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I am building a list of reviewers. However, I have no idea where to find reviewers in my genre: Motivational/Self-Help/Spiritual. How does one go about finding who to sent your book to and what is required?

Thank you for any help!

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There are many organizations that do book reviews. I have some listed on my web site ( but there are more. Other methods to use is a search on google for book reviewers of your particular genre. Some organizations have several reviewers and handle all types of genres. This would be a start. This discussion is also a good way to get feedback from others who have experience with book reviewers they have used. I also participate in another network site on The forum is free and you can ask a question of how to find reliable book reviewers for your particular genre. The writersweekly site and this one is a great place to get input for this important topic.
I am having the same problem with my book, a horror with a paranormal romance twist (just learned this lol). I was able to find one place so far that reviews any book for free called GhostWriter Literary Reviews. They give an unbiased opinion about a book in any genre and they keep the review on their site for anyone to read. I printed out mine and linked to it from my website. It was my first and only review so far and my book came out in Feb. I am getting behind because there are no funds to go into the marketing for this book so sales are slow as a result. I don't blame anyone for this except myself. I had no idea I would have to have money to be successful but I am learning very quickly lol. It really is like every other profession out there but I am very happy to be a part of it even though it gets frustrating at times.

I know things will work out for all of us at the end so keep trying because I am. If I see anything, I will post it so you can see. Good luck!

I would suggest

(1) signing up for Google Alerts for your keywords so reporters that do stories on these topics can be notified of your book.

(2) Check out Arielle Ford's information - She's very new age, but a author of many books and publicist for people like the Chicken Soup guys and Deepak Chopra. It's not cheap, but she has tons of info for "spiritual stuff."

(3) I you are in the Christian realm, as I am, is a great press release service for about $65. I've had a lot of radio interviews and gotten some great press from this.

(4) I had a great response asking bloggers to review my book, Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend. I also posted on our MySpace page I'd send free copies to reviewers. It's a small inexpensive book, so I could do this, but maybe you could offer them a pdf file, and the a free book if they actually post a review.

(5) Contact editors for places like,, all the leading web sites for your topic and find people who don't typically do reviews but who write articles to inform others.

hope this helps!

Lisa Copen if interested!
Hi ,
I would like to review books and earn money how can
one do it Pl write
Hi Susie, I have asked people who are influencial in the field to peruse the book and write a recommendation or review, depending on situation. Also depending on the topic, find the respective people who are influencers and ask them to read your book and write a review for those who they can influence. For example, in my case,my book on Turkey has been highly recommended by different international agencies to their members interested in Turkey. Hope this is helpful. Wish you lots of success and a great day! Charlotte
Thank you to all who have answered this query of mine.

No one mentioned book reviewers in magazines or newspapers or things like that. I see a lot of people talking about New York Times book reviews, etc. I am not angling for one of those but I was wondering if other magazines and newspapers would be beneficial to get a review in? And how does one go about finding them in one's own genre?

Thank you!
Some magazines off the top of my head that do book reviews in your genre are: Shambhala Sun, Elephant (The Mindfull Life), Yoga Journal, Nexus, New Frontier, Soulful Living, New Renaissance, Awareness Magazine, Inner Self Magazine, Body and Soul Magazine, Widsom Magazine, plus tons more. Here is the Google link for their directory:

There are tons more. All do reviews of books if you send them a copy (although most only review about 1 in 5 or less of the books they get).


Thank you, Peter! I have my work cut out for me, I see! I just love this network!!!!
Great specific info Peter for Susie's genre. Impressive! And yes, I didn't mention it but you are right, Peter. Sending a copy to a specific or any closely related magazine or to a particular newspaper who does book reviews may get you a book review.

If they like it they will cover it. I am a columnist for an English newspaper on the web and in Turkey and when I am sent samples, if it is material I can use, and I like ,it I will plug it.
Giving samples away may (usually gets) get you some great free reviews and advertizing.

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Thank you, Charlotte, for all the helpful information. I wish I could buy everyone's book here on Book Marketing. They all sound so wonderful! I do check our local library to see if they have them through interlibrary loan. Then I can at least read them until I get enough money to buy them off my list.

Thanks again, Charlotte!
Thank you for the links. I will look into them for sure!

Thank you for the links. I have added them to my website for other authors who don't know about this network. Book Attic also does reviews which will accept electronic books and so will GhostWriter Literary Reviews. Those 2 have done reviews for me and they both liked my book! I should probably add them in there too shouldn't I lol. I think I will! Plus you can have other writers do a review! Swap reviews with another writer in your genre! I did that but she wasn't in my genre and she didn't like my book at all so make sure you are in your own genre, or at least close to it lol.



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