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Christian Book Reviews For Christian Authors

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing Mar 23, 2022.

Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror books reviewed 2 Replies

Started by 4-LAN. Last reply by Ella James Aug 5, 2019.

What Do You Look For In A Good Book Review 2 Replies

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing. Last reply by Ella James Aug 5, 2019.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 12, 2018 at 2:23pm

New Book Release - Illuminated Beyond the Cross by David Hess offers a redemptive look of the Cross and the Crucifixion through a journey into God’s Word and key Scripture. Sanctification and Romans 6:6 illuminates the power of the Cross by way of the new man. Exposing deception, darkness and sin held within, Hess offers Biblical keys to walking in the power and forgiveness by way of the Cross. Presenting the grace that is present in the New Testament, beyond the Cross, coupled with a series of revelations recorded in the book obtained from poignant questions the author asked the Lord, He delivers answers. These answers correlate with Scripture and Christians indeed will find them intriguing. A further study of Scripture reveals the Law, which all could not keep. Sharing a powerful message to all those who would believe Christ’s message of the amazing grace of a new life in Christ marked by a pure heart, repentance from sin, the author offers a powerful and practical guide to living in the victory of Christ.
Displaying the mystery of the Cross, a new meaning of freedom from guilt and shame come to light in this invigorating and deeply insightful read. Stating that what has been hidden for centuries, is now available to all who would open their hearts and choose to see with eyes of understanding.
With such chapters as: Seeking & Searching, Beyond the Cross, A Word from God, Wisdom of Revelation, The Cross illuminated, Crucifixion, Sanctification, In Christ Illuminated, Creation Illuminated, John 17 Illuminated, & The Law Illuminated Summary, the author lovingly reveals being crucified with Christ, being freed from sin and living a sanctified life that brings freedom – all by way of the Cross.
Further, declaring a revlatory theme for 2018 as many being set free from bondages, the author offers a journey and guide to teach others what the Cross means to them in their everyday lives. Stating that the year 2018 is when the Church will receive back the power and glory, inspiring all to go beyond the Cross into the God’s destiny as the triumphant Church.
This book comes highly recommended relating powerful keys for the Church to grasp in order to walk in full victory. 10.0 stars, a must read!


You may get your copy of Illuminated Beyond the Cross at Amazon and as a download in Kindle. You may visit David Hess at Voice Of The Truth Ministries

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 7, 2018 at 1:22pm

Venatius Agbasiere takes a truthful look at suffering, relates them to readers in a Biblical sense, giving hope and encouragement for the journey of life. An outstanding read! ~ CBM Book Reviews
The plight of mankind, many ask why? Why is there so much suffering in the world?  In his book,  Suffering: Finding True Peace, Joy and Happiness in the Midst of Life’s Challenges, Problems and Difficulties, Venatius Agbasiere looks at suffering, the how and the why God uses seasons to build character, teach and make us pliable as clay is molded into a beautiful vessel. This going from desert to desert to bring His chosen ones into the Promised Land is a actually a type of training ground that the author calls a “breaking.” He states that, “Breaking is painful, breaking is frustrating, breaking is uncomfortable, but blessing comes afterwards, so please, do not give up during the time of breaking.” Further stating, “There is a blessing in breaking. We are broken by God in order to be blessed.”
The above statement gives insight into the focus of the book, as additional Biblical input builds the foundation as he preaches from the Scriptures. His book is meant to encourage the Body of Christ and to give understanding during the difficult seasons of life in order to make way for God to work and bring His blessings into one’s life. Offering his own experiences going from a third world country to the United States, his book states that all suffer, just in different ways. He reminds those that are doing well to not look upon those who are suffering, but presents a compassionate look at people’s sufferings.
Instrumentally, he teaches that God cared for the Israelites through all they went through. Similarly, we are to remember this that God does not change and He will not abandon us. He will provide us of all our needs and seasons do come to an end. God turns all into good for His Kingdom. (Romans 8:28)
Highly recommended as a must-read for every Christian, whether a new or mature believer. 
Get your copy of Suffering: Finding True Peace, Joy and Happiness in the Midst of Li...Challenges, Problems and Difficulties at Amazon or in Kindle.

Comment by Janis C. on February 22, 2018 at 9:13pm
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 1, 2018 at 1:39pm

God Cares for Me in Every Season: Godly Insights for Singleness, Marriage, and Divorce by Agnes Amos-Coleman sets the stage to choose life according to God’s ways in every season of life, whether single, married, or divorced. Her book is organized in three sections pertaining to each season: single, married, or divorced. She speaks to Christians globally and to non-Christians, and links the eroding moral values of our times, (backed up by Gallop Poll Statistics).
Offering answers as to the reasons for certain seasons, each section is designed to offer godly foundations that produce the fruits of the Spirit. Intended to present understanding of God’s care during all seasons, God’s plan is that one will produce fruit in their lives. With keen insight and Biblical wisdom, the author sheds light through God’s Word, presenting an easy, three-pronged approach, giving hope for each season of life.
Developed through the teaching of the nine fruits of the Spirit, the author writes from a place of personal experience that brings inspiration and the blending of Christian principles and scripture verses that enhance one’s season in life. Each particular season is covered in three distinct sections to glean from, making for an easy read. The organization of the book presents a palatable format that asks your current season, (single, married, or divorced), presents life-lessons learned from these seasons, and presents to readers scripture affirmations for this particular season in their lives.
In the end, the author brings readers to a glorious conclusion, offering a steadfast hope in following the Lord in all His ways. Additionally, a type of a glossary is given presenting one scripture verse that best defines such terms as: love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, grace, forgiveness, obedience, blessing, encouragement, unity, Holy Spirit, praise, thankful, trust, waling in the Spirit, and offers a salvation prayer as well.
This book comes highly recommended to those who need inspiration and are growing in the Lord. In particular, the book is a way to digest the Word, while also receiving wisdom and direction for ones life.
You may order your copy of God Cares for Me in Every Season: Godly Insights for Singleness, Ma... or in Kindle. You can visit the author at, Agnes Amos-Coleman.
Be sure to check out the author's other book, The Provisions of God: Insights from a Cat Named Mascot which is also available at Amazon and in Kindle.
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 24, 2018 at 9:24pm

Breaking the Barriers: 31 Keys to Experience Inner Peace by John Clark Mayden, Jr. is a interactive devotional Christian book, and the first volume of a series of 3 books written by the Reverend that help readers get past, let go and rise above ALL into the peace of God. 
Offering thirty-one keys through an intuitive book and penned with a pastor’s heart for hurting people, Mayden, Jr. presents a Biblical and foundational read that sheds light on the common issues to bring identity to the issues, while offering keen insight and valuable solutions. With keen insight into human nature, and the nature of man, the author brings a better understanding to the barriers that keep people stuck, thus revealing the truth of God and Scripture that will yield a great harvest of peace.
With hopes of transforming readers into the person God wants them be and written with a firm grasp of the natural and supernatural, many will find this book insightful, yet full of practical Biblical advice.
This is a powerful book based on the premise of Satan’s ploy on humanity to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10); the author reveals that Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. With three distinctive sections on how to overcome the 3D’s: Overcoming Despair, Dealing with Disappointment, and Managing Depression this book provides the way out, the way to wait, and the way to breakthrough.
Each key provides inspirational and practical advice that has helped the author. Presenting a Biblical solution provides the reader with knowledge and a “how to” as a guidebook to getting through difficult emotions and circumstances.  Pivotal heart and mind attitudes reflect a godly renewing of the mind in each section, and offers readers a chance to integrate the lessons by short active action steps and application at the end of each key to overcoming.
This book is a way to climb up the mountain of God to “see” God and His heart. Full of Scripture and sound doctrine, the author gives readers a roadmap through the 3D’s and helps those needing guidance and hope to experience the peace of Christ. Not as the world gives, but as Christ bequeathed to His followers, even in trials. (That is an amazing statement – even peace in the storm or through the troubles).
Breaking the Barriers: Unlocking the Keys to Inner Peace 
comes highly recommended for all those seeking closer intimacy with God to develop His peace in one’s life. This is the victory of Jesus!  
Title: Breaking the Barriers
31 Keys to Experience Inner Peace
Rev. John Clark Mayden, Jr.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.00 stars
You may get your copy of Breaking the Barriers 31 Keys to Experience Inner Peace at Amazon or in Kindle.

Comment by Janis C. on January 24, 2018 at 7:01pm

Henry of the famous sweet Penruddock Romance Novellas joins Award-winning Aleksandra Layland of the epic Windflower Saga under their love of Jane Austin. The result is a sweet little read. Based on the characters of Austen's Pride and Prejudice they combine it with their own the timeless fantasy worlds they created... Read the full review at INDIE'S REVIEW

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 19, 2018 at 10:57am

Mat with only one t by Jeff Thomas is a beautifully told and illustrated story of Mat and his grandpa. Endearing, Mat talks about his grandpa from the time grandpa spent with him when he was born, to summers fishing with grandpa, continuing with all the loving lessons that his favorite grandpa taught him! With a rhyming saying, “Give a smile and give from your heart, and your gift will keep giving even when you’re apart,” and a memorable ending, the book displays many heartfelt sentiments. In the end, grandpa passed on which makes this book a special read for those little ones dealing with the loss of a grandparent. His giving of a “t” in his name symbolizes salvation and is an opportunity for parents to tap into the salvation message. (Little ones can see the shadow of a t on the grandpa’s back that makes for a lasting mental impression).
This book opens the door for honest talks about the cycle of life and how much we love our loved ones. This children’s book also is one that children and parents alike are not likely to forget. Although, a sad ending, the story speaks of reality to some and may help children to cope and understand with the difficulties of a losing a loved one. Parents might explain that Heaven is a place where we can see our relatives after we all have gone to Heaven.
This book comes also highly recommended for a child that may have lost a beloved grandparent, and to Christian parents that would like to talk about salvation to their children.
The author has done an excellent job in taking a delicate matter and leaving the reader with a touching story that will always be remembered. Mat giving his “t” should remind us all just how much Jesus loved us for giving us His salvation. 
You may get your copy of Mat with only one t at Amazon in hardcover.
Title: Mat with only one t
By: Jeff Thomas
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 18, 2018 at 6:59pm

David R. Stokes invites readers on a delightful road of forgiveness to thriving in every way. Connecting the dots, the author leads readers through the art of storytelling, as Jesus did, to the discovery of grace (through Christ) and relates what that means for us.
He offers help through the application of forgiveness, mercy, love, patience, the Bible and God’s ways that challenges readers to make an inner-self survey. Dealing with such subjects as: anger, bitterness and unforgiveness, he shows readers the only way to having true and lasting inner peace – through reliance on God and complete forgiveness. Knowing that we all get hurt, even when trying to do “good” things – and even by those who are within the church walls, he begins with the story of the Good Samaritan as a backdrop to the question: What do you do when you receive hurt and/or pain either physically, emotionally, or spiritually from other believers (and others in the world)? Offering true scriptural and Biblical answers, this book offers hope for the journey into forgiveness, the grace of God and a renewing of the mind that leads to maturity in Christ.
Using such Biblical examples as “Saul of Tarsus” who was later converted to the Apostle Paul and also Joseph’s story, the author also relates a number of compelling true-life stories that add intrigue and captivate one’s intellect and heart. Teaching and instructing along the way, the author advocates Scripture memorization as way to build the inner man and faith – as one learns to “take every thought captive”- and tend to your thoughts as you would a garden – plucking out the weeds. 
Truthfully, there is not a person on this Earth who can say, “I’ve had a pain free life.” With that in mind, inevitably this book will touch you in some profound way. I have to say this is the only  book, (that I read in only two sessions and wanted to read straight through). I could literally not put the book down! 
This book is a highly  recommended read for the Church, the Body of Christ, for pastors to hand out or for anyone looking to move forward and get better – not bitter.
When Good Samaritans Get Mugged at Amazon or Kindle. Visit David at David R. Stokes. For additional books visit Expectation Church Resources.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 16, 2018 at 6:59pm

Living Through Troubled Times: Witnessing the Rainbow is an Inspirational Journey by Dianne Tolliver.  It captures the true-life testimonies of twenty-one individuals and the storms, tribulations, and heartbreaks they endured. Through God’s triumphant care to find new beginnings for these people, the author records God’s faithfulness as He carried these individuals through their storms to reveal God’s rainbow of hope.  
Her book begins with a miraculous intervention by God that saved her from a terrible car accident and death, not once, but twice in a matter of minutes. Inspired by our Heavenly Father, His Word, and promises, the author was compelled to write this book for the empowerment of others. The book shares the heart of God.  It reveals how each person learned to overcome their challenges through their faith, remembering that God is a shield to those who put their trust in Him (Paraphrase of Psalm 91:4). Offering hope as we see His promises fulfilled through a wide-array of individual stories, her book sheds light on God’s grace which offers wisdom, inspiration, and hope in a troubled world.
“Thank God for the Rainbow!” This statement reflects her book of hope – helping others to believe that God hears, cares, and provides help. Each personal story shares the person’s heart during their challenges along with God’s encouragement and guidance. Providing insight into Scripture, and His promises, these endearing testimonies relate the emotions and reactions to trauma while revealing how hope in God carried them through tough times. These strong testimonies will bring tears to your eyes as you watch our Heavenly Father in action. He provided for, cared for, and brought what each person needed.  With this in mind, this book shares powerful reflection tools for learning to trust God and helps readers overcome despite adversity in their own lives.
Living Through Troubled Times: Witnessing the Rainbow will resonate as we live in perilous times. Life is not without tribulation. Many have faced overwhelming circumstances with layoffs, financial challenges, sicknesses, near-death experiences, loss of loved ones, and troubling events. This book provides powerful, true testimonies that will encourage the body of Christ.  It also reaches out to those who need to turn to God, not only for their salvation but also as protection for their daily lives. The author has included a 3-step salvation guide in hopes that those who feel the call of God upon their lives, will come to Him in their time of need.
Title: Living Through Troubled Times
Witnessing the Rainbow
By: Dianne Tolliver
ISBN #978-1-5456-0735-0
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars 

A Great Inspirational Book! Get your copy of Living Through Troubled Times at Amazon or in Kindle.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 16, 2018 at 12:33pm

A Highly recommended read - World War S: The Silence Begins (Book 1) and The Servants of the Dragon (Book 2) by Stephen Paul Thomas combine elements of a science fiction thriller novel with a religious twist that is an intense page turner ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.


Set sometime in the near future, the world has become a place of darkness. On the edge of economic and social collapse, key elements of society have changed: no Christianity allowed and the pursuit of seeking the divine through other means is elevated to a worldwide phenomenon. 


Seeking diviners and fortunetellers offer an escape for those upon the Earth, an escape tailored to meet their fleshly desires, leading them away from truth and into deception.


Two key characters, Josh and Julie, are the mainstay characters, along with other side events simultaneously occurring. Josh is a lighthearted boy with an amazing prophetic and revelatory ability. Julie is an ER doctor and physiologist whose focus has become more of an experiment to understand the nature of her clients’ Near Death Experiences (NDE). Her inquires are rooted in explaining the connection of the mind, soul and afterworld upon the cessation of life.


Heart pounding, riveting, and full of suspense, this novel is fast-paced and although a fiction novel, the scenarios depicted seem to be a plausible future considering world events, i.e., persecution of the Saints and a false religion that explodes. What would the world look like without the truth of God’s Word? Being a Christian is outlawed and it seems the world is on the edge of collapse. The author paints a vivid picture that blends elements of science fiction, demonic entanglement and the spiritual world that shed light into World War S.


Intriguing, this spiritual world war sounds vaguely familiar - What if the world was really like this?  And we are already living in this time or on the brink of total economic and social collapse, which brings such deception, demonic oppression and anarchy? All questions you can explore within this “brutally good,” “The reality of the demonic,” “Prophetic,” and “Genious” book.


A highly recommended author and series to follow! Quite unique.


ISBN #978-1978271616

A CBM Christian Book Review

10.0 out of 10.0 stars


Get your copy of World War S at Amazon.


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