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Foreign and domestic terrorists continue to poke and probe at our defenses with the sinister intent to use chemical, biological or nuclear weapons (WMD) against us. If they are successful, can we respond to and manage the death and destruction that we’ll face in the aftermath?

Giant steps have been taken to coordinate and incorporate civilian and military assets into dedicated prevention and response forces, and fast paced efforts are ongoing. This post will be a quick introduction. The “how consequence management works” will be addressed in subsequent posts.

Is the terrorist threat real? Yes, though many conspiracy theorists think not and believe our “evil” government is behind it all, including blowing up the twin towers. Their brain cells are fried and as for the rest of us, our memories are short. Most Americans equate 9/11 as the beginning of the terrorist attacks on our soil. Not so. The 1993 bombing of the New York twin towers was the precursor. The subsequent investigation and trial testimony revealed the terrorists meant to topple one tower into the other and shroud both in a cascading cloud of cyanide gas. If the plan had worked tens of thousands of us would have been killed. It didn’t because the cyanide gas was destroyed in the heat of the explosion rather than vaporizing into a death cloud as the terrorists planned. And do you recall Ramzi Yousef, the man who built the bomb? Two years later Yousef was arrested for plotting to blow up 11 U.S. passenger planes to cause, as he boasted, “One spectacular day of terrorist rage.”

Besides wringing our hands worrying about an attack what are we doing? Actually we’re doing a number of things. Here’s one step. Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 39 was issued by President Clinton in 1995 to establish response and management guidelines for a WMD terrorist attack. The PDD divides threats into two categories: crisis response and consequence management. Since the issuance of the guidelines there have been a series of directives and laws that further define the response and management mission.

In a best case scenario, which never happens, here’s the way a crisis response works. The plot is uncovered, the terrorists that are preparing to set off a WMD are identified, and the operation is neutralized or “taken down.” The homeland response for responding to such crises falls under the purview of the FBI. Overseas the response is handled by the Department of State, Office of Counterterrorism.

Consequence management comes into play if terrorists successfully deploy a WMD. The PDD also details how the physical, socio-economic, and psychological effects of a chemical or biological attack should be addressed, to include the coordination of local, regional, national, and international assets before, during, and after an attack. These assets include the military working in concert with its domestic counterparts.

In reality there has to be joint planning and coordination between the crisis response and the consequence management folks long before there is an incident. There can’t be a rigid division between the two and there isn’t. Information sharing and real time communication are essential. I can say from personal experience that during a crisis, even a small one, there’s a lot of confusion and information that turns out not to be true. To minimize this all of the right pieces have to be connected before an attack occurs. During a crisis this Abbott and Costello routine can’t happen.

Abbott: Now let's see. We have on the bags - we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.

Costello: Well then who's on first?

Abbott: Yes!

Costello: I mean the fellow's name!

Abbott: Who!

Are we totally prepared? Of course not, but force ready responders are being trained and deployed. Much more needs to be done but progress is being made. The situation is far from being all doom and gloom.

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