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"Oh , Sam Adams, isn't that the beer guy?" by Amber Schamel

"Oh, Sam Adams, isn't that the beer guy?"

The next person that says that to me is likely to get a thorough tongue lashing from me! LOL

Why? Thank goodness you asked!! :D

Since 1985, Samuel Adams has been known as an alcoholic beverage more than a patriot.  It doesn't help that the Sam Adams Lager website claims "Samuel Adams was a Boston firebrand, a revolutionary thinker who fought for independence. Most importantly, Samuel Adams, was also a brewer who had inherited a brewing tradition from his father." This is partly true, but not completely.

Here's the facts:

  • Samuel Adams Sr. did own a malting company that operated next to their home on Purchase Street. But a malting company is not the same as a brewing company. The Adams family manufactured barley malt, which is used in making beer. They did not make beer themselves.
  •  Sam Adams was made a partner in the family malting business, however he was quite unsuccessful in running it and after his father's death, the business failed. That's when Sam turned to tax collecting and politics.

That in mind, it's quite a stretch to say that Samuel Adams is a beer guy. However, with a background in marketing, I must say that naming their company after this patriot was a great marketing strategy.  First, it gives the consumers a good American feeling, a feeling of patriotism, history and heritage to go along with their beer. Second, it gives them a distinctly Boston image.

So, in truth, Sam Adams the Beer Man is more marketing gimmick than fact.

While I give kudos to the Boston Lager for their clever marketing, as a historical author and patriot, I feel it is very important that the American people rediscover our founding fathers for who they really were. Men of courage, patriotism, faith, and conviction. If we so degrade the founders of our nation to drunken men, how can the people esteem the country they instituted? It's time to dust off the history books and discover the truth of the founding of this great nation.


Amber Schamel is the author of Samuel Adams, volume two in Remington Colt's Declaration of Independence Series. Get a glimpse into the minds, hearts and lives of our founding fathers in this historically accurate, bestselling series!

Check it out on Amazon!

Best selling author Amber Schamel writes riveting stories that bring HIStory to life. She has a passion for history, books and her Savior. This combination results in what her readers call "historical fiction at its finest". A homeschool graduate from a family of 12 children, Amber found her calling early in life. First published at age 21, she has continued to hone her craft and was honored to be a judge of this year's ACFW Genesis contest. Between ministry, family and working in their family businesses, Amber loves to connect with readers. Find her on the Stitches Thru Time blog, or on any of the major social media sites.


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