The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Someone called me a pusher in jest today...because I market my book. My novel is with a small press. I'm doing 99% of the marketing as are many authors these days. I said to the person if I don't market how will readers know about the book. That shut them up quick.

What I encountered is a sentiment among certain writers that marketing is something awful. Yet, when I went to the writers conference a month ago publishers and writers said the burden of promoting a book is on the writers shoulder.

I should probably write an article or two on why some writers consider marketing beneath them...yet it's what the publishers want us to do.

A friend who is will St. Martins told me that she does 99% of the marketing. Sure, they arranged a couple of tours. But she does all the leg work and all networking and stuff to build her name.

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I do all my marketing for my book. I have written over 90 articles on integrity and this has brought me more exposure for both my articles and my current book. There can be a time when authors in their effort to market their writing can be considered pushy. It is a matter of how you market and the words you use. In a face to face environment it is important to have normal conversations. Many people I associate with know I am a writer and they always ask what I am currently doing and if I have another book in the works. This opens the door to talk about my current activities but I also have normal conversations about what they are doing and what is happening in the environment where we have assembled.

In an Internet environment it sometimes can be considered pushy but opportunities are always presenting themselves. It is important to take advantage of all that fit your writing style. I submit articles to the American Chronicle web site at least one every two weeks and sometimes one per week. It has been a blessing in increasing my search engine exposure for my name and my writing. Marketing is something that must be constant to keep your name and your writing/expertise active in the search engines. I also continually work on my web site which also offers exposure in the search engines with adding new material to my site.
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for sharing your perspective and journey. I think it's more of a reaction I got from an online friend. So I need to watch my delivery with her and maybe others at times. I always try to engage in normal conversations, but at the same time I do keep my eye out for marketing opportunities. I guess it's about striking a balance.

But this weekend is all about stories. I'll be editing my novel and working on a mermaid story.

The old version of "pushing" a product is no longer very effective. People are largely immune to this type of marketing. What needs to happen, and Web 2.0 works well for this, is a dialog or relationship between the person/company with the product and the individual who might buy the product. So, it is more effective to share what benefits your book might have to offer then just saying "here it is."

Director and Editor: Bauu Institute and Press
Editor: Indigenous People's Issues Today
Publisher: New Great Books Reviewed
I never just say here my book is to people. I have a whole marketing kit and various pitches that I say to organizations and things. In reflection the person that said this to me was unaware of all that I'm doing to market my book and lashed out at me with negative words.
I find that all I need to say is that I have a chapter in my book about this or a chapter in my book that says. They then ask me what the name of my book is and where can they get a copy. That one sentence usually sells a book. Pushy? I don't think so. Marketing? You bet!
I love chapter excerpts. I think they're great marketing, but not pushy.
I know where your coming from on that. A few of my friends also ask why i need to do the marketing. i also think it gives a little control of where your book is see, I too have a small publisher and doing 99% of my marketing. (infact he is asking me abput my sources) scary thought.
Thanks for understanding. Yes, I've shared an idea or two with my publisher. It's funny sometimes.
This whole journey is such a learning experience.

Self published authors must market their book it they wish to have any results. At first I was negative to the idea, operating under the delusion that all I had to do was publish my book, put it out there and the world would come to me...not so...
I have found several avenues that are turning out to be quite successful. Public libraries are very open to new authors and my novel is now in catelogue in quite a few southern California libraries as well as several more across the country. Independent book stores is another avenue...I now have several that have taken my novel on consignment and one has asked me to come in for a book signing.
Of course reveiews, reveiws, reviews...friends, family, review services...the more the better...
I think you have to do this really, if you want to be taken seriously and more for the point, if you want your book to stay on the shelves for more than the standard three months, assuming you are lucky enough to get into book shops in the first place.

Since I am self published (print on demand) I had no choice but to do everything myself. It is very difficult for POD authors to get stocked in book stores here in the UK, since the stores insist on returnability (there are moves to change this though). I was lucky enough then in August last year to have the distinction of becoming one of the very first POD authors in the whole country to become actually stocked by the largest wholesaler in the UK, whom all the big chain stores and most independents use. I worked solidly then for four months ringing over 500 stores, at the rate of around 10-15 per day, and have managed to get stocked in one third of Waterstones stores nationwide. This is no mean feat for a book like mine, where even commercially published authors do not have this level of success.

Since I returned to work four days a week in November I no longer have the time that I once did, but I do what I can on my says off. Of course if the industry did not insist on such ridiculous discounts then I may not have had to do this in the first place, but that is a whole other discussion ...
Wow, what a great story June. Yes, it is largley up to the author to market their book, and calling stores is a great way to get stocked. It sounds like it was a full time job to achieve that level of success - that is another hurddle many authors face - finding time to manage marketing, writing, and other life/work issues. I know I run up against it all the time, but I'm making some moves/decisions so that I will have more time to focus on my writing and marketing over the summer.


Director and Editor: Bauu Institute and Press
Editor: Indigenous People's Issues Today
Publisher: Great New Books Reviewed
I have colleagues now calling book stores and the library requesting my book. It was mentioned in USA Today this week.


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