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'The Messages in our Water' by world-renowned scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto


by Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water makes up over 70% of the human body, and without it, we cannot survive for more than a few days. 

Water helps maintain the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and enzymes within our body so we can stay in optimum health.  

When we drink and eat the right liquids and foods, our blood pH remains balanced (slightly alkaline) and we continue to thrive both physically and mentally.  

However, in our modern societies, maintaining a healthy diet often proves more challenging than not. That's why it is even more important to counterbalance the

negative effects of an overly acidic diet by drinking alkaline water. Dr Masaru Emoto is an international authority and life-long researcher on water, who authored 3 best sellers on the subject.

Through his extensive research work, he has found that alkaline water is not only the healthiest option available to modern man, but also that it shows the most beautiful molecular structure under a microscope. 

While the microscopic appearance of the water molecules may be perceived as irrelevant, it is in fact directly correlated to the integrity and state of heath of the same molecules and the creatures they make up. 

Since the beauty of our water is synonymous to molecular order and well-being, it is therefore our responsibility to seek to only deliver 'the most 'beautiful' water available to us to our bodies.

In the interview excerpt below, Dr Emoto clearly highlights the essential role water plays in our health, and how drinking the right type of water is of paramount importance.

He explains why ionized alkaline water is the healthiest option for modern men who do not have access to pure, crystalline water directly from the source. 

For more information on pure alkaline water (Kangen water), please be sure to contact me at or 786-308-9552.

'Water Tells The Truth'

An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto By Michelene K. Bell Publisher, In Light Times

Dr. Masaru Emoto Says: “I have devoted most of my active medical life researching the cause and cure of different pains in the human body. 

As a result of my break-through discovery in medicine, we are now able to prevent and even cure most of the painful degenerative diseases of the human body. 

This new science of medicine, for the first time in our long history, exposes the basics for achieving a much healthier and longer life for mankind in the future."

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July, 1943. 

He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. 

In 1986, he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. 

Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. 

The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher 

but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length, he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature. 

He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

He is the author of the best-selling books, 'Messages from Water', 'The Hidden Messages in Water, and 'The True Power of Water'. 

He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of the I.H.M. General Research Institute 

and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization.

MKB: Dr. Emoto, you are world-renowned on your research with water. Why this field of study and when did you start?

Dr. Emoto: It was 21 years ago. While I was playing golf with American scientists, my leg began to hurt. One of them gave me a spray bottle of water and recommended that I spray the water on the affected part of my leg. I followed his advice and the pain went away rather quickly. This intrigued me, and was the catalyst that sparked my interest in water.

MKB: Please explain your method of processing?

Dr. Emoto: In terms of taking water crystal photos, we put a single drop of water (our sample) onto plastic Petri dishes. We prepare 50 dishes this way. 

Then, they are placed in a freezer with a temperature of -30 degrees for three hrs. Our researcher takes out each dish from the refrigerator, 

then in a cold room of 5 degrees, observes it under a microscope. At the appropriate timing, as the water crystal develops our researcher takes a photograph.

MKB: How does quantum physics relate to you water studies?

Dr. Emoto: Because I am a water researcher, and not a traditional scientist, I am not an authority on quantum physics. Yet, I have read many books on the subject. 

In quantum physics, as I understand it, the consciousness of the observer affects the physical phenomenon of that which is being observed. Similarly, in water crystal photography, the consciousness of the observer affects the outcome of the experiments, thus affecting the shape of the crystals.

In this way, I believe, quantum physicists can study the world of quantum physics, without any huge apparatus and without incurring big expenses, 

by simply utilizing water crystal technology to record the quantum effects of the observer.

MKB: What is magnetic resonance and how does it relate to water?

Dr. Emoto: Magnetic resonance deals with hydrogen atoms in water and is a detectable magnetic field. 

In conventional medicine, this signal (in the water our bodies are made of) can be manipulated by additional magnetic fields to build up enough information to construct

an image of the body. That is the basis for MRIs. The same applies regarding magnetic resonance in the waters of the world, which through the conductivity in it, allows information to be transmitted. It is a natural state, a world of Ying and Yang, plus and minus. All water has this property.

MKB: Through your research what is the most remarkable findings about water?

Dr. Emoto: This year, several scientific discoveries have shown that water has memory. Mainstream science and recent documentary films are contributing in spreading this fact to the general public. In addition, I think what’s fascinating is that water exists in multiple forms. Liquid, gas, and solid. It is the only substance that has these properties. 

It exists in many dimensions, so to speak. In the future, it will be more and more important for us to use water as a medium to exchange information between different dimensional states.

MKB: What do you mean when you say water has memory? Are you saying it has intelligence?

Dr. Emoto: Water has a role to carry information, and I don’t think it has intelligence. In essence, water is a mirror of the human mind. A mirror of humanity.

MKB: You mention in “The Message from Water” that our words, thoughts, emotions, sounds, music and intentional prayer can impact water’s structure. 

So how do words like love, peace, gratitude raise the vibrations of water?

Dr. Emoto: I am certain that such words raise the vibrations of water, just as they raise the vibrations of people. After all, we are made of water. 

I have found that when the vibration is very high, a very delicate form of crystal is observed under the microscope. The more delicate crystal you find, the higher vibration the water contains. These words carry a high vibratory signature, that when combined with human interaction, resonate at a very high level.

MKB: What type of words cause the most dramatic changes and how?

Dr. Emoto: As I have expressed in my studies, it is the words “Love and Gratitude”. Love is an active energy. Gratitude is a passive energy.

God created these two energies as Ying and Yang in the beginning, when the world was created. Therefore, when you present these vibrations to water, water will respond in a profound way, and show you a very beautiful shape of a crystal.

MKB: You speak often of prayer. How does the act of praying effect water?

Dr. Emoto: Physically speaking, the power of prayer can be expressed as E=mc2, where E is total energy, m represents the

number of people, and c is consciousness. When the vibration from this combination becomes unified, it is subtle and strong.

I believe, there is a supersonic effect. It is proven by some scientists that after water is treated with supersonic waves of this nature it becomes better water.

MKB: Once we have infused our water, say a three gallon container, how long does the water remain changed?

Dr. Emoto: It depends on the purity of the HADO (subtle energies) and how the HADO has been infused. For example, was it a human intention like prayer or thought, or a mechanical one, or music, or a written word? It will be different in each case. For the most part, water retains the vibration. However it is better to repeat it for maximum retention of HADO energy.

MKB: What happens if we have no thoughts about the water we drink? Where does it fit on the scale of benefits?

Dr. Emoto: On a scale of 1 to 10, the benefits begin when you focus your thoughts towards the water. The greater your intentions the higher the benefit. No thoughts being 0 in added benefits, and pure selfless intentions 10. The true benefits arise from energetically connecting with your water.

MKB: Say for instance we are in a room that is playing beautiful music. Is our water going to form beautiful crystals or do we have to place our intent into that glass of water?

Dr. Emoto: Your intent is valuable but not necessary. If beautiful music is playing in a room and water was placed there, water will show a very beautiful crystal. 

This is because it is receiving a pure vibration, resonating at a specific frequency.

MKB: Since our universe is comprised of energy, is it possible to change water from long distance?

Dr. Emoto: I think it is possible. For example, we have discovered that we can change the structure of a glass of water in Tokyo from a foreign country. 

Also, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is doing a relevant experiment, which shows that water is all connected. You can learn about his discoveries in the documentary film “Water”, which shares many of the discoveries science is making about water.

MKB: Would you please explain what is “clustered” water?

Dr. Emoto: In chemistry a water cluster is a discrete hydrogen bonded assembly or cluster of molecules of water. You cannot see these clusters with the naked eye. Yet, water molecules are packed into many of these groups in liquid water. Although it is still a hypothesis at present, this group is called a cluster. Chemists are studying these clusters so they may provide more information.

MKB: Is there a difference in cluster sizes and which one benefits the body more completely?

Dr. Emoto: Imagine a lunchbox filled with grapes. Then, imagine another lunchbox filled with grains of rice. In which lunchbox is the conductivity higher? It is the one with rice, because it is packed more densely. Regarding water, it is water with a higher conductivity, in other words, water in which information is transmitted. This means that theoretically, water with smaller clusters is better water.

MKB: What words are associated with smaller clusters vs. larger clusters?

Dr. Emoto: Negative phrases and words will create large clusters while loving, positive words and phrases will form beautiful crystal clusters. 

Slang phrases such as “you fool” can destroy the process of clusters forming.

MKB: Dr. Emoto, there is controversy about distilled water. Are there benefits from drinking distilled water?

Dr. Emoto: Pure distilled water will wash away essential minerals from the body, and so it might not be a good idea to drink only pure distilled water. Yet, we have found that distilled water will accept information more easily. So, distilled water with information, which is sometimes called functional water in Japan, not called distilled water anymore, can be a very good water.

MKB: I believe some of your research included working with stagnant water. What results did you find and what types of water did you test?

Dr. Emoto: Polluted water is, of course, stagnant water. In nature, water comes from a source and flows. In the case of a river, water passes through upstream, midstream and downstream on its way to the ocean. When water comes to our homes, the water might be from a dam at a river, or a reservoir where it is no longer flowing. Such water is stagnant. We tested water at each of these points. We determined that the purist and most beneficial water comes from that which flows, and if water becomes stagnant, the water crystal becomes very bad. We even found that if water gets stagnated badly, it will give off a very bad smell. We also found that by using our methods of research and thoughts, along with intention, that over time the formation of beautiful crystals were created on a stagnant pond.

MKB: What is the most harmful ingredient or ingredients in our drinking water today?

Dr. Emoto: I think it is chlorine. Chlorine can kill colon bacteria, which means that it is very toxic to all the living systems. And it doesn’t matter whether the living system is big or small. 

This is common sense. Fluoride is another ingredient that is harmful.

MKB: Is dehydration a serious concern and how does it effect our health?

Dr. Emoto: If we become dehydrated very badly and the water content of our body reaches 50%, then we would die. This is because only water can maintain the vibration, which is the energy, that sustains all of our systems in the body. The less water we have in our body, the less energy we have. It is crucial that we stay hydrated.

MKB: There have been cases when people drink too much water. Society advocates eight glasses a day. Is this enough and what happens if your body cannot process that much water?

Dr. Emoto: It might be dependent on the size of the glass. If the volume is 200 ml, then 8 glasses is 1.6 liter. In this case, 8 to 10 glasses are standard and good. If there is too much water in your body, then there might be swelling and over hydration. If your body cannot process the water, it means that the kidneys cannot process the water either. In this case, the kidneys are not functioning well and you may need to undergo artificial dialysis. So, take good care of your kidneys and drink the appropriate amount of water for your body type.

MKB: You speak of the messages hidden in water are “telling us to look inside ourselves.” How did you determine this?

Dr. Emoto: The hidden message is actually “Love and Gratitude”. I came to this conclusion because the water that was presented with the words “Love and Gratitude” showed the most beautiful crystals time and time again. I started to contemplate this very deeply. What was it about Love and Gratitude? I realized that these two energies have the most healing and transformative properties. If we look deeper inside ourselves we would be able to see where Love and Gratitude could transform us, and our world.

MKB: Does water impact our spiritual lives and how?

Dr. Emoto: I believe that water contains the blueprint of life, which was created by God. In other words, water contains the intention of God, and we now understand that this is the spiritual aspect of our lives. By focusing our own intention to our water we can reconnect with this spirituality in ourselves.

MKB: Does just speaking an affirmation or thinking a thought about water change it or do we have to believe the water is changed? Is it truly about intention?

Dr. Emoto: Many spiritual teachers are telling us that we should say our wishes or intentions in the past tense, as if it is already so. 

This means that it is necessary to visualize the completed result that we are intending. And so yes, our intention is very important.

MKB: Since our bodies are 75% water, how can we utilize water to improve our health? Is it again based solely on our attitude, intention/faith, visualizing or affirmations?

Dr. Emoto: We should give our love and gratitude to the food and water that we take and then eat or drink it. We should also do the same to the environment, people and all things around us, we should give our love and gratitude as it will show us that everything is a mirror of our thoughts, beliefs and intentions.

MKB: Does a person need to know what is wrong with them in order to be healed? Or, can they just visualize or say positive statements and surround themselves with beautiful music and soothing colors to alter their health?

Dr. Emoto: When you are in a very unhealthy state, it is sometimes difficult to think about your body in a healing manner. You may not think about playing beautiful music, surrounding yourself with positive words and so on. Also, it may become difficult to think about which part of your body is in a state of imbalance. That is when you need your friends or healers to help. You may also find answers or insight in books. During this process, you will gradually become aware of the bad thoughts in you, and these people may help you to change them into good ones. Also books and music may cancel or neutralize your negative energy and you may become healthier. Once you become in a healthier state, you will be in a more balanced state in which you can understand what you have learned. You don’t necessarily need to know what was wrong with you to achieve this.

MKB: Please explain “Long Breathing” - do you think we can live forever?

Dr. Emoto: I learned “Long Breathing” from late Dr. Nobuo Shioya. In Japanese, “Long Breathing” literally means longevity. If you breathe very rapidly, you will take in more oxygen and your body might burn more quickly. So, in a certain extent, your body might be “burning out too fast”. If you breathe slowly, you will keep your body in a healthier state. It is said that you can live up to 125 years. Yet, I think we have the potential to live longer than this, possibly up to 300 years old. Yet, for this to be possible, you need to have the right environment. You need to understand that everything is a vibration. And to resonate in a way that would support such a long life you need good water, good air, good nature, and good vibrations.

MKB: Dr. Emoto, what does your research reflect between individual and group intention?

Emoto: As I mentioned earlier, the power of prayer can be expressed as E=mc2, where E is total energy, m represents the number of people, and c is consciousness. When the vibration from this combination becomes unified, it is subtle and strong. The affect is magnified when more than one person resonates with this consciousness. Lynn McTaggert has done many studies on this very subject.

MKB: Our water sources on the Earth are rapidly disappearing or unusable. What can we, as a mass conscious society do in order to

save our water supply?

Dr. Emoto: We now know that consciousness effects matter. We must use our consciousness to raise the vibration of the living waters on our planet. This includes all the oceans, rivers, streams and people on the Earth. Yes, people, too. We are all made of water as well.

MKB: Does water impact our spiritual lives and how?

Dr. Emoto: I believe that water contains the blueprint of life, which was created by God. In other words, water contains the intention of God, and we now understand that this is the spiritual aspect of our lives. By focusing our own intention to our water we can reconnect with this spirituality in ourselves.

MKB: Does just speaking an affirmation or thinking a thought about water change it or do we have to believe the water is changed? Is it truly about intention?

Dr. Emoto: Many spiritual teachers are telling us that we should say our wishes or intentions in the past tense, as if it is already so. This means that it is necessary to visualize the completed result that we are intending. And so yes, our intention is very important.

MKB: Since our bodies are 75% water, how can we utilize water to improve our health? Is it again based solely on our attitude, intention/faith, visualizing or affirmations?

Dr. Emoto: We should give our love and gratitude to the food and water that we take and then eat or drink it. We should also do the same to the environment, people and all things around us, we should give our love and gratitude as it will show us that everything is a mirror of our thoughts, beliefs and intentions.

MKB: Our water sources on the Earth are rapidly disappearing or unusable. What can we, as a mass conscious society do in order to save our water supply?

Dr. Emoto: We now know that consciousness effects matter. We must use our consciousness to raise the vibration of the living waters on our planet. This includes all the oceans, rivers, streams and people on the Earth. Yes, people, too. We are all made of water as well.

MKB: Does the water form crystals only in the frozen state or is there instant change when we place our intent through words, prayers,

thoughts or sounds?

Dr. Emoto: There is an instant change. Yet, if you want to see the change as a very stable state in this third dimensional world, you will need to observe the water in its crystalline state. Sensitive people can “feel” this vibrational change.

MKB: What other source of validation is there from your research?

Dr. Emoto: There are many studies being conducted around the world, which validate this research. Some which are featured in the documentary film, “Water”.

MKB: Dr. Emoto, one of your visions is to help humanity realize peace. How do you propose such an undertaking?

Dr. Emoto: I am involved in educating children through teaching them about the messages in water. I have a project called the Emoto Peace Project, which shares the fundamental message that the kindness of our words and actions has a direct effect on the state of the planet and its people. I have shared this message with children in over 70 countries. 

My children’s book has been published in over 45 languages. My goal is to share this with all nations across the world.

MKB: Where do you see humanity evolving to and what are people’s role with planet and home, Mother Earth?

Dr. Emoto: I think humanity is just at the beginning of its first stage. On the second stage, we will evolve our spiritual connection to one another and begin to access the so-called fifth dimensional world. There, we will certainly find guidance regarding the path which awaits us next.

MKB: One last question. If you could impart to the world one message, what would that be?

Dr. Emoto: The message would be the same as that to water. We are all water. So to each other and to the waters of the world, the message is simple. I am sorry, I thank you, I love you, and I respect you. We should not forget these mindful expressions. I am sorry. I thank you. I love you. I respect you.

MKB: It has been an honor and privilege. Thank you for your time.

Following are a few additional quotes from Dr. Emoto specifically directed towards Ionized, Alkaline water and why it is the best form of water to drink.


Dr. Emoto, world famous scientist renowned for his water molecular research at the Hado Institute says; 

"Water is one of the most indispensable substances for the life of human beings. Let's think about the water inside our body.

 Generally, it is said that about 90% or more of the embryonic body is water. Regarding an infant, about 80% of its body is water and an adult

70%. As we grow older, the percentage of water in our body decreases.'

Dr. Emoto has used Magnetic Resonance Analysis to show that distilled water is not like rain water, which contains oxygen and minerals and crystallizes into snowflakes; 

while distilled water has no crystalline structure and is very acidic once exposed to air.

Dr Emoto says, "It is not enough to take in a necessary quantity of water inside the body, but we should take the quality of water into consideration. For instance, the district where a lot of long life people live is blessed with high quality from natural resources. In other words, it is becoming common sense that there are a lot of correlations between the health and the quality of water which we drink every day. Today, even if the water that we drink or use does not contain any detrimental ingredient, the quality of water is not always satisfactory. It is becoming clear that the formation of water crystals reflects the quality of the water. I would be pleased if you would deepen your understanding and interest toward water when you see the photographs that are reported in all my studies and books on water such as the one below."

Alkaline water regulates your body's temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, aids in digestion, transports nutrients within each cell, and dispels acidic wastes. That's why drinking Alkaline water should be a priority so you can maintain perfect health and well-being. And it saves you lots of money too!

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