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I have read where I should have a contract with the cover designer. I have no idea what should go into the contract.

I submitted a basic cover design concept to a cover designer. He did a fantastic job with it by running with the concept and adding to it. He knew of my financial limitations and we worked out a financial agreement (via email, not as a contract) as to payment.

Do I still need a contract? If so, where do I get one?

Thank you for your time in responding to my inquiry.

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A great sample of a cover art/interior design contract that you can take info from to write something up is Beverly Symes' online contract at I knew of one author I am working with now who previously worked with a cover artist who sued for part of every sale of both her books and associated merchandise - and won!
Thank you! I have checked it out and it is very helpful! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
I used to have contracts with book cover designers but as we just have two now, we utilize the same contract over and over again by adding book cover names. But pretty much once it is published with your name on it and an acknowledgement to the designer, it's yours anyway.

If you do make a contract, it should look like this.

This Contract is between _____________________ and ______________________.

_____________________ will be designing a cover acceptable to _____________________.

Upon final acceptance and payment, as reasonable changes may be required, all rights will be assumed by _____________________. The designer will be acknowledged by inclusion at the front of the book.

Then, you just sign your names at the bottom. Make sure you would include the idea about the rights so that you can put it on book covers as well as any site you want because it is work-for-hire artwork.

Illustrator contracts are not that complicated and chances are, they already have a copy of one laying around.

If you're looking for a great designer, look up Hazel Mitchell online or Paul Hughes online. The first is in Maine and the second is in Ontario.
Thank you, Robyn!!!! Seems I am saying that a lot lately. *smile* I do so appreciate you sharing your expertise with us. Though I ask the questions, I am sure the answers are helping others as well.


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