The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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I totally agree with giving back. I write YA and visit local schools on Career Day and to help with fund-raisers. That example just struck me wrong.
I wish I could control the price of my e-book through Infinity Publishing. Can we as authors lower our own prices on e-books on

You'll have to ask Infinity Publishing if you can change the ebook price - if they are publishing your ebook. If you uploaded the ebook to Kindle yourself, you can set any price you want.

To load a Word document or PDF to Kindle, go to You must have an customer account to upload ebooks to Kindle. You do not need an author or publisher account, just the account you use to buy books on

Hi, John,

  I tried uploading one of my stories as a kindle and the final product looked tacky. I went with my publisher uploading it and it looked more professional. I felt it was worth the money it cost.

  Do they provide you with a cover for your kindle if you do it yourself?

Thank you, John. I will look into this.

I have a question that is really important at this time.  This past weekend, I went to a college event to hear authors speak. While there, I met Henry Holmes from Swansea, MA  who is a Literary Agent, Book Publicist/ Writer and Editor.  He was one of the guest speakers.

I'm an author and speaker. We talked and he requested I mail my media kit to him. He was interested after receiving it. We have a meeting next Wednesday at the college library to talk to see what he can offer me. He welcomed my husband to come for us to make the decision together and ask questions.

Sounds good? My question is, he has no website, a great article on him from a local newspaper with over 400 clients at one time , and he is charging me $75 an hour for the consultation.  Is it normal to charge for a first meeting to see if he is what I need or if he has the ability to help me? I have a lot of questions to ask.  He also told me to write them down.

Can you help me with what to be careful of and what to ask him? This might be a great opportunity for me but I don't want to get too excited. He seems very honest and professional and is bringing his background for me to see.

He did tell me that I'm the one to decide how much to spend and how far I'd want to travel to speak and have interviews.

I'm smart enough not to make a decision that day.  I also plan on keeping the meeting at an hour.

Thank you. I appreciate any help from anyone who has been in this situtation.

Hi Steve,
I'm really not an expert on talking. Once people start calling me, I'll feel like I'm on the right road. Like all of us, the best gift to an author is word of mouth.
I'm sure you're going to have less stress. There isn't a right or wrong feeling on this topic. It's all what you want to do with your book.
Alberta, If your book is on Kindle you can control your price, if you have your arrangement directly with Amazon. I have the 70% royalty so I can't go lower than $2.99, but I can set my price up to $9.99 if I wish. My novel is now priced at $3.99 which seems to work well.

Hi Jeanette,

My e-book started through Infinity Publishing and they put it on for $9.99. I had no control at the time and wanted it around $5.99.  I'm after getting known more than sales. My goal is to be giving speaking engagements.

I'll check on this.

I noted with great interest your comments on the ebook royalty of 70% for prices between $9.99 - $2.99 What other ebook royalty options can you have and pricings? Are these royalties different for Kindle Singles?  The pricings for these Singles? Do Singles include Novellas and Novelettes (5 000 - 20 000 words)?

Thank you for your answer Theresa. I'm new to the publishing industry and very new to the ebook side. Do I understand the following correctly please?

*  If your price between $2.99 - $9.99 the author EARNS a royalty of 70%?

*  If you price below $2.99 the author earns 35% (Amazon charge 65%)

*  The same would apply, as directly above, to a book listed at more than $9.99?


If so, why would an author list her ebook at $12.99 and earn $4.55, when she could list her ebook at $9.99 and earn $7.00 -   75% more?


Thanks Theresa

I was honored to discover I've been nominated for the "Stylish Blog Award."  I just started my blog as part of promotion, but it's taken on a life of it's own.


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