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For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Bill Frank's Comments

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At 7:06pm on September 26, 2007, Stonehome said…
Hello from Ontario, Canada. Thanks for the invitation to join your friendship circle. I'm pleased to be invited and look forward to keeping in touch. Writing can sometimes be a lonely occupation but the solitude eases somewhat when one has friends who share the same occupation.
At 3:18pm on September 26, 2007, C.D.Grant said…
Thank you so much for the friend request...I am working on 2 books and a company...but I will get here as much as possible
At 12:07pm on September 25, 2007, Elaine Deyo said…
Thank you, I accept your invitation. I have a great deal of reading yet to find out exactly what all this sit offers. I'll be doing that in the days ahead. Then I can be a productive member. Best, Elaine
At 10:51am on September 25, 2007, Winona Rasheed said…
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the friend request.
At 12:02am on September 25, 2007, Gretchen Wilsenach said…
Thanks Bill. Let us keep in touch. I am new here but will be writing and asking questions soon.
At 12:59pm on September 20, 2007, Christie Silvers said…
Thanks for the friends request. :-)
At 11:45am on September 20, 2007, Barbara Techel said…
Thanks for the invite!
At 10:52pm on September 19, 2007, Joel McGee said…
Mr. Frank,

I thankyou for the invite. As I am new to the author business, any friends and/or help is greatly appreciated. I look forward to learning much from you and others. Quite excited I am.

Thanks again,
At 7:56pm on September 16, 2007, Jennarosa said…
Thank you so much for the invitation.
At 1:51pm on September 16, 2007, Ron Adams said…
Thank you for the invitation. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch.

At 9:26pm on September 14, 2007, Reason said…
thanks for the invite, i look forward to networking with you
At 10:57am on September 12, 2007, Liz Wilson said…
Thanks for the invite!
At 8:57pm on September 11, 2007, Linda-Reducer Walker said…
Thank you so much for the invitation.
Click-On! to Weight Reduction is my only book right now. I am working on 2 novels for possible publication.
With a Smile, Linda-Reducer
At 6:31pm on September 11, 2007, Bren Yarbrough Bruhn said…
Thanks for the invite! Hope you have a beautiful evening.
Many blessings,
At 3:08pm on September 11, 2007, Kenneth L. Griffin said…
Hi Bill. My book, Where Do I Go From Here? was published and released Jan. 22, 2007. Do you understand sale ranking? If so, would you explain it to me? This was my very first novel and if I do say so myself a very good one that I put a lot of my time and hard earned money into. My problem is with my publishing company. The only time they tell you how many books you've sold is every six months. But, only through them, not the major book stores. By the way, my book is online sales only. So, is there anyway that an author can keep track of how many copies his/ her book is selling? I Don't know wether or not that this is you expertise but if you can give me some good advice, I would greatly appreciate it. If you your book has already been published by a company, is it possible for another publishing company to publish it also?
At 12:55am on September 11, 2007, E.J. Samadhi Whitehouse said…
Greetings Mr. Bill! Thanks for inviting me in to share and grow and become part of the community of creative "peeps" on this wonderful site. Ms. Blackburn told me about it and I'm sure glad she passed it on!
It's late but I wanted to see who Bill Frank was and so I've just had a quick peek at your pages and had a bit of a laugh when I saw your Forum on "How Can I get a Prominent Place in Bookstores" because only a few days ago, I was in a store, saw my book, Circles in the Sand, with her spine blending in with all the others, pleading for patrons to krink their necks to see the I did what any momma would do...I grabbed my baby, dusted off her jacket, and placed her face up on the shelf below which had a bit of room after I moved things gently and unobtrusively around and there she sat, front and centre and looking gorgeous! I was so proud!! So I look forward to reading your ideas which may be more orthodox than mine!!
Good night and I hope you and all who read this will open up the below link to ATTRACT WORLD PEACE and we can join hearts together if only for a moment....

I'm grateful for a normal, quiet evening and morning, with no fear of bombs or threats or dangers...I hold this day in gratitude.
At 4:57pm on September 7, 2007, Brenda Blackburn said…
Thanks for adding me Bill! I'm just starting to build my page, and look forward visiting your site and chatting in the near future! Thanks again!
At 2:31pm on September 6, 2007, Ane Mulligan said…
Thanks for the invite here, too.
At 5:57pm on September 4, 2007, Gene McVay said…
Do you have any advice about book signing events for fledgling authors? I have heard that some new authors bring their own books to Barnes & Noble on a consignment basis for the event. At least that is what I understood from an author in San Diego. I am the moderator of a book promotion forum and would like to share your thoughts on the subject. Do you know how to set one up?
Regards, Gene
At 5:45pm on September 4, 2007, Karen Anne Webb said…
Hi, thanks for the friend invite! I'm still setting up my page here but my genre is science fiction and fantasy and I work as a book editor in these and other genres (and am open to freelance assignments). Anxious to see what you have to say about marketing, as my publisher is smaller (not vanity or POD, just not big) and you have to do a bit of hustling if you want to get the word out!

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