Man’s Most Awesome Adventure” with Thad Brown , “Hotel Beaumont” with B.R. Stateham,  “Bring Us Your Living…Now!” with HR Toye, “The Edge of Cataclysmic” with Big Daddy Abel, “The Ultimate Six-Pack” ,”Fangs,Inc.” with Laurie Bowler, “A Prince in Trenton ,Seriously?” with Mark Miller, “Bar-A” with Big Daddy Abel and Tommy Jannarone and the soon to be released”Dueling Microphones” with Rose A. Valenta . All the stories are available @ Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and Smashwords. I am also the host of the wildly popular The G-ZONE blogtalk radio show. Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.





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