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Book Try Book and a new site that I was told about today you can put your book online for all the world to read and buy. It is a great site to market every genre. Fran

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fRedo is EXCELLENT! I use it on most of my networking sites an don my own website. One of the best things i have found to date.

Christian Schaal

Here is a link to my fReado page - take a look and see how it works.
How did you get create space to publish your poems. I tried with one of my other books and when it came to accepting the PDF files for the book they said the size was wrong. How did you manage to get it done and get a physical copy of it. The book I wrote is called Unedited, Straight from the hip: from the complaint desk of fran lewis: I speak the truth you need to hear it. It is on Kindle but I can't get a physical copy of it even though I submitted PDF files. HELP! Fran Glad to have you as a friend. freado now has both of my children's books. my website is
Thank you for telling authors about fReado. We do hope that fReado and the BookBuzzr book-widget feature help all authors market their books more effectively.
Thanks for sharing.

Try author's den, shelfari and authors and their events.ning and thewritespot.ning too. You can set up an account on and google to share your stories or books too. Fran
Skeeze Whitlow
4317 N. 16th Street
Arl. VA 22207
240 – 271 - 7569

Dear Fran,
As a former U.S. Capitol attendant, I offer you Senate Parking. A 90 K word novel about a multicultural crew of parking lot attendants who operate an escort service from the Senate lots. A good look at the underbelly of our law making process. Senate Parking can be listened to at
“Hill Intros” is the brainstorm of attendants unable to obtain employment within the confines of the Capitol. Senate Parking is the story of power structures, on a personal and national level. Done from the perspective of workers who see themselves without much chance of ‘making it’ in a culture of power drivers, Washington’s backdrop provides a tension all its own.
This book concerns every kind of shady deal for which the political arena is famous. Senate Parking is full of anecdotes which let freedom ring. I can provide you with a synopsis or with the complete manuscript – whatever you like. Either way, I’ll be in touch.

Skeeze Whitlow

My second novel is now audio – like old time radio. All you have to do is listen. It’ll make you laff. Go to www.NewFiction,com

Choose ‘Senate Parking’

Skeeze Whitlow


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