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Novel Authors and Publishers


Novel Authors and Publishers

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51 Ways to Blog as a Novelist

We all know that blogging is one of the best ways to get attention in today's Internet world. A blog is a godsend to your website, bringing it traffic, fans, and more. But you have to post regularly.

Stuck for what to blog about? Here are some tips for novelists, but the same tips can apply to writers of nonfiction, memoirs, children's books, business books, and more.

  1. Review other novels, especially from other lesser-known novelists.
  2. Write a blog post using the voice of one of your main characters.
  3. Have that main character tell some side stories not included in the novel.
  4. Write about the setting - time and/or place. Use some of the research you did to ensure that your novel was accurate.
  5. Invite your readers to review your book. Feature their testimonials on your blog.
  6. Interview some of your readers: via Q&A text or via an Internet radio show or via a teleseminar.
  7. Podcast your book, one section at a time.
  8. Write about trends in your genre.
  9. Write about your favorite novelists, especially those that write in your genre. Include their photos and a sampling of their books.

For the rest of the 51 ways, see:

If you like this list, help me add more. Email:

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Comment by Brenda Wynn on July 1, 2012 at 7:52am

Check out the great reviews on my first fantasy novel and buy yourself a copy at

If you'd like to review my novel, send me a message.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 30, 2012 at 11:00pm
Enlightening, entertaining and educational Two Messiahs by Jeff Morton addresses the controversial issue of Christianity and Islam head on. Join these two Messiahs from two world religions as they engage in a friendly conversation down the winding ancient path from Emmanus to Jerusalem. The reader will be intrigued to discover their identities according to each religion (Christianity and Islam), but more importantly the significant differences. One is Jesus, the other is Isa, the Prophet of Islam. One is the true Messiah, the Son of God and divine in nature, the other, a man and servant of his god.

Relevant for today, this unique book written by Biola University Professor and author, Jeff Morton reflects and reveals the truth about who Jesus the Messiah is. Two world religions cross paths as the author desires to minister to Muslims and Christians alike in this different and unique way. He tells a story, thereby teaching Christians about Islam and reveals to Muslims why Jesus of Nazareth is the true Son of God sent to bring salvation to the world. As the author states, most of the misunderstandings stemming from the differences between Christianity and Islam come from a lack of information.

Author Jeff Morton is a Professor of Intercultural Studies at Biola University and has been ministering to Muslims since 1984. He has ministered in many countries to include West Africa, the U.S. and many other nations. He and his wife Debbie now live in Southern California near one of the largest mosques and Muslim communities on the West Coast. His background is one of extensive research in apologetics, theology and he is particularly interested in presenting the Gospel to those of Islamic backgrounds. He is a member of SIM and i2 Ministries as well. He has trained many missionaries and university students abroad to include Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan and the U.S.

Two Messiahs by Author Jeff Morton is available at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

A Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast, sharing Christ with the world.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 29, 2012 at 7:28am

How awesome!

Wanted to let everyone know that my novel, DROP OUT is today’s Kindle Nation Daily’s sponsor. Please check it out. It’s a powerful read. Thank you.                                     

Comment by Glenna Jarvis on June 28, 2012 at 5:46pm

SANDMANN by Glenna Jarvis

Read the first chapter at:

Now working on the second in the series, Wormwood.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 28, 2012 at 8:44am

Can’t figure it out

Although I’ve figured out what sites help most with sales, and what forums to post on, and what sponsorships work best, and I’ve documented all of this on my blog, there’s still one thing I cannot figure out. What prompts sales? For example, last month I sold many copies of INSECTLAND, DROP OUT, DREAM TRAVELER, and FROSTPROOF in the U.K. Yet, I’ve done almost no marketing for the U.K. since March. In the U.S., I sold many copies of all my books, but the two best sellers for the month were DROP OUT and DEGENERATES. This month, my U.K. sales for SILENT INVASION are huge, with a few sales of INSECTLAND, but that’s it. No other sales. In the U.S., I’m selling lots of my YA books but few of my adult. But last month, I sold mostly my adult books. It makes no sense. These are two different genres with two different age groups and audiences. Why the sudden boost in sales for a particular book? If I truly have a fan base, then the logic would be that my fans are gradually reading all of my books and that is why certain books sell a lot more than others on certain months. I’ve also learned from other forums that Amazon has an algorithm for their books and if your book somehow gets into the algorithm it gets more exposure, thus more sales for that certain book. And still other authors have said that it depends if Amazon starts randomly listing the book as a recommended read. I have also heard that liking a book means nothing except for the visual representation that people have bought it, and I still haven’t figured out if tags work that much when compared to the hundreds of thousands of books that are tagged with “thriller” for example. The Pandora’s Box of promotion and advertising still eludes me, but I’ll find it, I swear I’ll find it. Until then, I’ll keep plugging away at sponsorships, posting on sites, investigating rocket-sale promises, and falling for scams, until I find the yellow brick road to riches and fame. If/when I do, I’ll let you know.

Comment by Santonio Thompson on June 27, 2012 at 12:36pm



Driven by the fear of being alone has caused me years of pain, frustration , and 100's of vow's to never get in a relationship with a women that don't want shit. Being obsessed with a phat ass, accompanied with insanity and denial kept me in a viscous cycle of O Lord here I go again. That's what got me in trouble with Angie. I ignore all the signs that she was trifflen as hell. I mean this women was 5'3 pecan tan with a body shape like an hour glass. Her ass omg! It looks like she dipped it in honey and sat in a wasp nest. Dam she has the prettiest, round ass on earth. But the moment I spoke to her in line at Wal-Mart. I should have known she was not the one. Her breath smelled like ass and cigarettes, I'm talking morning breath at 6 in the evening. Men, you know how a pretty face and phat ass get us every time.

I said to myself, I can hit it doggy style. Rationalizing and carrying on. I was doing too much knowing I could smell her breathe, if she was in she kitchen and, I was in the back bedroom and she yawned. Anyway, we exchanged numbers and later that day I found myself calling her then riding to her house to beat the pussy up. When I crossed tha thrush hole into her house, I should have ran like hell, but no I looked past all the dirty clothes in the flour, on the chair. The dirty dishes , roaches swimming in a bowl of old milk and cereal, the shitty diapers and bloody tampons piled in her bath room trash can. Fuck it I thought, High as gas is I'm gonna hit this ass anyway. Boy how I was fooled. When she took off her pants. I began to comprehend what men mean when they say her ass smells like a sewer trout. I be dam if I didn't think I was near a waste plant. This shit is too much for me. I was out. I turned to walk out of her room and crack! My skull was bashed to my brain, by her brother with a aluminum bat. Mamma chasing ass would get me in trouble one day. Who know she would be right, and I would be Angie first victim of many men to be found dickless and dead. yep. I got some ass alright, my own. Picture this me lying on a church step my dick cut off stuck in my ass. My head so smash in, that you could see my brains coved with maggots sucking the blood and my nuts in my mouth. That's what chasing a phat ass and a fed up women got me.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 25, 2012 at 1:07pm

Changing the world

So it finally happened, ebooks have surpassed regular books in sales for the first time ever! What does that mean to the 21st century writer? It means that the future of reading is here. It means that the stigma of reading ebooks has passed. It means a world-wide audience can download a book in seconds. It also means we will probably be seeing the end of traditional bookstores. Though it had been a lifelong dream of mine to see the cover of one of my books prominently displayed on Borders new release shelf, I’m gladly trading that dream for thousands of sales across the globe. Probably, the most significant drawback to ebooks is that an author cannot sign the copy. There won’t be any more book signing events or author appearances to sell books. There won’t be any more small author headshots on the back cover showing a proud and smiling writer. Authors as recognizable faces will most likely disappear and all writers will be known by name only. I for one am willing to forgo those ego boosts and live my life anonymously in exchange for more readers and a bigger audience. And speaking of a bigger audience, I’ve discovered a few things that may save time for authors trying to promote their books. Number one, though I once praised posting on threads that offer free promotion I now recommend against it. After many months of close observation and record keeping I discovered almost no relationship between posting and sales. Though it did make me feel good thinking I was doing something to get the word out, in actuality, it did almost nothing. I probably spent more than fifty hours posting summaries and taglines and can maybe actually account for five sales that are directly related to those efforts. That’s ten hours work posting per sale at a sixty cent royalty. You do the math. I have discovered that posting regularly on Author’s Den, Linkedin, Kindle Boards, Kindle Direct Publishing community, and Bookblogs has yielded the best results. Also, starting your own blog is a must. As you can see, this blog is nearing 190,000 hits, that’s a lot of exposure. All in all, ebooks are the future and I am excited to be a part of this new author revolution in publishing. It inspires me to write “outside the box” and create characters and storylines far from the mainstream without fear of what a publisher would think is WORTHY of being given a chance to show the public. It allows me to be more creative in ways that were never acceptable before. To think that without ebooks and the new acceptance of indie writers, nearly 12,000 people that have read my books would never have even gotten the chance if the big three publishing houses had their way. My advice is to write whatever kind of story you want, get a good editor, get a good cover artist, and publish away. Let the public decide if you’ve got talent, not some corporate tie-wearer who’s more worried about making his sales numbers than the story you’ve got to tell.

Comment by Santonio Thompson on June 25, 2012 at 10:48am

When A Women’s FED UP
By: Santonio A. Thompson

My next to oldest daughter Len came over today and she had the
audacity to bring Renee over here talking about here’s your daughter.
Renee is probally not my child.I ed her moms 15 years ago and
gave her $10 .She’s ed hundrerds of men for dope and money but
I’m the daddy. I only took her in becaue I’m actually scared of Len.
I really believe Len would have killed me if I hadn’t took the
baby in. If she wanted to do the right thing, why she didn’t take the
little mother er home with her?
My other daughter PEACHES is dumb as a box of rocks when
it comes to men.She call herself cutting me off because she came
from work early one day and caught her ex-boyfriend kissing. I love
women, but I love getting me a little ass too. you would think she
would be grateful to me for showing her he’s a bicth.As much as that
loved dick, RAY CHARLES could see he was gay as . I
would come over and she would be leaving and this would be
happier than a punk with a bag of dicks and still she couldn’t tell he’s
M Y OLDEST daughter and I speak she stay in the neighbohood.
She don’t claim me as a father but she comes by and have a beer and
kick the wit ME.
I done got too old for Len and Peach’s . I did my part in giving
them life and raising them. Those ungrateful bitches should be taking
care of me.

Comment by Thom Cantrall on June 21, 2012 at 11:41am  Part IV of the serialization of "After Armageddon" is now ready for your perusal... Enjoy!

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 18, 2012 at 1:40pm

Worst ever!


My newest KND sponsorship for SILENT INVASION was a total disaster. As I predicted after I booked it, having a sponsorship for a middle grade novel the week schools let out was a HUGE mistake. The sponsorship yielded almost no increase over my usual daily sales. If I can offer any advice to promotional efforts for books is to make sure you take into account the world’s events when you schedule. I do have another sponsorship on Kindle Nation Daily for DROP OUT on June 29th. My logic for that date is because it is the Fourth of July weekend and many people will be on vacation at the beach, or needing something to read by the pool, or on a plane. DROP OUT is a literary adult novel so I’m chancing on an entirely different genre and audience. It will either be a big success or another waste of promotional money. I still recommend that all indie authors use sponsorship to get themselves out there. Even though I chalk this latest sponsorship as the worst ever, my book was still exposed to about 150,000 people through the KND site and their Facebook page and Twitter. And the link will be on the internet forever, so who knows what the future holds. I also just got an email from that they like the covers to my books so much that they placed them on display on their site. All unsolicited and free! Exposure! Exposure! Exposure! That’s what it’s all about.


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