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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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My contacts at CreateSpace have always been very knowledgeable and helpful. I've always used my own editors and designers, so I've never paid for those services from CreateSpace and so don't know anything pro or con about their quality in those areas. I do know that I've been very impressed with the quality of the printing. I seriously doubt anybody could tell the difference in quality between the books we've done with them and those done through offset.

Steve, I agree with you on the printing. It's good. I don't particularly like the glossy cover as much as the matt finish on my first book. I do wish they'd be a little more careful in the packing. I order author books to sell, give away, or use for marketing, and they replace the damaged ones. But when New Leaf receives a damaged copy, it ends up costing me more than it's worth. But hey, I need a source for metaphysical book store sales and NL has been great to me. Book stores prefer to bundle their orders.


Thanks to all you folks and their comments here. It's really helpful. Now to learn how to get my books on Nook, get folks to go to my website, etc. Oh, to be computer literate! Sigh....

Yes and thank you. This is very helpful. I'm looking forward to your full report. My first book, "EarthShift," was originally printed by Central Plains, now out of business. (2000 books and not one damaged.) It will need to be reprinted soon. My second, "Soul Shift," is with CreateSpace. They're okay and have been good about replacing books damaged in shipping. I don't know if shipping damage is normal or not. A big advantage is their connection to Amazon and Kindle. I'm trying to figure out just how to handle all this. I'd much rather be writing!
Oh my God Michael!!  We should patent you !!  That info on Outskirts Press was brilliant !!  Not sure if THIS is new to you as I get ALL their info on a regular basis to my email. They now assist you with a virtual book tour on the Diamond and above packages. If you'd like me to forward that email just shout. Otherwise  I'm sure they should mention it on their Diamond Package. Thank you SO much for your very valuable info. You go Michael, you go !!
Sure Carole,I absorb all information.My e-mail is
Hi again Michael. Don't Lightening Source only deal with certain "publishers" that you have to go through ? Or is that in order to go through Ingrams ?
Here is an interesting link from a man from Aussie who used Lightning
They ARE Ingrams.They will accept you as a self publisher but since they accept you on that basis your book must be ready to print with no help from them.
Jotting this all down and also checking out that Aussie. Thanks Michael!! . I actually have so much respect for you keeping up with the book publishing world. I don't officially work so spend ALL-DAY on the computer, so do get to see a LOT of stuff. However, I am worn out from keeping up. I'm curious as to what time it is by you as I thought I was pretty much the only one awake, being here in South Africa. Will send you the Outskirts email now.
Theresa,I promise I will buy your boo9k this month,how is that? :)

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