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I recently contacted 5 local bookstores and 3 have agreed to sell some of my books. One of them will take the book on consignment. Has anyone had any problems with this type of there any other way? The other two stores are owned by friends so there isn't an issue.

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HI Cindy,


Consigment is just a pay as you go plan. I'd
like to suggest for you to create a schedule of
times and dates to follow up with the store
with books sold, payment, and to be sure
they have enough marketing material in the

Be sure you sign an agreement of what the
break is per sale. Is it 50/50 or 60/40?

Request to have a book signing at the store
to draw attention to your book and your
name at the store.

Overall, I've learned it is you the author who
must keep track of your products (your books).
This is your business. Creating a plan/ schedule
to keep in touch, you're ahead of the game.

Continue to make this your day!

Live Life to Leave a Difference,
C.F. Jackson

I've only been successful with consignment. In a way, it's pretty refreshing..hearkening back to a day when a gentleman's handshake was all that was required!

I think each bookstore has been surprised when my book sells too. *grin*
I, too, have contacted several local bookstores, and a few of these do carry my nove.
I have encountered no problems and my book is selling and one of the bookstores set up a book event for me which went very well.
Good luck and keep calling the independent bookstores in your area.
What is the acutal way to get your book in a book store. I am trying to get my book in the book store.
Tyler: I ask.

I walk in, ask for the manager, and ask, "Do you have a section for local authors?"

They are VERY skeptical. They must have seen a lot of crap.

All the bookstores here do it on consignment. This lessens their risk--they pay only if they sell. As a business owner, I can appreciate that.
Consignment is something we do all the time. At the book shop I work at has not problem paying when the books sell. Our consignment books are placed in the section of which they are applicable...not on the botton shelf.

This is done when the book isn't available from a distributor at a standard discount and/or non-returnable. Independent book stores do not and cannot buy in bulk so any prices break for quantity is not available from the publisher.

The only ways of getting stock into Independent Book Shops is:

If there is a local distributor in the city, providing them with stock would be one solution.


Listing with Baker & Taylor or Ingram at a standard discount.

Hi Cindy:

Hope all is well and may the books be selling fast.

Although there are times one can have a situation with consignment (such as if a book is stolen, or damaged) it is fantastic to have a presence in any given book store.

You may also generate sales from word of mouth. Somebody looking at your book that didn't buy it but mentions it to a friend. If you build a rapport with the owners they can help get you more placements in other stores (out of town).

Keep at it and have a great weekend,
Craig Fenton
Jefferson Airplane-Take Me To A Circus Tent
Jefferson Starship-Have You Seen The Stars Tonite
Hi Cindy...I always look at consignment as a necessary evil...I avoid selling my books that way if at all possible. The bookkeeping is annoying, there is a lot of followup involved, and a lot of times they give you back the books in a less-than-pristine condition. However, if I really want to see books there, and this is the only way, I've done it and tried to keep my grumbling to myself.
I agree with Marc that consignments can be beneficial. I've walked in, introduced myself and my books with a smile, and only once in four years have I been turned away. I created my own form because almost all stores have a different method. This keeps me straight and they seem to appreciate the brevity and simplicity of my form. Most stores only take a few at the time (5or 6 of each book) and I've never had any returned. Usually it's the other way around: "I need more as fast as you can get them here!"
If anyone is interested in the form I use, email me at
and I'll send you mine so you can see how easy it is. I just give the owner a copy and I keep one. We both sign. Good luck with sales!
Hi Marilyn,
I'm going to be giving more feedback on this as I'm in the process of switching from Lightning Source to CreateSpace.

I've been with Lightning Source since 2005 and in the last couple of years Lightning Source distribution has actually become DETRIMENTAL to getting our books out.

Our books are now listed in the bookstores as POD books (they didn't used to be) with the result being that I can no longer set up booksignings at Barnes & Noble and they no longer stock my books the way they used to.

The short answer to your question is that a self-published book is a self-published book, period. What I mean by that is it's just the same to the bookstore if you used CreateSpace as a PRINTER (not publisher, YOU are the publisher) as long as the quality of the book is good.

The bookstore doesn't need to know where you had the book printed in other words.

R0bert Morgen :)
Kundalini Awakening for Personal Mastery 2nd Edition
Hi Robert, - your book looks very interesting... Did you happen to look at Dog Ear Publishing - they appear to have a much lower per book printing cost - does createspace allow you to own your own ISBN?
Hi Cindy,
FYI, Although I haven't heard any other "horror stories," I've yet to get paid on any books left on consignment. I vote, don't do it!
Best wishes on your book!
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