The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Just started using Posterous -- a way to post to multiple social networking sites all at once from my google email account. Does anyone know if we can link up to bookmarketing.ning with it or with its iphone app picposterous?It's going to be very handy.
I really like putting up blogs with blogger and have been experimenting with adding spanish subtitles. I've noticed it gets me up higher in google search. Here's an example, my Civil Rights Books blog -- MOVIMIENTO DE DERECHOS CIVILES LIBROS...

Civil Rights Books

When I searched google for civil rights books, this blog came up in seventh position. And when I google MOVIMIENTO DE DERECHOS CIVILES LIBROS it comes up first!!
Hey, that's a great idea Susan. Are you spanish-speaking or did you get someone to do the translation?
Sign me up,
My book will be ready in a few short weeks and I am already starting to drive the system. It has been trial and error for me all the way. So I'd be glad to have someone put in what works for them.

Twitter is similar to FB but completely different.

On FB you "friend" mutually, both have to agree. On Twitter, you can follow anyone you want, they don't have to follow you, and vice versa.

On FB you have two areas, one news feed that scrolls by, the other is permanent stuff on your pages. On Twitter, nothing is permanent, it's all feed.

You acquire followers by offering something of value! If you do this people will gravitate to you and you will start to have a following. The idea is to connect your small but growing network to others with larger networks in the hope that they will find what you are tweeting so compelling for whatever reason that they "retweet" it into their network.

This network effect can be very powerful. You don't need 5,000 followers (although it would be nice if they were actually all interested in what you had to say) but you do need followers who have their own networks among the people you see as your potential audience.

Here's an idea: why not sign up on Twitter, find some people to follow (try wefollow for categories of people) and just observe for a while until you get the hang of what's going on.

Also, there's a search box on your Twitter home page that's incredibly powerful. Type in a keyword that you're interested in and you will meet many new people also interested in the same subjet.

Have fun, and good luck!
There's no such thing as a stupid question, first of all.
You accumulate followers on Twitter by others searching your area of expertise, finding your twitter page with your postings, and clicking on the 'follow' button. Twitter was designed with search-engine-friendly content; that's why it works so well for SEO (search engine optimisation). If you have any other questions, feel free to email me at (please reference this conversation). Cheers, Alison.
Can you tell us the url of the facebook page for your book, and your twitter account. Might be helpful for us to see. Thanks for letting us know the specifics!
Friends of Justice, an advocacy organization, has launched a narrative-based campaigns around unfolding cases where due process has broken down, and empower affected communities to hold public officials accountable for equal justice.

Recently, representatives moved into Winona, Miss. to work on a murder case, asserting that the state’s theory of the murder crime accused of a Winona company's former worker, Curtis Flowers, "... doesn’t fit the actual evidence, and the state manufactured phoney evidence by manipulating, badgering and bribing witnesses."

Historically, Fannie Lou Hamer, a Mississippi Delta civil rights leader, was frequently the target of social injustice. The town where she was once beaten, Winona, has been long remembered for this crime.

We've made initial contact and it looks like we can do some work together, since they are interested in an historical perspective to this community.
Video Book Trailers become the Best New Thing since the "Kindle" for Ailing Book Industry. These book trailers on Amazon are working. 2 best sellers have trailers written about in this article
I'm curious if anyone on Book Marketing Network has experience with book trailers, and whether they actually work in bringing in new readers, selling more books, or increasing website traffic. Anyone?
Thanks, Tim. So I'll ask you: what do you hope to achieve by investing in a trailer? Do you have any measurable objectives, or is it just one more thing to "do for your book"?
I have a great trailer that my publisher invested in, and that everyone loves -- but no one seems to be able to figure out how to get lots of people to look at it!

I'm told that it's a viral marketing tool but I can't seem to spread the contagion!


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