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Is the treasure they seek the one they truly want?

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Comment by Amy Talbot on August 16, 2010 at 10:27am
Diamonds and Deceit

Available at:

André Castile wears a mantle of wealth and privilege with the same self-assurance he would an ermine robe. Everything he wants is there for the takinguntil he makes a fatal mistake that leads to the theft of the Queen of Hearts, a priceless heirloom necklace he values most above all else. Driven by revenge, André tracks the Queen of Hearts to the alpine heartland of New Zealand, and to Grace Summerfield. He’s earned a reputation as a hard-nosed negotiator, won in corporate boardrooms a world away from the formidable wintry Southern Alps of New Zealand. Striped of every visage of his vaulted lifestyle, fear and danger stalk him at every turn as André pits himself against the alien environment.

From the moment André walks into her hotel, Grace Summerfield is attracted to him. It is as if they were bound to meet, bound to matter. But Grace conceals a dangerous secret that will destroy her family if it is ever revealed. She knows that a relationship with a man such as André Castile will only end in disaster.

André wants more than her secrets; he wants her trust and he plays for keeps. He is determined to find the truth and uncover the past she tries so hard to conceal. The search for the Queen of Hearts, and for the truth, propels André and Grace on a deadly journey through the untamed high country. Danger dogs their every step. What will they do, how far will they go-which lines will they cross-to find what matters most? What will it ultimately cost them to find what is real, and what is a shoddy approximation?

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