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Graphic Novel Friday Campfire Comics Harry Houdini

Check this out, it comes from the back cover of this graphic novel:
Mission Statement:

To entertain and educate young minds by creating unique illustrated books to recount stories of human values, to arouse curiosity in the world around us, and to inspire by tales of great deeds of unforgettable people.”

Their website is :

The author of this graphic novel is C.E.L. Welsh. I have to admit that I didn’t know much about Harry Houdini other than the fact that he was a famous magician, Welsh took me to school and I really enjoyed it. Here is what you can find in the panels of this graphic novel:

“This is the life story of Ehrich Weiss. If you don't recognize this man's name, that is because the world came to know him as the one and only Harry Houdini. George Bernard Shaw once remarked that Harry Houdini is the third most famous name in history after Jesus Christ and Sherlock Holmes. While that might be a bold and debatable statement, there is no doubt that Houdini is the most famous magician to have ever lived. Almost a hundred years after his death, his name is still synonymous with death-defying stunts and unimaginable escapes. His ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations, along with his knack of dealing with the public and the press, made him a legend in his own time. Some of his most notable escapes, which still cannot be explained, were the Mirror Handcuff Challenge, the Milk Can Escape, the Chinese Water Torture Cell and the Suspended Straitjacket Escape. How did a poor, uneducated boy rise out of poverty and become the greatest illusionist of the 20th century? The story of Houdini's life is not only entertaining, but also educational. His struggles in life and his determination to succeed are a lesson to all.”

It was fun being educated about a historical figure, albeit a magician, excuse me, an illusionist. The artwork was good; it fit the dialogue and plotline very well. C.E.L. Welsh did some serious research, and presented a very nice picture of Houdini and made me understand a figure that has been made to be larger than life, an icon. I can now understand and appreciate his accomplishments more. Houdini is a true success story, which I didn’t know. Campfire truly fulfilled their mission statement. I am passing this among my family; you can share this graphic with all ages safely; that I really appreciate. One other thing they had near the back cover is “Putting the fun back into reading”. They certainly have done that and much more. Next week I am going to post on their version of Moby Dick, I am really looking forward to it after buzzing through this.

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