The Book Marketing Network

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Recently, I had a book trailer designed by Hayes Design and Editorial Service, I put it on Google and YouTube. I saw about 213 more sales that following week than what I'd been getting.

When I plugged my trailers into my umpteen nings, I saw an immediate jump, 394 books in one week. However, I cannot say for sure it is the trailers for all of the increase because I have so many promotions going on. I'd be interested to know more about your experiences. Did book trailers boost your sales?

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Lacresha, I had about the same experience, but I can't say for certain that the trailer caused all sales. I, too, have quite a few memberships with a few blogs and forums that might be helping. It's all important.
Wow, that kind of jump in sales must have been very nice. Keep it up regardless of whether it was the trailer or not. I think marketing and promotion is an overall endeavor, not just a single thing that does the trick. You may want to do a cost-benefit analysis next time, but since you already have it, I would use it everywhere I could.

Keep up the good work.

Director: Bauu Institute and Press
Publisher: Great New Books Reviewed
Editor: Indigenous People's Issues Today
Editor: Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources
Brad, where can I go to see a demo before I download Movie Maker?
Movie Maker comes for free on all Windows operating systems. I'm sure if you don't run Windows you can get a copy from Microsoft's website. Macs come with a similar version for free - iMovie.

Here is one I did recently for my book using Movie Maker - all for free: Native American Archaeology in the American West Book Trailer.

A couple hundred hits in just over a week is not bad. I have not checked sales yet to see how it has helped, but I'm sure it will over the long haul.

Director: Bauu Institute and Press
Publisher: Great New Books Reviewed
Editor: Indigenous Peoples Issues Today
Editor: Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources
Lisa and all,

I think what really helped me was the distribution Hayes Design offered me. My trailer is on Google, Myspace, YouTube, and about 100 other sites. Of course, I've added it all over the place too.

Lacresha Hayes
Lisa, I'm going to check this out. Thanks! I've never heard of it.
What is a book trailer?
Mmmm.... Not easy to do that for a fantasy book with home-made resources. I did my book site by Flash and it has both good images and music, but a video is another cake. In order to give a hint of the content I would need much more graphical stuff... I would need an illustrator.
I don't know the connection between the sales and the trailer, but my trailer was noticed by the New Yorker magazine.


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