The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Got a Blog? I would Love to follow, just message me your link!

This is pretty simple and straight up:

If you have a blog I would like to become a follower.

Please leave me your blog link I will follow and also make mention of it here on mine.

Who knows maybe I will “tweet” it, “Pin” it, and “Facebook” it.    

I have been known to do it.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you!

Views: 155

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                Sorry--the buttons were missing. I just upgraded the site, thanks for catching that. I'm still working on them, but they mostly work. Please let me know if you have any difficulty.

Thanks!  BE

I have followed you on Pinterest.Some blogs/Websites have a simple "Follow by Email" gadget that visitors can sign up with.That way when you do put up a post it just emailed to them.I didn;t see that but have done what I can.I like your content and hope that you continue to have fun.Thanks.

Hey there! I just recently launched a blog and would love to share :)

I shared the post on Twitter,Google+, and Tumblr.I didn't see a spot to follow via email.

The blog is nice and very clean looking.If I can you in some way just say the word,I am happy to ,thanks.

If you look all the way at the bottom of this article, you can click 'subscribe via e-mail.' Thank you very much! Sharing each other's information is definitely the way to :) I'll be sure to follow your twitter and return the favor!

I got it thanks.Have an excellent day.


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