The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Lynn, are you a Christian author?  The John 316 Marketing Network does blog tours for its member authors and doesn't charge. You just have to be a host for two other authors in the network.

I can tell you that blog tours are not big sellers of books. What they do is give you and your book exposure. It does go toward building your platform. I would not spend my money on a blog tour. There are other ways to spend money in marketing that will give you better results as far as book sales. This is just my first-hand experience from being involved in a lot of blog tours for authors.

I am a Christian author- two of my books were written for the inspirational market. My new book, while not specifically a Christian novel  does embrace Christian values.

For me, I'm having most impact with direct selling. I have a 50 school tour coming up and with 40% profit from the publisher I'm just about making a decent income. My presentation style to the pupils is quite flamboyuant though.

Here's Book 1 - Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator. Book 2 is finished and being proof-read at the moment and just started Book 3

Any tips on hitting that 'next level' would be appreciated.



Congratulations Stuart! That sounds terrific!


The debut author Christopher Paolini (book - Eragon) did the speak at school thing and did quite well. I think most who do well with marketing find something that works for their books and then take it to a degree that most authors won't go. Concerning "the next level", if you haven't already, I'd find where teachers go to decide what books to order for their classes and libraries. Who's recommendations do they take? What lists are they pulling from? Ask these questions to the teachers/principles/librarians at each of the schools you go to. Then, study each of these sources to find out how you can get in them prominently. Make sure your website has a page or more especially targeting teachers/schools, so that you can put all your testimonials from teachers/principals as to how much they like your presentation and book. When you e-mail these book lists, etc., link them to this page so that they can see others praising your books.

J. Steve Miller
Author of Social Media Frenzy “Rethinking social media for authors.”
Author of Sell More Books! “What really works for low profile authors.”

I'm an author of two memoirs written on the death of my husband and daughter from their alcohol addiction. My next book is going to be for substance abusers by abusers. It will be "your" book, abusers helping each other. What helped all of you recover and what didn't work. It's a chance to reach out and help others to learn how to recover from this horrible, worldwide disease.

You can contact me, Alberta Sequeira, at and I'll send the 25 questions so you can be part of the group helping others, especially our young children who are lost in this demon's grip. You do not need to use your full name. It can be just an initial and state. There is no date on a completion yet. 

If anyone know of others that can pass it along for me, or to blogs or website on this topic, I'd be ever greatful.  I have 13 involved so far but would like 70-100 substance abusers helping.

Thank you.


Has anyone used KDP Select? I'm considering it and wanted to hear if you've had any luck or any trouble with it. Have you used it? If so, was it worth it? If not, why not? Thanks!

I checked into KDP Select as I wanted to offer the Kindle version of my novel free for three days as a promotional tool. However, it's a package deal, so you can't offer your book free unless you also offer it as available to be borrowed for 90 days. During this time you can't sell your book in any other digital format. My book as also available as an e-book from my website, via my publisher, and I have no way to discontinue it. Since I occasionally sell the e-book version, and it's not allowed while you're on KDP Select, then I didn't sign up for it.

No, I have not. I refuse to give into Amazon's exclusivity and take my books off of even my own site! Yep, that's right. An author can't even sell the e-book on their ow site if the sign up for KDP Select.  Also here are two article about Amazon that one should consider before agreeing to Select. Both discuss Amazon's latest strong arm tactic to take advantage of royalties by STOPPING the ability to buy 5,000 Kindle titles by independent authors!

Hello there--I'm just getting my feet wet--so, if I operate through my establishment of a publishing company, can I avoid this discussed negativity?  Is there a way out of this KDP dilemma--by the way, what is "KDP"?  Thank you.  Marty K.  [ if prefered]

If you look on Amazon 'voice of the author' lots of people have tried it out. The downloads can be in thousands, but after you get nothing.

Some claim you do, except it does not show up in their books sales position.  Then of course after the book is no longer free you drop back to nothing on the most popular charts.  

I tried one book with a sequel. Six hundred people took the book, only a handful have taken the sequel. Okay it could be because they don't like the book. I don't believe that. I believe there are people who will take any book if it's free, but very rarely will they come back and buy one from you. Let's face it, we will all take something for free, even if we didn't want it, or didn't need it.

The moral is, if you have only one book keep away. If you've number, or a sequel, give one not selling a try. You never know you might buck the trend!

One unknown to consider, when giving away hundreds of e-books for a short period - How many get read immediately? People with Kindles talk about having 100 unread books on their kindles. I'd assume that the vast majority of downloaders grab free books on impulse that they might want to read later. Isn't it entirely possible that out of the 600 who took it that only 20 read it, out of which 5 got the sequel? If so, that may not be that bad. Also, that would mean that there may be a residual long-term result in that your book on someone's Kindle is #10 on their priority reading list and they may read it in May.

I wonder if any studies have been done on how many people who download free books 1 - read them immediately 2 - read them later 3 - never read them at all?

J. Steve Miller
Author of Social Media Frenzy “Rethinking social media for authors.”
Author of Sell More Books! “What really works for low profile authors.”


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