The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Any book marketing professionals or writers on LinkedIN? Looking to connect.

I'm just curious to know if any writers or professionals involved in book publishing in anyway are on the great networking site, ?

This is my profile here if anyone wants to explore connections with each other.

I run a web design and online marketing consultancy at Sachi Studio . Tentatively called Book Publishing 2.0, this is a free report that focuses on how book authors can use the next generation of web publishing platforms to sale more books, increase PR, and build a community simultaneously.

I'd love to connect with other marketing professionals who help book authors with their marketing or is any way involved with book authors. I'm all for exploring how we can leverage each other's skillsets in win/win situations.

Aside from my professional skillsets in design, blog applications, and online marketing, I have a solid networking of contacts locally and internationally and look to build relationships with people who believe in total win/win situations.


You can email me at deanhua [at]

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Hello Dean,

I am on Linkedin and would be pleased to be one of your connections. Please send me an invitation to connect at Linkedin.

Hi Roger-
I can't send you an invite because I don't have an email address of yours. Hence, that is why I left my email address at the bottom :)

I see your background is working with people and overcome their challenges with NLP.

BTW- for those who add me to your friend's list on Ning, I'd like to know what is the purpose? For example, I have experience with other social networking platforms like Xing, LinkedIN, Myspace, Facebook, etc... There tends to be benefit to adding a friend, but on Ning's platform, it seems it's just like adding another number to your list.

If there is something that I"m missing with Ning's friend's list, let me know. But I feel a true connection is where honest dialogue can occur b/w two business people and see how and where we can add value to another person's objectives.

I welcome thoughts on this while I keep accepting friend's request :)
Thanks Dean,

I will initiate the contact on Linkedin



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