The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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LOL - lobotomized - I love it!  I'm a woman WELL passed my 20s write YA fanatay but not paranomal and not romance and I totally agree with you!!!!  One of my favorite authors is Alaistair MacLean. My daughter is in her 20s and her two favorite authors are Michael Critchon and Tom Clancy!!!

Hi Frank,


Good question. My book titled 'Hang On, It’s Not Over Yet' with ISBN 9781907294419 is presently sold print on demand. My challenge now is how to secure bookshops/wholesalers who will be willing to sell off the shelf plus improving on it's visibility as I strongly believe the book has a lot to offer readers - Christian or non Christian. Any ideas on how to improve on sales? Regards. Joseph Arhavbarien (

You will get few bookstores or wholesalers carrying a print-on-demand book. If you create great awareness for the book via offline publicity and online marketing, then - and only then - will the bookstores or wholesalers even give a look at your book. That's just reality.

   For most POD books, the best marketing strategy is to start by doing tons of online promotion.


John Kremer






My biggest challenge seems to be getting my novel above the noise level long enough for it to be recognized. I believe I have a good storyline, a great trailer, and a great cover design. What I lack now is mind-share!


Jeff Horton

Author-The Great Collapse-Survivor of the Pulse


I have a new issue for the group. My book Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months was featured in the Washington Post Sunday Jan 15, 2011 in a syndicated column that ran in over 100 papers across the country and Caribbean. Now my publisher has sold out of the initial print run, and won't have more books til Feb. 22 at the earliest?

I had to purchase the book stock I have from Amazon to fill orders for autographed books. I have a ton of speaking events this months, and more national press in the works and no books. Is this typical?

I read your article but still don't understand what happened. Had you copied and pasted your Amazon reviews into your blog or website, Amazon saw this and decided to remove your reviews from your Amazon page?
Hi Steve. I'm totally new to the "book" scene and don't understand your Amazon reference as my book is still to be pubished. I am attempting to get a marketing plan together. Readers? Purchasers? Influencers? Have NO IDEA where to start ! As I also noted in my initial queston and entry.



Sorry to confuse. I was replying to Theresa's post.


Concerning where to start in book publicity, if you'd like, I can send you a free digital copy of my upcoming book marketing book. It will be out in a couple of months and I'm trying to get select readers who, if they like it, will post Amazon reviews when it first comes out. I left you a note through your personal profile page on this forum, in case you're interested.

I am having great difficulty identifying target markets for my insprational (I sincerely hope) memoir. Do people actually go looking for these types of book ? I think, rightly or wrongly, that normally a friend or collegue would recommend one ? Please help !
Thankyou Theresa for your helpful info. Will look into those avenues. // I see your above post on Amazon. Does this mean only the/a person who actually buys the book on Amazon can do a review?

I.Getting a publisher or an agent to take a chance with a new author in the current market.

2.Getting exposure or in other words( marketing),so that your book sticks out among the hundreds of thousands.

3.Avoiding traps and bad roads outside of agents and publishers.


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