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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Sorry I meant CreateSpace.  Yes that is still Amazon but the author area where you buy copies of your book at a big discount.

I agree with you except skip the publicist. There is nothing they do that you can't do on your own for a lot mess money. Remember they don't sell copies.  They just give you exposure.


Does anyone else just want to tear their hair out when it comes to marketing and promoting and scream "I AM AN AUTHOR not a promoter!!" Why am I spending seemingly endless hours a week pushing my books, taking precious time away from my writing for SO little return?? I get tired and frustrated trying to figure out new methods, means and clever lines to see them flare and then go stale or die.


Then, of course, there are people who claim they know the secret or offer to help - for a price. After 18 months, I'm come to the conclusion there is NO magic bullet, no formula, just hard work to keep ahead of a fickle market that makes no sense.


THAT"S WHAT I'M SCREAMIN!! you can just wear yourself out. I agree about the magic bullet. There's a whole industry just waiting to pick your pocket with "help" with publicity and promotion. My book was out 8 months before it got picked up by a relaunches June 1 and I'm yet can't afford to be tired. It's done very well regionally, now the fear is without personal contact, how will that translate to the shelves?  

I hope your publisher does more for you than my publisher has done for me.  In fact, I was sent a list of what I needed to do, including spending upwards of $5,000 for a publicist!  My publisher puts my book in their magazine connections and takes it to trade shows, but that's it. No press releases, no signing, no scheduled events, nothing. I learned I was responsible for all this AFTER  I signed.


If you don't know what the division of responsibility for marketing your book, ask your publisher.

Well my publisher is doing some pub. and ofcourse the wider distribution. We've been working on the standard stuff like articles and releases through and by them. And yes I knew the division of responsibility before I signed...truth is, unless you've made them tons of cash already, most of the big 5 really shrug the responsibility of marketing off onto the author. Most of them won't even publish you if you don't have a marvelous, ton's of exposure...a huge email list...etc.

It's my take that the mid list or new author still has to do the publicity no matter what, they sign you to round out their offerings and bet on a few proven horses. You get attention after your made and of course the making of you...depends on you. True there are some break outs...I sure would like to know how The Shack did 9 million books and, as they claim, only spent 300.00 on publicity.

The Shack marketed through their key targeted audience: churches.

Plus the book got great word-of-mouth. If you can get word-of-mouth going - which is responsible for 80% of all books sold - then you don't have to spent a lot of money.

What you've gathered is very true. And it's something that most authors today trying to break into print don't understand.


There's still this assumption that, "If I'm signed by one of the big dogs, I've made it, period." So not true.


Every time a publisher picks up a new author, they are gambling, plain and simple.

Social networking does work but you have to take the good with the bad. This is the internet, a land of limitless possibilities and assholes who shovel their discontent upon others behind made up names and goofy images. Take it with a grain of salt.
Sorry, your lawyer would have laughed you off of the phone.

I've got to agree with Paul on this. Social networking does indeed work. I've had a tiny bit of success with it so far. I do have people watch my posts, watch what I'm doing. I've made a few sales through it. I have a fanbase building because of it.


Yet, I also have those assholes come at me as well. I've had several "defriend" me and such. Oh well. I didn't lose anything. In fact, I gained losing a headache. In this day and age, people can say whatever the hell they want. If you want to pay court costs and spend months if not longer in court, then fight it. But really, it's not worth all of that. These idiots simply sit in their basement or in their living in pajamas and search for the next victim they can torment. Do you really think they enjoy their lives? Hell no. They are miserable.


However, when someone attacks you hard enough, it's actually GOOD for publicity purposes ;) Everyone else starts wondering what the hell is going on and comes to see. That's good for you and your sales.


See, just flip your perspective ;)

My biggest problem right now is getting reviews for my recently published book, 'Being a Senior Citizen'. I was published by Red San Publishing and is not self published, which I know is always a problem when trying to market a book.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where and how I can get reviews...which usually mean some sales.

Patrick Kenney


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