The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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If you read the comments on the FB page eReader News Today you will discover that your suspicians are correct.  Amazon provides so many free ebooks that there really is no need to purchase a book.  One woman boast over one thousand books on her kindle. 

You know the saying" Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free."  Hmm the principle is there. 

I download Free books to help my author friends with their numbers. And as a book reviewer I do not have time to read books for pleasure, when I do see a book that I would be interested in I will get it while it is free. 

As for sequals, a friend of mine allowed book two to be offered for free in hopes that people would want to purchase book one and book three.  I don't know how that went. 

First, John, thank you for the "message retrieval" reply.  My other concern, or question, is about setting up a website named after a book (for example, "") where orders for the book could be received, so I could then manually place, or transfer, such orders into my account with Lightning Source.  Any recommendations as to who or what business is good at this?  Appreciate it.  Marty K.

I like authors to create their own websites. You can create one using if you want. Simple and easy to use. And then follow their instructions, which I found clear, on how to transfer your blog (website) from to (or whatever your URL is).

If you are a little more technically inclined, I'd recommend using WordPress. Much more flexibility. Ask the teenager or college student next door to help you set up a WordPress site.


  I use Intuit WebsiteBuilder for mine and found it easy to use if you work with one of their representatives. My first website with them was rather boring. The representative helped me find a better choice.

Building the website for my book has worked superbly, it's now the main focus for my marketing, alongside visiting schools. There's a Kidzone, with quizzes, colouring sheets and activities. Chapter 1 is free to read there, as well as my blog for parents and teachers.

Sold 3000 copies in 6 months.

My release lecture/book signing could not have been better at one of the best auditoriums in Washington DC:

Pal, Wow! Your visuals looked great and has a good Alexa ranking - great job!

J. Steve Miller
Author of Social Media Frenzy “Rethinks social media for authors.”
Author of Sell More Books! “What really works for low profile authors.”

Pal, looks like you've got an event that you could take as far as you want to. From what I've learned from author's who've sold tons of books, once they find something that works, they keep pursuing it relentlessly. Lots of ways you could take that publicity. When you submit an article idea to a magazine through an e-mail, link them to those pages and they know that you've got an audience. If you propose a guest post to top science blogs, or ask writers for top science blogs to review your book, link them to these. You could take this publicity so many ways now that you have a platform.

Wow, how cool is that! 



Look at it this way, you got known and introduced your books.  Just one person in a crowd can open doors for you.  I always lean on my author friend's remark, "You Never Know!"

An authors best friend is "word of mouth."

I'd agree. I had an excellent afternoon on Saturday attending a reading held by two other authors. I made some excellent contacts and my facebook page has just opened up to another 100 'friends'

All good word of mouth.




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