The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

This is a forum to allow people to showcase the things they've done that have worked well for them in marketing their books. Please share your stories here. Then we can all read them and learn from them. If we work together, we will all be much stronger and more successful in marketing our books.

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Fantastic tip, great information and I'm sure aspiring authors, myself included, will be very encouraged by your success.
Hi John:

Thanks for telling your story. I would love to know the names of the websites with foreign rights agents listed.

I have published a funny book about my experiences of the benefits of yoga, to encourage others to try yoga and reap the benefits. The book is titled "Where Are My Ankles? How Iyengar Yoga Rescued Me From Stress, Fear and a Very Bad Back." The book also offers a coupon for a free yoga class.

You can check out the book at and reach me at

Best wishes,

Deborah Rummelhart
Hi John:

The trailer is sooo beautiful. and the web is fantastic.

I'm buying a couple of your books. I loved it.

Who did you use to do the trailer and the web and the cover?

Well done!
great idea! book trailers are an awesome tool.

Mine is a Children's chap book ... not sure if that would work  but if you want to email me here it is:


Thank you for the great advice. I would be interested in the details and the sites with foreign rights agents.

Tom Tuohy
A few weeks ago I did a Virtual Book Tour for one of my books, Abundant Gifts, that was going out of print. In one week I sold 124 books! Compare that to a traditional book store signing in which it's typical for few people to show up or buy the book. There was no travel involved, I got the email addresses of people who asked questions about my book's topics, and I am able to continue to promote this page, add to my email list, and sell books.

I also set up Virtual Book Tours for other authors, and even publishers are interested. I have set up a FAQ page with more information on Virtual Book Tours. I also have articles on my site about them. Finally, you can ask me any question you have about how a Virtual Book Tour can save you time and money, sell more books, connect you with readers, ignite word of mouth, build your mailing list--to name just a few of the benefits.
Hi Diane: I tried to link to your FAQ page but it did not work. I would be interested in any information you could give me on virtual book tours.

Best wishes,

Deborah Rummelhart
Since my book is on soap making, I joined many and various soap making groups on Yahoo. I participate actively in these groups, and of course have a signature line that has a link to my book. I place ads on the days that they are allowed, but I feel that active participation and giving advice leads to more book sales. People perceive me to be an expert when they read my advice, then they click the link, and there you go.
Regarding MySpace... it depends on your topic. To promote National Invisible Chronic illness Awareness Week which we sponsor (I have illness books from a Christian perspective) we started a MySpace page and have had over 20,600 people in 2 MONTHS come from MYSPACE to our CHRISTIAN site... amazing! Many are from our MySpace page, but having it there, created a lot of people linking to it or talking about it so 200-400 people may come from someone else's MySpace site to our web page. Has definately helped book sales with us and on a bit. We've also sold more promotional goodies.
Hi Lisa. After you created your page on MySpace, how did people find your page?


Find the Right Man--Doggone Good Advice
How I Found the Right Man for Me, Based on My Experience Finding the Right Dog!!!
I had glossy laminated business cards done with the tabs on the top and cut for Rolodexes. Every person I hand it to says, "Wow! What a great card!!" and then they turn around and show someone else beside them, look at her card!"

The front/top says, "Illness Ministry Expert" and below says who I am, available for media, etc. The "back tab" says "ILLNESS RESOURCES" and lists a bit about my publishing company and my web site for the organization.

For packets at the trade show I had a 1/2 sheet that said how I once worked in a Christian bookstore and understand that most of it is ministry, so to please put the card on their rolodex and remember to refer people to us. I used glue dots to attach it. My hope is for any bookstore owners who don't buy the books, they will save the card and remember it when someone comes to the store and shares about their illness (happens a lot in Christian bookstores.)

I purposely used the word ILLNESS as the first word on either side so that's where it'd be filed. The bookstore owner can say, "I met someone who is an author who..." and hopefully (1) refer them to me (2) order a book for the person (3) keep ordering more books.

Who would have thought a business card would create such a fuss. Everyone raved like it was the best thing. Some said "do people still use rolodexes?" I do! but does it matter? At least I know it will likely make it HOME with them and stand out and get entered into their data.

Lisa Copen
Author, Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend


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