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“I have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise” God’s very declaration about this life. A world that is overun with thousands upon thousands of people who are very intelligent or masquerading as someone who is that Blessed.  God has told us in his word that this breed of humanity has always stumbled with the way things are supposed to work, function, live and breathe, because in their ’highly intellectual minds’ if it doesn’t operate in the way they perceive it, then it doesn’t really exist nor could it ever happen and surely has never happened.

The Bible has told us that God instructed Moses to throw down his rod on the ground and guess what… turned into a snake.  Pick it up Moses!!  The snake immediately turned back into the rod.  Well you and I know that there is no way this happened.  There is positively no scientific way such a transformation could occur.  As the nation of Israel was led out of Egypt God provided bread from Heaven which he described as Manna.  Over a million people were sustained for years on bread falling from Heaven…….impossible!  When God had led them to the edge of the Red Sea and they were being pursued by the Egyptian army God said to Moses ’Lift your rod and point it towards the sea’ and guess what happened next….yeah right…..the sea parted and they walked through on dry land and then Moses lowered his rod and the sea closed and drowned the entire Egyptian army.  Sounds like something from Raiders Of The Lost Ark.  Oh by the way about that Ark. When King David decided it was time to retrieve the Ark he sent some of his Faithful to bring it to him and as they were in transit the Ark began to tip over and one of the men reached out to catch it and he was struck dead.  This is beginning to become weirder and weirder, a box that all of Israel swears God presides in has just blown David’s friend away. 

Then there was the story of the prophet Jonah who God insisted go to the city of Nineveh and tell them of there impending doom unless they turned from their evil ways and turned to God.  This man wanted no part of God’s plan and took off on a ship to get as far away as he could from Nineveh.  In the journey a great storm rose up and the sailors aboard questioned Jonah and he replied that they should throw him overboard, because he was the reason for their peril.  Upon chunking him overboard a whale swallowed Jonah and he lived in his stomach for 3 days at which time the whale threw him up in……where else……Nineveh.  Another story that tells the intellectual crowd anyone who believes this crap needs a session on a couch.

God had always said through his prophets that he would one day send his people, Israel a Savior.  Now the unbelievable continues. A Angel appears to a young virgin named Mary and tells her that she will bear a child and his name will be Jesus and he will save his people.  Mary wonders how is this possible when I have known no man.  Her husband Joseph is also wondering how is his soon to be wife pregnant?  Nine months later she conceives this child in a stable amongst livestock.  The baby laying in a manger and his parents look up and there appears three wiseman bearing gifts saying they have been told of such an arrival of a child…..a King, the Son of God.

This child at the young age of twelve is found by Mary and Joseph in the Temple after searching for him for 3 days.  He says he is about his Father’s business.  Speaking to Scribes and Scholars. We don’t really have much of a clue about Jesus’ life from this time until he reaches thirty. Then things will really get your head spinning.  Get ready to screw your intellectual heads on.

Jesus meets his cousin John the Baptist and ask him to Baptise him.  Reluctlantly John agrees and when Jesus comes out of the water a dove from the sky comes and sits upon Jesus’ head and a voice from Heaven speaks out ’This is by beloved Son, whom which I am well pleased’  That didn’t really happen because everyone knows that voices don’t come out of the Heavens.  Jesus begins his search for the men he will appoint as his apostles.  After he has hand picked twelve men he will instruct on how to change the world the miracles I mean the fantasy begins.  During a storm at sea the apostles witness Jesus walking on water and he invites Peter to join him….which he does only to sink when he takes his eyes off Jesus and watches the storm.  Jesus encounters the blind…..they see!  Jesus meets the cripple….they walk!  Jesus speaks to a young woman at a well and tells her everything shes ever done in her life and tells her he is the Messiah and he forgives her of her sins.  When preaching one day to 5,000 people he decides they must be hungry, and he ask the apostles what do we have?  Two barley loaves and five fishes and Jesus looks to Heaven and prays and you ain’t gonna believe this one Einsteins of the world, he feeds the 5,000 and even has left overs.  Jesus had a very close friend who became ill and died.  His sisters had pleaded for days for Jesus to come and pray, but for some reason Jesus waited a few days (maybe 3) before he made the trip.  Upon arriving he found Lazarus dead and his sisters very irate with Jesus.  Jesus told them he was asleep and they and their friends almost laughed him out of the house.  They went to burial site and Jesus spoke ’Lazarus come forth!!’  Wow…..Wow……Wow, here comes Lazarus bound like a mummy and the crowd was in shock and awe.  Once again the Son of God had defied logic and blown a lot of people’s minds.  Whoa…..almost forgot two other unbelievable and unexplainable miracles. Jesus and his family were invited to a wedding and during the wedding feast Jesus Mother said that they had run out of wine.  Jesus reluctantly agreed to handle the problem. As a few of Jesus friends filled large pots with water Jesus prayed over them and upon the guest drinking from them declared it was the best wine of the event.  The other incredible feat Jesus performed was in confronting a man running around naked in the graveyard.  The man was obviously possessed by the Devil and Jesus spoke to the demons and asked their names and they responded ‘Legion’  They said to Jesus please allow us to enter in to a herd of pigs nearby and Jesus told them to go. Upon entering the herd the pigs ran down a cliff and jumped in the sea.  This man Jesus was either the most lied about man in history and his followers wrote the best selling book of all time or this man Jesus was and is indeed the true Messiah.

Now this book the Bible, our handbook on how to get through this life in one piece is either the best by far fantasy novel every written or Jesus is indeed God’s Son and the power of the Holy Spirit is capable of doing ANYTHING!  I don’t know if all the 3 days mentioned had any prophesied meaning, but Jesus was removed from the cross of Calvary and placed in a tomb and 3 days latter he arose from the grave. 

Thank you Dear God that I am not and intellectual nor have I ever claimed to be, but what I have is far, far greater than an intellectual mind.  I have the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and he has spoken these things to my heart that they all indeed happened exactly the way the Bible has said and that my Lord Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he has prepared a place in Heaven for every living soul who believes and declares that he is the Son of God.  Intellect has been established to whomever God has chosen.  It is a ways and means to fame and fortune.  As for myself I can’t honestly say that wealth wouldn’t make this life much easier, but if I was spoken to by an Angel and given the choice of everything this world has to offer or my belief in a living God, one who has loved me since the dawn of time, loves me everyday of my life and by acknowledging his Lordship will love me for eternity… know what I’d say……GIVE ME JESUS!!!

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