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I'm going to be publishing my memoir through a new imprint started by a friend of mine, and will be registering with Lightning Source.

Question: Should I, or the press, set up an e-store on a website? Is it better to just let Amazon be the store of choice? Or should I seek a third party distributor?

My friend and I really don't want to become a shipping warehouse, but it might be the best option for royalties. Our current plan is for the book to be listed for $9.95. It will be about 135 pages.

Any advice on this would be appreciated. Gracias!

David Perez

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I had a friend who used Lightning Source and they accepted payments via a PayPal button on their website. It was for a children's book on Amazon. I don't have their link any more, but they were making about $200 a month on their book. Hope this helps :}.
Check out some comparable sites like, and amazon also pricing for ebooks should be competitive and to find out about how much hang out at and the kindle forum.
I’ve been on Kindle for some time now. If you read the comments it would seem Kindle readers are very price sensitive, voting with their feet, so to speak, by buying only books priced accordingly. Books, unless exceptional don’t often command prices above ten dollars , most sales are for books up to five dollars. Bear in mind that is with Amazon’s margin. Then 135 pages is a very small book, for adults, maybe okay for children. So for someone to buy you would need to be very well known, or have something fantastic to say. If I were you I’d look at a target price below five dollars, possibly even a taster price to start with and generate interest. Good luck, let us know your progress! :)
Establishing an opportunity to sell an ebook is not hard. If you are going to sell an ebook version of your book or if your book is strictly going to be an ebook only I would suggest that you list it on several sites. In most cases the method of getting an ebook to a customer can be relatively easy. If you have a web site already it is only a matter of establishing the method to deliver the ebook after payments have been received. Ebooks are becoming more popular today and I wish you luck on your publishing journey. Marketing is the key to the success of any book whether it is a print or ebook version makes no difference. The success rests upon the author to create an interest in the topic though multiple promotional opportunities.
I've been using Kindle with some success. About $100/month. I price my books from $1.99 - $4.95.


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