The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Hi all,

I do a web-based radio program called "Celebrating Your Potential". On this program I interview (mostly) authors who've got a good story about themselves and how they got to be where they are. The book itself doesn't HAVE to be about them.

I recently inteviewed Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. who writes about men and relationships mostly yet, during our interview I found how he, with his parents, fled the Nazi's.

If you've write a book that motivates AND you like to talk, I may like to have you on my show as an interviewee.

I also interview people who write about health, mostly from the raw food aspect.

You can listen to the interviews I've done here: and if you think you'd be a fit please contact me at:

Thank you!


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Hi Revvell,
I would love to do an interview with you when my book comes out in January. There are several chapters in my book on the topic of success-what it really is and how to achieve it.

I'll keep you posted.

Btw, I have done radio in the past so I promise I'll be a great guest!
Please do David.

Sooo, nobody else wants to publicize their book on an international "radio" show??? Very strange.
I would be interested in being interviewed. Please contact me through this web site with information and times.

Dennis AuBuchon
Author: Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edtion.
Please email me Dennis.

I click on your name here and am not getting a profile or email addy.

Thank you.


I'd love to do an interview with you. My first book is titled Muslim To Minister. It tells the story of my life having been raised Islamis and then coming to Christianity and then to the Ministry.

I've done two television interviews but no radio yet. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Patrice,

Please email me at

Thank you.

My book and story might be a little different angle on Celebrating Your Potential. It is the rather incredible story of our association with a Katrina family from New Orleans. We found our potential in our ability to have care, compassion and the stamina required to help them find a new life. When the wife left her 4 small children with their step-father, we became co-parents with him. This was a new challenge as we do not have kids. You can read more about the story at - and feel free to contact me if you think it would fit into your theme.
Thank you Stephanie. I received your email and got back to you. Thank you!!!
Phew!!!! Since posting this I've started receiving books and emails from people who want to be interviewed. I've purchased a URL "TheBookCrawler".com (remember "the") and my webmaster/engineer/husband will have that up and running soon. In the meantime I am setting appointments for people who wish to promote themselves AND their books through podcasting. Also, publishers, publicists, etc., feel free to contact me. I'd love to have sponsors for this program.

I've also begun a new ning network called Authors, Speakers, Coaches and Podcasters. Would love it if you're interested in speaking whether through podcasting, radio interviews public speaking and/or if you're a coach to join me there:

Thank you everyone and it will be SO much fun to put voices to your pictures and books!

Hello, Revvell

When I clicked on the link in your original post I get an index of your directory and can't go any further. Is this website still up? I would very much like to discuss your offer with you.



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