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My dear colleagues and friends,

I'd like to bring to your attention that five of my books are available to download free or at a bargain price: the novel An African sunset $0.99 up to 9.11.14 (not the 11.9…); the thriller The remote control job $1.99 up to 11.11.14; Blended Lit. Flashes free to download up to 12,11.14; The novel Summer Tempest 12 – 12.11.14    free to download, and the thriller A Pre-emptive Strike $1.99 up to 15.11.14 at my page with

The book "Blended Lit. Flashes" is free to download at the site of Oauthor without time limit; and here's the link:


An African Sunset



Reouven Shatz a young agronomist is sent to the Coast of Hope, a West African country; to replace an agricultural instructor, whose term reached its end. A small welcome party of three awaits him at the capital's airport, major Abraham Everon the small delegation’s head, Moshe Priel the instructor he is supposed to replace, and his beautiful wife Hilla. He has just landed and he is acquainted with the bad blood between the delegation's members and the embassy's staff.

He spends his first weekend with the Priels in the farm near the town of Dialo, falls in love with Hilla and has a short love affair with her; her husband is being exploited by the local farm manager Da-Silva that claims to have Portuguese blood in his veins, some more local who live along the coast line.

Shatz spends his evenings with major Everon the delegation's head at the club near the capital Mouka. He meets Dario Everon's French partner to the bridge contest at the club, and his young daughter Janine.

The Priels return home and Hilla leaves Shatz with a broken heart, with no other choice left but to courts the young and pretty Janine, and arouses Everon's jealousy. On their way back Everon orders Shatz to cut completely his ties with Janine; Shatz refuse and Everon threatens to send him back home after six weeks of service.


The Remote Control Job


Some eighteen months before the “Tet offensive”, Nick Spree a U.S. marine fell into the hands of the Viet Cong during a night patrol in the South Vietnamese jungle. He was captured in the Hue vicinity, was led by his captors northwards, across the border into North Vietnam; there he was interned as a P.O.W in a reeducation center two and a half miles south of the capital Hanoi.

He is the sole captive in that well camouflaged jungle citadel; previous detainees must have perished by torture and executions. But instead of solitary confinement, day and night harsh interrogations and torture, he is met with bearable conditions and an unexpected treatment. A young beautiful Eurasian comrade Lee Chen Woe her name, conducts his brainwash operation in a peculiar and sophisticated process. However, the process progress is slow, the reeducation center’s commander and staff are frustrated, the hated Eurasian free hand with Nick, the backup she has is a thorn in their eyes. Meanwhile the war enters a further step – the escalation, the American air force B52’s raid the North Vietnamese capital. During this time Lee Chen Woe convinces Nick that she is not his enemy, he starts to believe that she has hidden ties with the South – that she might land a chopper in a nearby jungle clearance to rescue both of them. According to her ambiguous instructions he tries to escape during one of the air raids and fails. He is caught in a deserted jungle shack where he waited for her to join him. He is caught there and loses his consciousness in the brawl with the reeducation’s staff, that were sent out to bring him back, and he loses her as well. After a few days of solitary confinement Nick is sent southward through the Ho Chi Min trail, to serve as a living decoy, to tempt his fighting comrades into deadly traps. In an unexpected almost miraculous escapade he manages to escape at last, and he is rescued by a pair of patrolling choppers. He spends a week in an army hospital in Saigon, tormented by doubt and fears, and by a terrible longing for Lee Chen Woe (Nicole, as she introduced herself to him in his cell). Did he stir her father’s blood in her veins? Was that the reason? Was she behind his successful escape? Or was she arrested as a traitor herself and put under torture? He wonders desperately crushed almost by his doubts and fears. But above all, will he ever see her again? The only woman he ever adored and worshiped; the blue-eyed living myth, which was just nineteen years old when he met her in his cell. These thoughts kept haunting him, while he was interrogated by the army intelligence and the C.I.A branch in Saigon. 

He is dishonorably discharged according to the C.I.A Saigon branch recommendations and flies back home. Eight months later a KGB agent, contacts him in New York City, and offers him to meet Nicole again. The infatuated Nick travels to Montreal, to join the spy ring headed by his ex lover and tormentor Lee Chen Woe.  After several days of getting to know his new surroundings, he meets Nicole and becomes her assistant and fiancée. Things are pretty well at the beginning but while Nick is being prepared for his next mission, there is a turn of power in Moscow; Nicole is summoned back by her new KGB boss, but instead of rotting in Lubianka’s torture dungeons she decides to flee and takes Nick with her. 

"From captivity in NAM to a spy ring in Montreal;" THE REMOTE CONTROL JOB isn't just an espionage thriller, it's an exceptional love story between two enemies The thriller The Remote Control Job includes 131 pages, and is available to download during the dates 5.11.14 – 11.11.14 at $1.99

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