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Since I was a child, I knew I was destined for greatness. I knew in my heart at a very young age I was created for a purpose and God would use me in an amazing way someday. Although, my life hasn’t been easy and despite my own actions, God has always been with me from the very beginning. In times of trouble, I couldn’t see this. In my inability to seek Him I would cause myself more pain and heartache than I would’ve had to endure if I had only heeded the many words people spoke into my life. (I’m hard-headed.)

But, there’s good news. I’m here to tell you, it wasn’t in vain. Every tear I shed, every heartbreaking experience I suffered, and every wrong that has ever been done to me wasn’t for nothing. I’m grateful for all individuals and experiences (positive or negative) that have come my way. Don’t get me wrong, I still do have some hurt in my heart. I still do feel pain about many situations and there are days when I’m Doubting Thomas. However, I no longer look to what lies behind me. I press forward to what lies ahead of me. It’s a higher calling in Christ Jesus that I seek to obtain.

That’s where TELL THEM THAT I LOVE THEM comes in. Writing this book, I must say has truly been an amazing experience. The woman who started this book is definitely not the woman who finished it. I have been totally transformed throughout the course of writing this book and delivering God’s message. The message is being delivered to me as I write the book.

I have experienced an awakening in my spirit I have never known. It seems as though the scales have fallen off of my eyes and now I can truly experience the PLANS My Father has for me. I have experienced God’s Grace, His Mercy, His Redemptive Power and His Love. I wish I could give you all what I have received. So, people, I will share with you my experiences and let the Spirit do what the Spirit does.

First, I would like to say this is not your typical book. God is taking an aggressive stand. He has heard the cries of His children and He knows His covenant with His Son. Also, He has awakened many of you and has planted seeds within you to do His Good Purpose. Water the seed, people. Believe God can make your dreams…your visions come true. Believe He will and does want your dreams to come true. Believe there’s a word spoken over your lives. Believe “You” are Princes and Princesses. “You” are sons and daughters of the Most High God.

And, if I could give you any advice, it would be to read your bibles. Stay in your Word people! No matter what you are going through. No matter what you are doing. It doesn’t matter where you are in life. It doesn’t matter what sin is present in your life, stay in the Word. Whether you are drinking, smoking, having sex, cheating on your spouse, selling drugs, selling yourself (for love or money), gang banging, gambling, masturbating (I told you this is not your typical book!), embezzling, gossiping or hating on others. (WOW! That was a lot!) It doesn’t matter if you are miserable or filled with hate, read your bibles. There’s Transforming Power in the Word. I have experienced and I am experiencing the Transforming Power of God and you will too if you stay in your Word.

I also want to warn you that THIS BOOK IS SHOCKING! This book isn’t for the faint at heart. It isn’t for those who want to play with God. It’s not for the person who doesn’t think God isn’t taking His people to another level. It’s not for those who don’t seek to free themselves once and for all. It’s not for those who want to continue to straddle the fence. (Trust me I know!)

I must warn you the road we will travel down won’t be an easy or smooth. This book is a representation of how life truly can be. It’s organized chaos. However, I promise you by the time we finish it will be worth the roller coast ride by the end. (I know it was worth it for me.) During the last year, there are and were times when I would sit back and think about all the Lord has done for me and is doing for me. He’s patient, kind and long-suffering. His grace and mercy abounds and is plentiful. I often ask myself if I can ever love to the extent He does. Can I ever be all He has called me to be? The answer is yes and no. The answer is yes because He’s transforming me and is within me. He said if I abide in Him, He will abide in me. It’s not me doing this it’s the Grace of God in me. He’s only using me as a vessel to obtain His Glory and accomplish His Mission.

The reason I say no as to if I can love like He does is I feel as though none of us could ever truly love as He loves but we can all strive to. To drive my point home, let me ask a question. Could you as a parent send your child to a place where you know your enemies will kill Him? Could you watch your child be killed to save your enemies? If you were the King of Kings and Lord of lords, would you leave your Heavenly Kingdom to come be a lowly servant for your enemies? I know I want to and I couldn’t. That why He’s God!
So, with no further ado…grab a comfortable seat, get yourself a box of tissue, some refreshments, relax and get ready to experience God’s Love, His Grace, His Redemptive Power, His Wisdom and His Message. Which is…?


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