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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on September 14, 2019 at 1:27pm

Sword of the Spirit by Mark Norris  

A Must Read Book - To most in the Realm of Drugolin, otherly spirit lore lingered as mysterious legends best suited for late night hearths. On rare occasions one might hear of strange visitations. Some of huge, radiant beings bearing aid and guidance. Others of dark, evil creatures summoning dread and death. All were a part of Drugolish legend, but few took them seriously.
The westland village of Noy couldn’t afford the apathy of its unenlightened, middleland neighbors. Its enclosing fortress walls stood as a monument to the frightening visitations it experienced, day and night.
When the town’s most celebrated otherly adventurer receives a prophetic lamp, he teams with one final group on a faith empowering mission into the dread regions of evil that could usher in an eternal age where mortals are like angels and God reigns supreme.
Yahwin (God), Krystos (Jesus), Sahron (Satan), a host of otherly foes, warrior angels, and warrior prophets endued with extraordinary power all inhabit this peculiar realm in which author Mark Norris tells an eschatological tale that wars for the Millennium’s victor’s rights.
What would you do if an angel materialized in your bedroom tonight, handed you a prophetic lampstand that projected the events of Satan’s rebellion, and invited you to brave the powers of hell?  ................. The otherly is waiting,…will you go?
What others say about Sword of the Spirit:
In Sword of the Spirit, Mark takes us on an intense and imaginative quest that parallels our own lives. A great piece of work that captivates the reader while increasing our ability to remain free from the schemes of darkness. I love  it. It is lush in imagery.“ ~ Gary Crawford
This book really made me think. It delves into spiritual warfare, and considers some of the ways God could anoint believers who resist the enemy in the last days. This book challenged me to believe God for some things I had never considered before. But, it is also a good story. It has plenty of action and I found it hard to put down. I recommend it!” ~ Tom Miller
Available at Barnes and Noble 

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 15, 2019 at 9:10am

Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on August 15, 2019 at 6:45am

Hi everyone!

I’m pleased to announce the release of my new science fiction anthology, Extraterrestrial Encounters!


Just Released!

Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Collection of Sci-Fi Stories 

Are you ready to step into the unknown?

In these 18 sci-fi stories, you’ll encounter aliens of all shapes and sizes, curious (and sometimes unlucky) space explorers, and ordinary Earthlings having otherworldly experiences.

Some of the out-of-this-world tales in this short fiction anthology include:

“The Hoax” - A reporter learns that a creature from another planet is a dangerous thing to fool with

“It Grows on You” - A strange kind of mold has invaded an office, and it’s the perfect tool for revenge

 “What Lurks Below” - Everyone knows there’s no life on Mars, but nobody thought about what might be lurking under the surface…

“The Con” - An alien becomes an unlikely ally to a down-on-his-luck petty crook

“Space Cowboy” - When a second-rate rodeo star is abducted by aliens, he makes the most of the situation

 “They Just Keep Eating” - A Nebraska farmer encounters a menace from space… and it’s hungry


This collection of speculative fiction will stimulate your imagination, unnerve you just a little, and make you wonder… “What if we’re not alone?”

Order it here:


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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 14, 2019 at 2:03pm

The Power of Childhood
Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD
CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, relates the importance of healing childhood trauma. Offering solutions and explanation into habits and patterns that develop into adulthood through an unstable home environment lend insight into an approach to holistic healing. 
These means of holistic healing are through the rebirth process and living a godly life. Consequently, the necessary ingredients that a child needs is presented. Giving readers the tools to recognize unstable environments and childhood trauma received from insecurity, giving hope to readers with encouragement to seek holistic means of healing of the soul through Jesus, the Bible and the application of Biblical principles.
Throughout the author sheds light into practical application through scripture verses that offer a clear perspective of the epidemic of dilemma affecting so many people into their adult years. His book combines decades of research, his own childhood trauma coming from an unstable environment, and depicts case studies that further reveal the plight of victims in childhood.  
He gives truth to believers that they might not be able to live a victorious life in Christ without certain biblical principles in play. He encourages confrontation of issues related to childhood trauma and perception to challenge.
Presenting information that is without the usual psychological dogma that is difficult to understand, he speaks to readers with compassion. Chapter One begins with encouraging Biblical truths and profound, simple, insights that make this a worth-while read to understand a child’s deep need for love, security and self-esteem within a godly environment with parents being living examples of God’s love. Crucial explanation of the basic foundational building blocks that promote a well-rounded adult, the author conversely gives understanding to what happens to children that don’t receive these basics in childhood. 
His book gives an overview of brain function, mental development, and behavior cycles that come from not receiving the basics in childhood. In essence, both the brain and soul are affected; therefore, both are in need of reprogramming and healing.
At the core of his book is the solution for the soul in holistic healing represented through the rebirth and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Without these two functions, a Christian will not live victoriously. Unveiling the nature of God, our Creator, as a loving Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, the author presents a guide to walking in the Spirit of God, giving Biblical truth as foundational for becoming whole and free. Yet, he offers truth, and speaks of false doctrine in certain theology that speaks of Christianity as a way to become blessed, prosperous and not suffer. Rather, He speaks of the sanctified soul and dying to self as a way of daily walking with God. Get your copy of The Power of Childhood at Amazon or in Kindle

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 13, 2019 at 6:14pm

Title: Who is in Control of Your Life?
How to “Walk in the Spirit” in Victory.
By: Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD
Who is in Control of Your Life by Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD., with an available study guide showcases the “how to” walk in the mind of the Spirit versus the flesh. Based upon the scripture verses stating, “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6 NIV)
Essential to the Christian life, one will not have peace or victory unless one understands the above scripture verse. But how does one walk in the Spirit of God? Biblical truths are presented with a guidemap of what this means and what it looks like. Giving the entire truth, the author shares that being born again is only the first part of the journey, you need to embrace your Cross, die to self, and then live again through the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. But just how do you do that?
Who is in Control of Your Life?, gives you a helping hand, an overview and encouragement for the journey to become intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit that will lead and guide you into all truth!
This is a fascinating adventure through the story of creation, the fall, the rebirth and the redemption of all mankind back to God. Truly this is an amazing read, put together to encourage the Saints to persevere and resolutely march to wherever the Spirit leads them.
Readers will love each short chapter: In the Beginning God, Meet Your Generational Parents, Understanding Your Inner Conflict, The Conflict Point (Part 1 & 2), How to Walk in the Spirit (Part 1 & 2) teach one step-by-step of receiving the Holy Spirit and obeying in faith. The journey is a process and the journey is not complete without following the Holy Spirit’s lead.
This book comes highly recommended to all new and mature believers desiring intimacy with the Spirit of God as a follower of God!  A must read. 
You may get your copy of Who is in Control of Your Life? at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.
A CBM Christian Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2019 at 10:07pm

God, I’m Angry at You! Where were you God when I was hurting? by Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, offers the story of Joseph captured in the book of Genesis as a backdrop to come alongside trauma survivors, giving hope and instruction that will usher in a progressive approach to inner healing.  With a chapter-by-chapter approach giving readers a glimpse of Joseph’s ancestral traits and sins, while providing an understanding of familial dysfunction, abuse, generational bloodline transfers and so much more, to bring Biblical and practical inner healing from past traumas. 
A much-needed book that should be recognized not only by the Christian community, but by the secular community.  His purpose in writing the book is to address the silent epidemic and the alarming deterioration of family units and individuals.This book also has the potential to bring much healing of the mind, soul and spirit with a look at Joseph who is much like us today.
The story of Joseph is one of family dysfunction and victory (in the end of course); but not before unimaginable trauma, separation, betrayal, loss and heartache took place.  The author goes to great lengths to teach a practical way of healing embedded within the pages of Joseph’s story and the Bible.  The author states that we (as humans) can only submit ourselves into the Potter’s hands as clay (something to keep in mind).
His book reveals a flurry of wrong choices beginning from Rebekah (Jacob’s mother) to a wide range of emotions, mindsets and self-destructive thoughts and ways that keep us from God.  Encouraging all to look up to God, the author speaks from a psychological standpoint as one who was well-acquainted with failure and certainly understands feelings of hopelessness, despair, and not measuring up. Yet, he adamantly states God is the only One who can meet us in our darkest nights and pit experiences to see us through. God’s compassion, love, and instruction is revealed through the life of Joseph, similarly we can expect the same.  Insight into the human psyche gives us a front-row seat and the author challenges readers to thought-provoking issues that will bring enlightenment, healing and the grace of God upon one’s life.  
God, I’m Angry at You! Where were you God when I was Hurting? further sheds light in the statement and thought of, where were you God when I needed you the most?  His book provides answers to human suffering and offers hope through that pervasive question prevalent in the story of Joseph and in our own lives.. 
God, I’m Angry at You! At Amazon or in Kindle. CBM Christian Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars   

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 5, 2019 at 3:06pm

Title: Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One)
By: AKSMC, Shirley JoAnn Taylor
A CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) by Shirley JoAnn Taylor is a delightful children’s book telling an amazing true story of a daycare in the southeast area of Washington DC that received a special gift in the form of a dove from Abba, Father God. 
With colorful digital imagery and developed for young children from ages 2 to 5-years-old,  the author as founder of Dard’s Parkland Daycare Center, gives the account of Abba’s Sanctuary that became a safe haven for children and Abba’s creatures alike.
During one normal day at the program, the director of the daycare (and author of the book) received a special gift in the form of a special dove. This dove became known as “Peace” representing symbolically the Holy Spirit that resides upon and in each one of us. Book One describes how God sent them the dove as a special gift. Peace was unique in the way she interacted with the director and the school. Young children will come alive with wonder and awe learning of God’s creation and of the peaceful way the dove interacted each day at the school. Peace soon became the children’s and director’s favorite school pet.
Yet, there were more doves to be added to the story. Come and see what happens. The author relates to readers that the Lord indeed sent a dove to relate to His children His peace, prosperity and love to all.  With scripture verses, the author delights in the sharing of Jesus, His peace and His blessing to her through the dove that came to Abba’s Sanctuary.

Christian parents will be able to use this book to teach their children about Abba, Father God, His creation and His love for all of His creatures. Abba’s Sanctuary can also be utilized to teach little ones about the Holy Sprit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ peace from the Holy Spirit.
A highly recommended read that children and parents alike will enjoy! 
You may get your copy of Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) at Amazon of in Kindle as a download.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 4, 2019 at 6:20pm

The Transcendent Signet of God: A Proposal Made in Time to Last an Eternity by Lawrence Pillay takes a closer look at God Himself and Agape love as set forth before time itself.  The question asked was, “Why did God place the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve and then give them such a harsh punishment, and why did all of mankind since then also have to pay in a manner that we ourselves, as mere men, would not impose for something seemingly quite innocent when we as people compare that act to the severity of sin today?” Reviewing the warnings given by Jesus to the church of Ephesus in the book of Revelation, the author administers to the Church to also come back to agape love as mentioned in Scripture.
While also considering the “whole counsel of God” the author takes readers on a logical trail of thought, discovery, revealing the incredible story of mankind, the author sheds light on many facets of God’s love for mankind, answering the many questions one might have. Simple in nature, yet profound, the author relates that humanity may not be interested in abounding theologies of religion and the like, but that all of mankind seeks one thing: Love. With that in mind, Pillay defines “Agape love” coupled with excellent Biblical teaching that assists readers in understanding God’s nature, intent, and love with an intertwining of Scripture that paints a beautiful picture of God’s love for all.  This pure love-based interest in us as humans, as His creation, is what defines us, and what brings true identity and a deep understanding of the love of God that brings solid understanding of the freedom offered in the love of God.
Tackling such subjects as truth, the Free Will, the Law, Sin, Forgiveness, Agape in Man, the Work of the Holy Spirit, Pain and Suffering, The Kingdom of Agape, the author lays a Biblical foundation built on truth from the Word of God that is profound teaching with insights set forth to help readers comprehend the “why” of such things as the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit, free choice, freedom, with the resounding theme that “God is LOVE”. Further defining of the deep meaning of “Agape” love brings an important piece to the puzzle, as the author continues to set forth answers. Concluding with “Discipline on Earth means rewards in Heaven” brings encouragement, understanding and hope for life on Earth and life beyond into Eternity.
This is truly an incredible and introspective read and will give those who believe in God, and those who “believe not” in God, a true perspective of the God of love – not of religion or a set of laws, commandments and rituals. The author makes it known to readers that you are loved from the beginning of time, into Eternity and the Father desires you to come home.
The Transcendent Signet of God at Amazon or in Kindle 
CBM Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars 

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 16, 2019 at 5:14pm

The Message & the Messenger: A Guide to Basic Sermon Preparation & Ministry Protocol
Dr. Tony V. Lewis, President of Christian Bible Institute and Seminary offers practical, scholarly, academic and practical preparation in sermon preparation, but greater than that, this book sheds his insight from a pastoral perspective on the preaching and teaching ministry call. This may be the only book you will need on this subject, covering a clear guide and road map to service from the pulpit to the masses. Dr. Lewis writes, “The call to ministry and to preaching is also a call to preparation and a call to study.” A must-read for all who have been called to preach!
Word Potential: Essays on the Faculty of Spoken Words
Dr. Tony V. Lewis as a pastor, preacher and founder of Christian Bible Institute and Seminary speaks “life” of the Word of God into readers’ lives! Giving a transparent, yet thought-provoking and challenging premise derived from the Word of God, as speaking spirits, we are called to “speak” not “talk”. Those who talk only consume, but those who speak create by the very Word of God. This is one of those books EVERY Christian should know, learn and have in their arsenal to share with others. YOUR WORDS ARE POWERFUL
The Wife He Wants - 
What a Godly Man Seeks in a Wife
Dr. Tony V. Lewis writes on the subject of returning a relationship into the loving resource it was meant to be. This not a one-sided male chauvinistic view on what a woman should be without any accountability from the male counterpart of the relationship. In his pivotal, yet practical and biblical viewpoint, the author gives insight, tips, guidelines into sharing meaningful relationships and restoring balance so that both sides to end in a compliment to each other. This book will bring understanding to 7 things of what a godly man should desire in a wife, while setting the bar for behavior, attitudes and actions on both parties from a firm godly perspective.
A must-read for godly men desiring a godly wife. For women this book might be designed to understand your ideal mate and/or husband. For couples, this book might enhance and give practical insight into your relationship that can promulgate change for the better.
For more information about the author, his books and some wonderful ministry, visit TVLewis Books.

Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on April 16, 2019 at 4:59pm

Here’s a look at my latest historical romance, DANGEROUS INDENTURE. This full-length novel is set in Pennsylvania Colony and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense.


Indentured for five years… how long can Shauna resist her master’s son?

Desperate to escape her past in Ireland, Shauna Farrow signs on to become an indentured servant to Joshua Stewart, a wealthy man in Pennsylvania Colony. But a life of servitude quickly turns to drudgery, and Shauna’s hopes for starting over and creating a better life for herself are waning—until she meets her master’s roguish son, Ashton.

Ashton needs to redeem himself in his father’s eyes and earn the respect he has always longed for. Meeting Shauna turns his life around, and he sets out to win her heart. Torn between propriety and passion, Shauna struggles against her growing attraction to Ashton as long as she can.

But amidst their flirting, something dark stirs. Shauna soon discovers why no other servants wanted to work for the strange Stewart family.

Stewart House has an unsavory reputation: a previous servant died there under mysterious circumstances. When another servant goes missing in the middle of the night, Shauna is convinced that a member of the family is responsible.

Shauna’s investigation leads her close to the truth, and yet, she’s not sure who she can trust. Events take a deadly turn when she confronts the murderer and discovers the mystery of the Stewart family. 


Will Shauna be rescued before time runs out, or will she meet with the same fate as the other servants? 


Order your copy here:


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