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New YA Novel Release: Mark Venturini's "Whispers From Forbidden Earth"

Mark Venturini has just released his debut YA novel “Whispers From Forbidden Earth”.

Here is the Amazon Kindle link for the novel, it will be available on Kobo and  Barnes and Noble Nook shortly:


Two lives, two worlds, bound together by one accident.

When the young elf Strum first heard the whispers, some on Eversong called it a gift. After all, he is the first of the Iunctus Unus (United Ones) born in centuries. But the whispers are from a bizarre land called Chicago where twelve-year-old Jason Snider lies comatose in a hospital after a terrible accident, an accident that binds the two lives together. If Jason dies, Strum dies.


Forcing open the long-locked portal throws Strum and a pintsize baby dragon into the terrifying world of Chicago. Worse, Her Royal Pain torches the hospital lobby and escapes before Strum can revive Jason.


Strum must find the lost dragon and heal Jason before he can hope to return home. He teams up with a street-smart girl who has her own painful ties to Jason, and the battle is on. For not only is all Chicago chasing them, so are evil mages banished to Earth centuries before. Strum is their chance to return and conquer Eversong. He must stop them, even if it means forfeiting his chance to go home--or worse, his life.


Mark Venturini’s short fiction and flash fiction has appeared in various print and electronic magazines over the years. He founded the Pittsburgh East Scribes critique group in 2010 with the aim of helping aspiring writers pursue their dream of publication. The group has flourished beyond his wildest dreams.


By day, Mark is a Senior Software Engineer for a large regional bank. He enjoys the outdoors and loves to kayak and backpack through the beautiful mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Mark and his wife Kathy also provide pro bono IT services to a variety of nonprofit organizations.  

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