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Sam Lang Is At It Again! This Time He Is "Redefining Ron"!

 Redefining Ron

By Sam Lang

I wanted to go back and revisit one of my stories that has been available for some time now. Theoretical Fishsticks was intended to be a one-time deal. The problem is that I kind of like the main character, Ron Ungary. He’s a nerd or geek and knows enough to be dangerous. His personality can grate on your nerves. And he does not mind telling you when you’re wrong.

Theoretical Fishsticks recently got a shiny new cover. With that, I asked if I could add a tagline, sort of give the series a name. Oh, sorry, got ahead of myself. Yeah, I’m thinking Ron will get his own series, but it will be special. He’s only going to come around for the holidays. Once a year, he will make an appearance. More than that might be too much. He has that effect on people.

Back to the tagline: A Ron Ungary Inconvenience. I think that sums it up nicely. Almost everything that happens in Ron’s life, not according to his plan, is an inconvenience. Those little inconveniences end up on show for our delight.

The first story, Theoretical Fishsticks, happened around last Christmastime. Ron’s next appearance will be in time for Halloween 2012.

Why not take a moment to get to know Ron? You can do so here for a scant $0.99 - . A little something to tide you over until the next inconvenience.

If you click on over to my new author page ( ), you can stay up to date on Ron’s next appearance, as well as developments for Severed, my zombie tale.

Until the next time,



To see Sam Lang’s Amazon Author Page:


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