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Comment by Kelli A. Wilkins on April 16, 2019 at 4:49pm

New online writing course - Fiction Basics: Finding Ideas

By Kelli A. Wilkins

Hi everyone,

I’m pleased to announce that I just released a new online writing course - Fiction Basics: Finding Ideas is perfect for anyone who needs help coming up with ideas for a novel or a short story.

One of the most common questions authors are always asked is: “Where do you get your ideas?” Well, this mini-course will show you where and how to find interesting ideas for your story, no matter what genre you write. Short writing exercises and helpful tips highlight the material and get you writing.

Learn more about the course and enroll here:

See all of my writings on my NEW site: and blog:

Read more about Kelli's new online writing course - Fiction Basics: Finding Ideas.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 16, 2019 at 8:48am

The Message & the Messenger: A Guide to Basic Sermon Preparation & Ministry Protocol
Dr. Tony V. Lewis, President of Christian Bible Institute and Seminary offers practical, scholarly, academic and practical preparation in sermon preparation, but greater than that, this book sheds his insight from a pastoral perspective on the preaching and teaching ministry call. This may be the only book you will need on this subject, covering a clear guide and road map to service from the pulpit to the masses. Dr. Lewis writes, “The call to ministry and to preaching is also a call to preparation and a call to study.” A must-read for all who have been called to preach!
Word Potential: Essays on the Faculty of Spoken Words
Dr. Tony V. Lewis as a pastor, preacher and founder of Christian Bible Institute and Seminary speaks “life” of the Word of God into readers’ lives! Giving a transparent, yet thought-provoking and challenging premise derived from the Word of God, as speaking spirits, we are called to “speak” not “talk”. Those who talk only consume, but those who speak create by the very Word of God. This is one of those books EVERY Christian should know, learn and have in their arsenal to share with others. YOUR WORDS ARE POWERFUL
The Wife He Wants - 
What a Godly Man Seeks in a Wife
Dr. Tony V. Lewis writes on the subject of returning a relationship into the loving resource it was meant to be. This not a one-sided male chauvinistic view on what a woman should be without any accountability from the male counterpart of the relationship. In his pivotal, yet practical and biblical viewpoint, the author gives insight, tips, guidelines into sharing meaningful relationships and restoring balance so that both sides to end in a compliment to each other. This book will bring understanding to 7 things of what a godly man should desire in a wife, while setting the bar for behavior, attitudes and actions on both parties from a firm godly perspective.
A must-read for godly men desiring a godly wife. For women this book might be designed to understand your ideal mate and/or husband. For couples, this book might enhance and give practical insight into your relationship that can promulgate change for the better.
For more information about the author, his books and some wonderful ministry, visit TVLewis Books.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 18, 2019 at 2:25pm
Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on March 18, 2019 at 2:14pm

Check out my profile on AllAuthor!

Here you can read my books' sample chapters, get updates on my books and latest deals, ask me questions, discuss my books and much more. Follow me on AllAuthor.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 13, 2019 at 9:35pm
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 7, 2019 at 11:01am

Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green
Craig T. Feigh, Illustrated by: Patrick Carlson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green by Craig T. Feigh delights children with colorful illustration and fun learning on how to “Go Green.” The Romie family learns that it’s a good thing to save the environment and recycle.  Going green is great in the month of March too! In March one may wear green for St. Patrick’s Day.  Green is a good color and is their favorite color in “Saving the Environment.” See how all the fun ways one can “Go Green” with the Romie family.
In this cute little children’s book, going green means you can recycle all different types of products – mainly three are recycled – paper, plastic & aluminium. One can save energy to help save our planet by going green too. There are many ways to conserve energy and go green as well. Conserving water and using less electricity is a way the Romie family learns to be a part of the going green community which helps our planet and conserves the Earth’s natural resources like: water and electricity. In this way, we can give back in our daily lives. Even using public transportation helps conserve and save our planet. Find out how that works.
Intertwining science and education, Craig T. Feigh has created a wonderfully fun and easy way to teach children to conserve energy, save natural resources, recycle and go green for a better environment. In this way, children understand that conservation is necessary not only for those who live now, but for the Earth to be protected for future generations. Children and parents alike will adore the Romie family that live in our everyday modern-lives through our computers and phones.
A great educational series for young children!
I had my daughter read Craig’s book and here is what she said;
“Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green is very colorful and teaches children what to do to help our environment, it also gives examples of what not to do which is very important. I think it is a very cute book that will teach youngsters how to help the environment in their daily lives as they grow up and that is something that we all should do.” 
Get your copy of Little Bit & Big Byte, Go Green at Amazon.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 4, 2019 at 3:35pm

Title: Abduction Chronicles
By: Folarin Philip Banigbe
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
“It is in moments of trouble that we know the value of true friendships.” Folarin Philip Banigbe
Abduction Chronicles by Folarin Philip Banigbe relates a touching, spine-tingling, non-fiction account of his own abduction experience. Touching, this novel will captivate you as the author relates each encounter as he was abducted from his home in the middle of the night in his home country, Nigeria. 
He narrates the book and speaks of the events and his thoughts during the ordeal that paint a vivid picture, giving readers an inside view of the home invasion that quickly became life-threatening. Taken by thugs, forced to endure and overcome exposure to elements, lack of food and harsh weather, his abduction shares how God encountered him in his darkest moments. Triumphant, he came back from the evil of perpetrators seeking money to re-tell the truth of what really happened during his days gone missing.
Beginning his narrative of the moments when robbers cut into iron bars to get into the home, the author’s account is a minute-by-minute thrill ride. Readers will find themselves asking, what would I do in such a situation, faced with a Ak-47 and no weapons for defense? The author’s quick thinking throughout his abduction makes for a fast-paced and compelling read. In a unique fashion, he blends his prayers and thoughts to God, coupled with the Holy Spirit’s workings within the ordeal.
Author quote; "Spiritual insights into this abduction include: core values of The Full Gospel - Jesus and the salvation He brings, the Holy Ghost, the Voice of God, visions and dreams, and the Power of God to save and deliver."
As an added bonus, the author’s wife and daughter give their own accounts of the home invasion and days waiting for the author’s return. Intense moments are captured as the wife shares dialogue through phone calls and demands for ransom money that made each day’s dealings with Folarin’s captor’s delicate. Despite the raging emotions, Folarin’s wife gives thanks to God who gave her the peace and strength to survive the barrage of emotions a wife might have for her husband. 
Folarin Philip Banigbe has come out of the ordeal a better man, teaching others to help abduction victims through his foundation. A wonderful read.

You may get your copy of Abduction Chronicles at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 3, 2019 at 2:20pm

Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on March 3, 2019 at 1:46pm

Get a free ebook copy of Kirtaime's "The Perennial Migration"!

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Comment by Dominik Marcel Kirtaime on March 1, 2019 at 2:36pm

I need support. Specifically votes and 194 of them. My book cover has been nominated by allauthor

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