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Mystic Grits: A Southern Girl's Journey to Wisdom by Darelyn DJ Mitsch

Mystic Grits: A Southern Girl's Journey to Wisdom
Darelyn DJ Mitsch
Pyramis Press (June 19, 2009)

Mystic Grits by Darelyn DJ Mitsch is a book about a southern girl's life journey as her spirituality and consciousness evolve. The book, equal parts autobiography and metaphysical nonfiction, is many things: inspiring, humorous, and amazing.

Precious Darelyn Darr (as she was born) was set on her path of discovery from an early age. Confusion about her early bible teachings led her to ask many questions about religion; and although she found peace in her prayers and dreams, she found she got the best answers from her grandmother, Maw Maw. A healer and mystic, Maw Maw was a constant comfort and teacher for DJ, guiding her in life and from beyond.

As DJ’s life journey progressed, she experienced phenomena that fuelled her desire to investigate the spiritual realm and her mystical longings. Aware that relaying her experiences might scare people or cause them to think she was an “airhead” or cause her to become an outcast, she nevertheless found people to whom she gravitated (and who were in turn drawn to her) that she could share her experiences with. Her relationship with her friend, Sharon, is heart wrenching and inspiring and shows the depth of DJ’s loving and accepting spirit, giving us the example that joy and peace can be found in times of loss and grief. It is through relationships with her friends, family, partners, co-workers, and herself that she learns to trust her intuition and really listen to what the universe is telling her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and felt as though DJ was sitting with me, having a conversation. Her wry, self-deprecating style is as engaging and refreshing as it is moving and evocative. It is also courageous in its honest and open depiction of that which we cannot see, but which many people instinctively feel – that is, that spirits and heavenly guides are working around and through us. The frequent journal entries and her reflections on the events effectively – and in many cases, humorously – illustrate her personal evolution and acceptance of circumstances. Early in the book, I decided to mark pages that particularly resonated with me, but soon found that I’d be marking almost every page. This book made me think about not easily explained experiences in my own life in a new way. I came away with a resolve to truly live the moments of my life and to hear what the universe is telling me. Highly Recommended.

Reviewed by William Potter for Reader’s Choice Book Reviews.

Darelyn DJ Mitsch— Born to the pen name, Precious Darelyn Darr, she dropped Precious on her business card when a Volvo dealer confused her with a local stripper and refused her loan. The author became DJ during her radio management career, added a married name — Mitsch in her 30s, and in other ways traveled a path of personal evolution. Now globally recognized as a master business coach and leader, DJ admits she is a modern mystic (in case there was any doubt), and blends the emerging voice of Spirit to close the gaps in leadership.

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