The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Book Blog Tour Begins for The Truth Lies in the Dark...join the fun!

Hi to all Book Marketing Network members.

I would like to invite everyone to join me on my Book Blog Tour for my mystery, The Truth Lies in the Dark. It starts on March 15, and will make a stop a day for 14 days. There will be Author interviews, Guest blogs and of course CONTESTS. Stop by one or follow the whole tour. There is something new to learn at each blog I visit. More details and the detailed schedule is posted on my website

Yesterday I started the tour off with Wendy, author and host of Ask Wendy- The Query Queen. I participated in her 10 Questions for authors interview. Today I am a guest on mystery author, Nancy Cohen's blog. I share some of my writing process and discuss characterization. Check it out: See what is next and when the contests begin on my website. Thank you for your interest and support. I enjoy being a member of Book Blogs and look forward to sharing your successes also.

Thanks Again,
Kristin Callender
The Truth Lies in the Dark

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My second novel is now audio – like old time radio. All you have to do is listen. It’ll make you laff. Go to www.NewFiction,com

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Skeeze Whitlow


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