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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 17, 2012 at 12:51am
Dolly Holland is the author of 4 wonderful books such as, Jesus Cares, Mountains Are Moved by Prayer, What Is The Role of a Woman and Precious Memories. She is the wife of Pastor Robert P. Holland. Dolly and her husband have two lovely daughters and are the grandparents of three wonderful grandchildren

Here are a few book reviews taken from Dolly's blog where she shares her heart, her love for Jesus, her family, and her books.


Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matt. 25:40 KJV). This scripture could be used to sum up the desire Dolly Holland has to help others.

I have known Dolly since 1982 when she and her husband Bob came to a small community to pastor the church where I attended. They left the pastoral ministry for a while to work with troubled youth and later returned to a nearby community to plant a new church. During that time we kept in touch, and now she is my pastor's wife again. She truly is a sister in Christ and most of all a very good friend. I cherish her friendship.

Dolly has had her share of hurt, but it has given her a heart to see the needs of others without condemning them. As she helps others in their weakness, she grows stronger. Joy shines out of her face as she shares what God has been able to do through her. It brings alive the scripture—the joy of the Lord is our strength. To sum it all up, Dolly knows where that strength comes from, Jesus.

~ Lorraine Magaw


Prayer is a mighty tool for children of God who make good use of it. Though prayer, barriers are broken down and miracles take place. God changes circumstances as well as many other situations.

It is my privilege to write a few words about a woman who honestly believes that with prayer mountains are moved. God has healed her body many times because of her immovable faith in the power of prayer.

After reading this book on prayer, I believe that God will open for you what prayer can do, because with prayer mountains are moved.

~ Leah Wolf Holland

For more information about author Dolly Holland, her books and her ministry visit Author Dolly Holland

Authors share your Christian title with the world through Christian Book Marketing's Author's Article Blasts.
Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 10, 2012 at 11:39am

Future is now


As I watch the price of ereaders drop, I feel the excitement of a bright future for indie authors much the way musicians must have felt when the first Sony Walkman came into existence (I know I’m showing my age). Readers can now take thousands of books with them anywhere they go; on vacation, in a plane, in a car. And now with Nook and Kindle introducing the backlight, people can read in bed while their significant other sleeps with the lights out. Just a few short years ago, seeing someone reading off an electronic device seemed odd. Many people said they’d never buy an ereader because they liked the feel of paper and the texture of a book. Now, those same people are realizing the convenience of carrying copies of their favorites in a small, lightweight device. And with airlines charging fees for baggage, readers are fully realizing how much space and weight they’re saving buy not lugging around their written entertainment. Now, when I see someone reading from a Kindle or Nook, I don’t do a double take because it is an unusual sight. Now, when I see someone reading off an electronic device I smile, knowing my potential audience is growing. And speaking of audience, AFTER is still free until midnight tonight.

Right now, I’ve had close to four hundred downloads from three countries and sales of my other books are getting a little kick, too.

Comment by Thom Cantrall on June 8, 2012 at 1:35pm

The Second Installment in the Serialization of my novel, "After Armageddon" is now available on my website, ... just scroll down to find it

Comment by Neil Ostroff on May 29, 2012 at 12:35pm

What works


The Kindle Daily Nation sponsorship for DEGENERATES yielded okay results. I was hoping for a few more sales than I actually made, but at least the exposure was good. It caused several dozen more hits on my blog than usual and I have now surpassed the 170,000 hit mark. That’s a lot of hits, but even with that I didn’t reach my total sales goals for the month. Though I did have enough that I’m pretty satisfied a momentum will build over time. I’ve also discovered that posting on meet our authors forum and KDP boards actually do get results. I stopped posting for a few days because of real-life work related issues and then started posting again the other day. I did see sales increase after posting. Keep in mind, I don’t recommend self-promoting as a topic of discussion because you can get some pretty mean replies. But there are many topics set up for authors to self-promote without fear of repercussion. I blast out a different book each day and then monitor to see if the sales have increased more for that book. I also keep track of what sites to promote on and then alternate so I can see which sites get results. I have seen pretty good sales from this technique, almost as good as paying for sponsorship. As I continue to promote (which is easy when we’re sweltering on the east coast), I’m also getting ready to publish PULP in ereader form. Unlike my other novels published through iuniverse, PULP was never in electronic format. It should be interesting to see how that one sells. I’m excited to see the cover. As always, I recommend Judy Bullard. She’s done all of mine.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 28, 2012 at 11:37am
Henry Miranda is an accomplished author with 5 books releases to date to include, "The Path to Eternal Life, Beware the Winds of Doctrine, Fellowship with God, You've Been Warned and Eternal Life."

"The Path to Eternal Life" gives illumination to those who are seeking or new Christians alike, and provides answers as to who the Holy Spirit is and how we accept the free gift of salvation. Many will find comfort, purpose and salvation through this sound, biblically based and easy to read book.

"Beware the Winds of Doctrine" is an honest look at what doctrine is-the study of the Word of God-and is a call to know the Word of God, therefore, exposing false doctrine. In the last days the Bible warns that many will be deceived. Author Henry Miranda exhorts believers to know their Bible and to not depend on what they hear, but what they "know" according to the Word of God.

"Fellowship with God" was written to help others in their walk with Christ and to help them enjoy His many blessings. Take the road less traveled; even though it may difficult at times; the path leads to eternal life. It's worth it!

"You've Been Warned" reveals the deception of Satan and warns that the only way to safeguard against this is to become mature in Christ. This book will help those that are struggling with their faith or even doubting God. Henry Miranda reveals the scriptures in laymen's terms, unfolding for many, what true faith is.

"Eternal Life" addresses the controversial issue of life after death. According to the Word of God, the author exhorts the reader to come to choose the path of life that leads to eternal life with our creator.

For more information on Author Henry Miranda or his books visit Henry P. Miranda. You may also visit Henry's Miranda's blog and you will find his books available at Henry Miranda's Amazon Page.

A Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast
Comment by Neil Ostroff on April 28, 2012 at 10:49am

Creepiest ever!


I love the new cover for my Kindle version of FROSTPROOF. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m slowly taking back all my rights to my paperbacks and republishing only electronically. I believe the traditional book is going the way of CD’s and I’m excited to be at the threshold of this new medium. With my seventh novel soon to be published electronically, I’ve now got more than half of my books out there for the entire world to purchase. It’s a pretty cool feeling. Once I send the new FROSTPROOF off to my editor, I’ll start getting a marketing plan together. Of course, the usual routine of placing the book on the dozens of writer’s site to which I belong will take a few days, but after that, I’m thinking of placing a few sponsorships for summer readers. I’m also going to place a few more sponsorships for DROP OUT since the book is slowly gaining steam and an audience. This brings the point as to how much money I should spend and the estimated return in sales. As I’ve said many times, the exposure these sponsorships bring outweighs the cost, but I think it’s time I concentrate on making sales. I think this new cover is powerful enough to attract interest, I’ve just got to find the right format in which to promote. My previous sponsorships for my middle-grade sci-fi yielded marginal results but my sponsorships for my adult books went really well. I need to concentrate on the adult market for a while until Kindles and Nooks become like cell phones to kids. Everyone will have one. By the way, here’s a great new FREE ebook from Smashwords about how to market. It’s got some great tips. THE SECRETS TO EBOOK PUBLISHING SUCCESS.  The book identifies the best practices of the most commercially successful Smashwords authors. As always, I’m writing, writing, writing. IMAGINATION is coming along nicely and may be my best, if not most hallucinatory, novel I’ve ever written. Still anticipating a late summer completion. And look for the new Kindle edition of FROSTPROOF coming soon.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on April 23, 2012 at 12:11pm

A sleeper hit


That’s what Kindle Daily Nation called DROP OUT. But then again, I’ve posted this many times and guess what… it’s still sleeping. Though the book is my best seller out of my six novels, it still hasn’t reached the great heights I had hoped. Right now I’m a few dozens copies behind my sales goals for this month, so for the next three days I’m going to hunker down and market like a crazy man. Now that half my paid sponsorships are over I can say with confidence that they did not boost sales the way I had hoped. I’ve tried many marketing schemes over the last year and documented them throughout this blog, and I’m sad to say that not one has lived up to the potential I had hoped. Perhaps, I have my goals set too high? After all, from what I’ve read on other blogs, the fact that I sell books at all is kinda a miracle considering the amount of self-published and traditionally published books that are out there. The fact that strangers have forked out $1.99 on an unknown author like me does inspire me to continue with my craft. And as I’ve posted before, many fans have emailed me telling me how much they love my books. Since I write in several genres, I am starting to build a widespread audience base. I’m hoping this audience will create pre-buzz as I continue to write and publish more books. Speaking of which, I’m about to get in contact with my cover artist to turn FROSTPROOF into a new Kindle version. I’m also going to convert PULP next month. My KDP Select 90-day exclusivity is beginning to expire on my books so I’m excited to start marketing to Nook and all the other ereading devices out there. My newest novel IMAGINATION is going well, however I didn’t get as much written as I had wanted to when I was on vacation. I find that as I’m getting older, the all-consuming obsession to write sometimes wanes in my quest to catch a lunker fish off the dock. I’m also attempting to do some internet radio spots. Here is a list of some if anyone is also interested.

Author Talk -

Bookmark -

Julia Widdop’s Blog TV -

Bookworm -

Author Spotlight -

Various Listings -

Launch Publicity -

The Authors Show –

Authors Radio -

Authors On Air -

Sound Authors -

Author Talk Radio -


I’m still not getting any new sales from the U.K. which is extremely strange because last month I had almost half of my sales from there. I’m hoping it’s a glitch in KDP’s system and not a reflection of times to come.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on April 12, 2012 at 12:45pm

Enjoying the moment


At this very moment, I am sitting on a veranda in Summerland Key Florida staring out at a vast expanse of glacial-clear, maroon-colored, water while whispering palm fronds provides the backdrop to seagull cries, and yet I cannot write. Well, that’s not exactly true because I am writing this, but I can’t seem to concentrate on my current novel. Perhaps, I’m too relaxed? Too contented? With the knowledge that my books are selling, I no longer feel that intense pressure to create for hours on end. As I get older, I find myself enjoying life more instead of sealing myself in a room even while on vacation. I paid my dues in my twenties when eight to ten hours a day would be devoted to my books. I paid my dues when I’d say no to friends and parties because I HAD to finish my latest novel. I paid my dues when every spare minute of my time was spent querying agents and researching markets. I spent fifteen years of my life totally focused and concentrating on making it as an author… and now it’s time to relax and enjoy. Instead of working on IMAGINATION (my latest) this morning I am going to the beach to take a long walk, and then I’m going to do some fishing. Of course, I’m not totally ditching my grassroots authorship, I’ve got two hours this afternoon devoted to writing. That’s enough for today.

Okay, back to business. The KND kids author spotlight did yield sales of SILENT INVASION but not the amount I was expecting for such a big promotion. It goes back to my theory that kids aren’t buying up books on Kindle the way adults do. DROP OUT is still by far my best seller with sales already nearing triple digits for this month. All my books have sales so far, but I’m still falling short in the U.K. by a large percentage. I’m not sure if KDP isn’t posting sales or if there is a glitch. It just seems strange that sales were soaring across the pond and now they’ve dropped to almost nothing. When I get back from vacation I’m going to concentrate on turning it around. I’ve also noticed my blog hits are falling a bit as I’ve not been doing much promotion while I’m down here in south Florida. I will say the new electronic marketplace moves at a lightning-speed pace and just a few days away from the computer can mean losing the interest of thousands of people. The hardest part for me is trying not to think about that and enjoying the moment. I know, I know, I sound like a whining baby, but I’m just so obsessed about my writing career.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 10, 2012 at 10:59pm
Elizabeth Chalker has written a powerful, God inspired book that will encourage and help strengthen anyone who reads it. If you are in the midst of suffering, or struggling through intense hardships, then this book will provide solace and hope to pull you out of the darkness and into the light!

About Elizabeth and her book: The following is taken with permission from Elizabeth's website. Foreword (from Elizabeth's book)

I don't know if there is really a way for anyone to understand the depths of pain and suffering from which this work of Elizabeth's springs. As one who has witnessed this firsthand, being physically with her in the day-to-day more than anyone else, it's still unfathomable to me what she goes through. The reality of her minute-to-minute existence is far too unbelievable to wrap the mind around. Most of the writing was done in a very dark, cold room in complete silence. Much was done with the computer on Elizabeth's lap, with her typing with her eyes closed, as the light even from the computer screen was too much, too painful. All of it was done with a continual headache/migraine, as those only change in level of severity. She worked in small increments in between excruciating, unbearable physical pain and exhaustion, and moments of reprieve where the physical pain/symptoms and migraines were "bearable enough."

Most of us will never know the loneliness that she experiences or the fear as she watches uncontrollable things happen to her body each day. Even though I am with her as often as possible, and she is never out of my thoughts or my heart, most of this she suffers completely alone, except for her constant companion and angel of God, Symon.

Yet in this existence, that is impossible to call a life, she has never wavered in her faith. She has sought, screamed, challenged, asked tough questions, and been candid in her queries, and also candid in all of what she experiences. However, she has never abandoned her faith. Additionally, she has always been there to support those she loves in spite of the constant abandonment, with words of faith, encouragement, love, and wisdom, always giving beyond her strength and capabilities and often paying a huge price of increased physical pain and other symptoms for days or weeks, as her own health deteriorates.

To me, she is the epitome of what God wants for all of us. To love where there is no evidence, give when there's nothing left and believe where there is nothing left to hold onto except "the scratch marks our nails left behind."

~~~ Dr. Corey Cameron

For more information about Elizabeth and her book visit Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind Raw Faith. For those who would like to get to know Elizabeth and read more about her life-story please visit Help Elizabeth.
Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing
Comment by Author Collective on April 9, 2012 at 11:20am

2012 Michigan Spring Book and Art Festival

Madonna University's Lyric Theater will perform selections from Broadway's "Guys and Dolls," Sunday April 15 at 3:00 p.m. This event is part of the 2012 Michigan Spring Book and Art Festival. The public is invited to this weekend of free fun and literature. Details and times are available on the schedule page. Click for information or call (313) 446-2262


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