The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Authors Working Together to Sell More Books

"Your life changes when you meet people." - Sterling Valentine

I want to encourage the authors and publishers on this Book Marketing Network to work together to help each other to sell more books. That's the main reason I created this network in the first place.

There are so many ways that you can help each other. For example, I wrote an article on 30 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love - Most of those ways apply not only to your friends but also to authors helping each other.

In addition, you can do joint ventures, Amazon Bestseller Campaigns, blog tours, and more.

Please use this forum right here to list your requests for partners as well as your responses or offers to help other authors.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you work together rather than alone.

For example, I'd love to see a fiction writers co-op promotion where each novelist promotes the other members in the co-op on their blog or website or social network. Tweet about each other. Like each others' Facebook page. Do joint blog tours.

Poets can do the same thing. So can business book authors. Spiritual authors. Christian authors. Cookbook authors. Etc.

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My best sales are after I  give a speech.  

I'm a co-founder to Authors Without Borders (  We sell books at all our events.

I host fellow authors on my blog where I post about writing. Monday, 3/21, will be a new author J.A. Bove. In April, I'll host Deanna Proach and Grace Elliot is scheduled again in June. I still have slots open for May, July, August and September. Being a Christian, there are certain books I won't promote - paranormal, horror and erotica. I write fantasy, but classic like Tolkien and Lewis, not abnormal relationships.

Thanks for the notice. Blog posts are a great way to promote other authors, especially when you trade blog post interviews or articles with each other.

If a group of 10 authors agree to promote each other, suddenly each of you would have 9 more links pointing to you, your book, and your website. And it only takes a few minutes to upload interviews to your blog.

Here' my site, (Bills short stories)

I'm up to link exchanging each others sites.

must be child related and rated G

thank you

Is there any reputable blog book tours I could look into? I'm trying to find any avenue I can to get the word out about my book.



I have worked with Pump Up Your Book promotions ... very fun!

Have you looked into Artisan Book Reviews & Promotion? They do an excellent job of getting authors books in the spotlight and helping to get those book sales coming in. I think your book would be a great fit for their website and readers. 

Hi Shawn,


I would be interested in learning more about your efforts to host authors on your blog.  My book, Kilimanjaro and Beyond - A Life-Changing Journey" will be released in August. It is about my journey as a 60-year old to get off the couch to climb Africa's tallest mountain with my son and our subsequent efforts to bring clean water and a classroom to a community in Tanzania.  It describes the satisfaction that one can get from reaching a goal and giving others the opportunity to achieve theirs.  


If you still have an opening in the fall, I would love to talk with you about it.


Shawn, congrats on your achievement in writing about your experience in our neighbouring country (Tanzania) . At our platform, bookway builder, we offer online ebook retailing and distribution services to authors and publishers alike, especially on African content. We'll be glad to work with you, this August.

Unfortunately, this is now a Chinese site.  I don't read or understand Chinese, so I don't understand what this site is about. 

Hi There,

I'm a newbie to this site. Also a christian. What sort of books do you work on?


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