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Sue Cook's Comments

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At 3:44am on December 28, 2010, Dawn said…

Hi Sue,

Hope you had a great Christmas.


Dawn xxx

At 1:08pm on March 26, 2010, Kate L gave Sue Cook a gift
I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at
At 5:49am on March 19, 2010, Dawn said…
Hi Sue, How are things?

Take care xx
At 6:36am on January 1, 2010, Dawn said…
Happy New Year sue
May all your wishes come truexx

Will let you know how my book gets on.
At 2:23am on December 31, 2009, Rama* said…
Hi Sue,

A very Happy New Year To You...!!!
Kindly accept my invite.

Rama Dixit
At 4:22pm on December 22, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,
Have a Merry Christmas and fab New Year xx
At 6:01am on November 25, 2009, Dawn said…
Guess what? My book has been printed at last! YIPPEE.
At 8:53am on November 9, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,

Well done and congatulations on your radio show!

I really enjoyed the discussions! Hope you did too. :)
At 8:08am on November 8, 2009, Dawn said…
Good Luck Sue ;)
At 5:12am on November 3, 2009, Dawn said…
Thanks Sue, I will let you know when it does. xx
Good luck with the show ;)
At 4:39am on October 26, 2009, Dawn gave Sue Cook a gift
Happy halloween ;)
At 4:36am on October 26, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,
How are you doing?
Did you have problems with delays on your books being printed?
I've just found out that my book is just going to the printers and will take 4 weeks to do!!!! So it's going to be late Nov before its out!( unless there's more delays!) I think sometimes unless you shout nothing gets done :(
Let me know when you do the radio and what station it will be on.
Sorry for moaning. Think i will go for a walk and get some fresh air.
Take care,
Dawn xxx
At 3:40am on October 5, 2009, Dawn said…
Yes because I'm doing a series of My Friends and Me. At the mo I am doing the final edit on the second book, plus i have started jotting down storylines, ideas etc for more in the series. I find it keeps the characters fresh in my mind and the more i write about them the more they come alive! I can envision all sorts of adventures for them. As soon as an idea pops into my head i have to write it down even if it's not for the story I'm doing at the time, I know it will fit into one later on.
At 2:17am on October 3, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,
Are you back yet?
Hope you enjoyed yourself as well as working hard. :)
At 1:50am on August 25, 2009, Dawn said…
I'm very pleased with the cover.
I had some ideas of how i wanted it to look but also wanted the illustrator (Rama Dixit ) to put her mark on it as well. I know people say never judge a book by its cover, but i think its the first thing you see before picking it up and to me its just as improtant as the story.
Dawn ;)
At 7:28am on August 24, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,
You are very busy! I wish you luck with all. Dont forget to take time out for yourself.
I've just received my book cover and finale review for the typeset! and then it's to the printing stage. Now it looks like a book haha.
Take care ;)
At 6:00am on August 20, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue,
How is your novel coming along?
At 12:50am on July 16, 2009, Dawn said…
Thanks Sue,
My book comes out on the 31st Oct! It is a date i will not forget haha
At 7:14am on July 15, 2009, Dawn said…
Hi Sue! Good luck with the book:)
At 6:36am on July 15, 2009, Ann B. Keller said…
Welcome, Sue! We're delighted that you could join us.

Hope you find a new agent soon. If you have an agent, you'll be a leg up on most of us. Best of luck!

Ann B. Keller
Author of Crenellations and BRIGGEN

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