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Writing a Christian book is a great way to share the love of Christ, His Redeeming Passion, Kingdom principles, the Word of God and testimonies that can bless others. As a follower of Christ, every Christian has a powerful testimony, teaching or…Continue

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 21, 2017 at 11:01am
The Bridge from OneDayBow: 
The Complete Trilogy
By: Kathy M. Warden
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Bridge from OneDayBow is a fictional and modern-day parable of the Gospel. Written with the use of rhyme and poetry, the author offers an interesting “twist” that brings an understanding of the Kingdom of God versus what the world advocates.
Captivating, yet eye-opening, four characters are portrayed – Truth and Life versus Lies and Death that parallel Scripture, and present insight to life’s purpose. The author’s message is simple, and conveys the truth of eternity coupled with God’s absolute authority as the King of kings and Lord of lords; and His Word, that presents an opportunity to believe in the Good News.  Her hopes are to bring others to the Truth of the Word of God and to salvation in Jesus Christ alone. This is a fantastic book for young and old alike, and although fictional, depicts the battle for your soul and life’s meaningless destiny without knowing your Maker, God Himself.
Intertwined with scripture, Tim, the main character, knows there has just got to be more meaning to life other than collecting bobbles. He embarks on a journey of discovery to find Truth and discovers that there is much deception in his world, depending on who one listens to. He finds that there is a way that brings life, joy and much peace into one’s heart and soul (his nooma) and that this peace is not found in worldly bobbles and collecting, but journeying beyond the HereandNow. A mysterious Bridge, leads the way to finding answers. Tim discovers God’s armor as mentioned in Ephesians 6 and that he has all he needs to win the victory!
This book is a wonderful allegory of the salvation of the cross that is possible through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the bridge to salvation and in hopes of leading others to discover their own salvation, the author has penned an incredible adventure that reveals the truth of God’s Word.  ~ A triumphant literal accomplishment giving new life to the genre of Pilgrim’s Progress. 
Highly recommended for young teens to increase faith, to encourage them to put on the Armor of God and to reveal the Truth of God’s Words.
You can get your copy of The Bridge from OneDayBow at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 13, 2017 at 1:24pm
Fame and Fortune Tellers: 
A Young Man’s Meteoritic Rise to Stardom
Todd Netland
A CBM Book Review
9.8 out of 10.0 stars
Fame and Fortune Tellers: A Young Man’s Meteoritic Rise to Stardom by Todd Netland is a fantastic fictional read about a talented young keyboardist, Randy Miller, beginning in the year 1973. After receiving an incredibly accurate telling and prophecy from a pudgy old man, Randy’s life was about to change. Married to Lila, their ride home from Harvey’s Hotel Resort was just the beginning of this mysterious prophecy coming to pass. A thought-provoking read, Randy discovers that being a rock star does not bring the fulfillment he was hoping for. This novel reads like a movie in the making and reminds one that life is a journey. Themed with Jesus Christ’s salvation, this novel dares to show readers that this Earth is passing, and that Eternity is waiting for them and that it is up to them to choose salvation in Jesus Christ.
Fast-paced, real life scenarios draws readers into the lifespan of many different characters that experience trauma, loss, heartache, along with life’s triumphs, all leading into a grand tapestry of life that readers will appreciate. Randy’s journey draws you in, and we are able to follow his life from his 30’s during the 70’s, into his late 60’s. Quickly Randy begins living out this prophecy and ascends to success on the Pop culture scene. An aspiring musician, Randy plays the keyboard and guitar. Along the way, his family and friends, lives intertwine, revealing that we all have choices and we all have free will. With suspense, Randy’s journey unfolds, coupled with endearing romance, humor, danger and intrigue that collide with several sub-plots. 
Within this, the author reveals the reality of what is on the other side of death (and behind this so-called “prophecy”), Randy comes to an understanding of light vs. darkness, discovering that Satan is real and so is Jesus. The book conveys through the series of Randy and other characters's life that we all have freedom to make our own life choices, but sheds light on the importance on making the right choices in regards to salvation. Offering what we do in the present has an impact on our eternity, this book unveils that worldliness does not compare to the glory that is offered from setting one’s hopes on God, Heaven and Eternity.
You may get your copy of  Fame and Fortune Tellers at Amazon and in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 10, 2017 at 3:26pm
A great fictional read, filled with Biblical undertones, a riveting saga, O’Dell reveals the spiritual realm, highlighting the battle of evil behind the scenes, that have relentlessly attacked God’s creation from the beginning - mankind. Ultimately, ending in Jesus’ great forgiveness for all who would believe.  ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews. - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars
A page turner that will keep you coming back for more. The Nephilim Project: A Demon’s Chronicle by Steve O’Dell is a fast-paced adventure extrapolating from historical and Biblical movements of history such as David’s epic battle against Goliath, and Jesus’ crucifixion. Some are telling as to “what it might have been like” in those days, but still, fiction at its best, intertwining the dark plots of evil upon an innocent world.
Lucifer, known as the Prince of the Air, and his forces wreak havoc in an unfettered, and strategic assault. Utoneious speaks about his exploits and recoils at the telling of his part along Lucifer’s side, as he tells of the exploration of the great regions of space. The author portrays the realities of the spiritual realm with intensity and realism, combining truth, logic, the supernatural.
Lucifer and his fallen angels goal is to keep man separated from God. Revealing the supernatural realm from the demonic perspective, the battle is depicted through this statement by a demon, “We need to bring about a complete and comprehensive seduction, persuading men there is no judgment. Satan demands their loyalty either knowing or unsuspecting. Give them the earth, wooden idols, or golden gods to worship; it matters not. These things bring the same end. If we cannot escape Hell neither will man. Obey me, and mankind will also suffer the wrath of God!”  Compelling, to say the least!
Revealing such great events like the Great Flood being God’s judgment due to man’s increasing wickedness, the story unfolds with Noah and his family and their departure from the Ark to a destroyed and water deluged Earth. As the only remnant saved by a righteous God, Noah is to begin again, and to reclaim and replenish the Earth once more. Depicting the struggles that Noah and his family must have faced after the Flood makes for an interesting read. As the story progresses, a deeper evil is revealed, a power that is controlled by Satan as mankind fights for survival – The secret of the Nephilim is revealed.
The Nephilim Project involves a deeper story, one that is of spiritual warfare. The author opens worlds that are not visible, but still exist, to the reader, giving them challenging scenarios to contemplate as evil declares war upon humanity. 
The Nephilim Project: A Demon’s Chronicle at Amazon or in Kindle. For more information about the author and his books, visit Christian Fiction Novels.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 7, 2017 at 6:40pm
Samuel A. Oghenejabor unveils the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage in America – What the Word of God Says as a courageous and profound message of righteousness that is directed to the leaders and to the people of America.
Controversial in nature, the subject matter of same sex marriage can get volatile, but not just from people expressing their opinions. . . in his riveting new book, the author exposes the wickedness and the dire consequences for coming against the institution of marriage as a Holy Union and the wrath of God that comes upon peoples, kings, leaders and nations for the rebellion to the Laws and Decrees of The Lord Almighty.
We all know that in history’s past, there have been kings, leaders and civilizations that were toppled when the pride and rebellion reached God’s ears and became intolerable, inciting the judgment of a Holy God.  Biblical examples would be The Tower of Babel, The Great Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah.  But there are others and the author warns of such punishment if same sex marriage is made legal.
As history repeats itself, the author offers the solution ~ turn to God in repentance and do not allow the legalization of same sex marriage. Thought-provoking and challenging, this book not only provides his opinions, but God’s Word as the only standard. As he reveals, going against God’s ways, bring severe consequences.
Holding a Master of Science Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Grand Canyon University, Samuel A. Oghenejabor has a passion for the poor, under-privileged, and the mentally challenged /disabled. As a devout Christian and strong believer in the power of  God’s Holy Word, his book challenges all to not go along with the Same Sex Marriage Agenda and to make righteous decisions for America.
As an advocate for the mentally ill and disabled, he currently works with the mentally ill and substance use/abuse with individuals in a behavioral health setting. His desire is to see God’s people humble themselves, repent of their pride, rebellion and wickedness and submit to God because “He will abundantly pardon.” ~ A highly recommended read!
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 7, 2017 at 2:52pm
A must read ...
Kenneth John Marks writes a fascinating novel based on the Scripture that Jesus spoke and said, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:15–16)
Beginning with a Prologue by Michael Dorner (the main character’s father) that was penned back in the 1950’s, Dorner journals his concerns for choosing of a certain pastor, Stan Gordon. The author then segues into a narrative from Jake Dorner, his son as he looks back upon his childhood upbringing and writes of his memories of when Stan Gordon came to preach. As the story unfolds, readers will see that Michael Dorner’s concerns were well-founded as A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing reveals.
Addressing such heart-felt issues as God’s grace and forgiveness, this book takes readers on a journey through different characters in need of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Such issues as guilt, abortion, the foster care system, etc. are addressed in this engaging novel that speaks against false teaching. The author does a great job in laying a foundation of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that glorifies God in all His ways. A very intriguing, thought-provoking read that points others to the grace of Jesus Christ.
Title: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – A Novel
By: Kenneth John Marks
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 1, 2017 at 12:02pm

Diary of a Charismatic: Essays on the Spirit Filled Life by Robert LaBarge offers insight into his journey and what being a Spirit-filled believer looks like.  Once an Atheist, Robert LaBarge shares about his coming to salvation in Jesus Christ brought about by the 1970’s Charismatic Renewal movement that impacted the Catholic Church and his entire family.  His personal journey is marked by finding true love in Jesus as Lord and being powerfully touched by the Father’s Love.


In each short writing the author relates Scripture and presents Biblical teaching to many aspects of the Kingdom that shed light on life in the Spirit. Beginning on being born from above and the moving of the Holy Spirit and outpourings around the world, document the Charismatic movement and speak on such subjects as: salvation, Jesus as Lord, trusting in God, the grace of God, as well as the spiritual gifts that were indicative of this movement.  Offering encouragement and guidance into how to receive the gift of tongues also brings further discussion on other gifts such as: the gift of prophecy, discernment of spirits and deliverance, and gifts of healing that offer readers wisdom.  With candor, and some light humor, this book will assist readers in coming to know Jesus that brings a deeper understanding of what being filled by the Holy Spirit means Biblically and experientially.


The author offers a true Biblical perspective of the Charismatic movement for those that doubt and gives readers knowledge that the focus of that movement is really understanding that Jesus IS Lord – Lord of Your Life, coupled with coming to know Him in intimate relationship. He condemns the idea that the Spirit-filled life is emotionalism conjured up to make one feel good, great worship, etc., and also shares that there is available from On High a Baptism in the Holy Spirit that continues today, citing quick historical evidence of modern-day Acts signs and wonders. His point remains steadfast that signs and wonders did not end with the last apostle; they are evident in the Church throughout history.


The author makes a fantastic statement that describes what life in Christ is meant to be that I have to include (p.11), “Modern Pentecost is about surrendering our souls to everything that the Father desires for us. It is about us being weak and Him being strong and the Holy Spirit leading us in our weakness to do strong things. It is about faith that is alive, hope in the midst of the worries of this world and learning to love all those with whom we share this earthly soil. And it is about trusting Him, that when we yield our heads and our hearts, our feet, hands and tongue, that He knows who we are and can do all He has promised.”


An amazing read and comes highly recommended for those that desire for more.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 31, 2017 at 8:57pm
Coming Soon 
Christian Basic Training by Craig T. Feigh
Author, speaker, and Bible instructor, Craig T. Feigh, presents Christian Basic Training: The Basic Foundational Principles of the Christian Faith ~ Simple, Biblical and Foundational, this comprehensive Bible Study workbook is an easy-to-use guide that has been developed specifically for Christians to better understand the basics of their Christian faith.
America is a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles, yet alarming statistics (as represented by a recent ABC poll) reveal that, “. . .89% of Americans (267 million) claim to believe in God, yet 66% of those (200 million) doubt that they will ever get to Heaven!” Within this statistic, Feigh sheds light on the increasing need for Christians to understand basic principles that are foundational to the Christian faith.
Sound doctrine and key foundational principles make this workbook a basic guide into understanding scriptural truths represented in the Bible, creating a firm Biblical foundation to build upon.  Fundamental in nature, these principles build faith and instruct new and mature believers alike with a broad knowledge of the many fundamentals and facets of the Gospel. Confusion is laid aside and a deep appreciation for all that Christ has done for us will arise.
Recommended as a Study Guide for individual instruction or within a group setting, each short chapter addresses many of the questions that one might have regarding eternal life, salvation, sin, the heavenly realm, angels, demons, the Fall, Adam and Eve, the righteousness of God, sanctification and so much more. At the end of each chapter is a short quiz that has been designed to help readers remember the key points of each section. 

Be sure to visit Craig at Christian Basic Training for further information and some great ministry.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 31, 2017 at 4:34pm

Christian reading.

One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House
By: Henry Hon
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
 One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House by Henry Hon stems from his experience as a Christian within house assemblies in the Body of Christ and the scripture verse as stated in John 17:23 (NKJV) as Jesus prayed to His Father, “. . . that they be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” By presenting God’s eternal plan and purpose the author helps readers to embrace the truth of life in Jesus Christ. This is a cumulative read that exhorts believers to come back to the beginning and to consider the Bible with “fresh eyes without the distorted lens of historical Christianity.” One is specifically written for the building up the Body of Christ in such a way without dismantling churches as they function today.
Written from a Biblical foundation that is inspired by the Word of God and the Book of Acts, this book offers an invitation to the Body of Christ that will, usher in another revival. In a step-by-step practical instruction and teaching, this book sheds light and brings a better understanding of what it means to live out the Christian life and to love each other as ourselves.
What you will find within this book brings about spiritual growth, encouraging unity in the Spirit from deep scriptural truths that convey the command of Jesus in word and deed. Key fundamentals such as: prayer, the developing of the fruits of the Spirit, growing and maturing in godliness, how to live the Word and drink Christ, living in Christ’s resurrection power, living with the mind of Christ, being led by the Spirit, persecutions believers may experience, who Jesus is, grace, righteousness through the blood of Christ, salvation, Satan’s division and strategies among mankind, offer clarity and guidance, to include beginning a home fellowship.
This is what true Christianity (and the true Church as one Body) is supposed to look like! READ THIS BOOK and find out what you have been missing that will bring revival in your city, towns, families, neighborhoods and beyond. This is a fantastic book and a highly recommended read that will bring God’s eternal purposes for His Church and strengthen the Body from home to home, inspiring believers to be one in Him, just as Jesus is one in the Father.
For more information, some great ministry and to order One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House visit One Body Life. You may also get your copy at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 27, 2017 at 4:12pm
B.J. Bassett in her novella sheds light on love, acceptance, rejection, overcoming life struggles and redemption in Jesus  through the telling of Gillian’s Heart
A sweet beach novel, Gillian is taken in by her grandmother at a young age.  Gillian is all too familiar with the pain of rejection, as she was abandoned by her alcoholic parents. Gillian grew up with her grandmother overlooking the Pacific Ocean in a beautiful beach house. Many years have passed, as Gillian’s grandmother has passed as well. Gillian, who now lives in the large house, realizes that it is in need of repair. Hiring Dusty, Gillian takes charge.
The author takes readers down a road of facing fears, finding love and deliverance in Jesus, in the midst of overcoming many of life’s many battles. With delicacy, intrigue and suspense, B.J. Bassett intertwines the finding of new found hope in a touching love story of redemption.
Recommended for young girls looking to find their way, this romance helps readers face and overcome anxiety, anorexia and helps them to find identity as a child of God.
As a multi-published author and writing professor at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, B.J. Bassett loves the power of books to transform and instruct others in living a life dedicated to God. Her goal as an author is to inspire, encourage and help instruct the Body of Christ to mature in their faith and to find their God-given purpose. With accomplished titles such as: Lily, iUniverse – a historical novel, A Touch of Grace – The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story, and is co-authoring My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders (with over  55,000 copies sold), B.J. Bassett delivers well told stories that present the grace of Jesus Christ.
Currently residing in Roseburg, Oregon with her husband for over 57 years, B.J. Bassett enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, warm scones with melted butter and strawberry jam, and sipping Earl Gray Tea. Having faced her issues with rejection and acceptance in her life, to include rejection of her writings, B.J. Bassett has written this novella to encourage young adults that there is love and redemption in finding faith and overcoming life struggles.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 19, 2017 at 7:31pm
Title: Glory Trail
By: Robert LaBarge
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Glory Trail by Robert LaBarge is his collection of poems and stories with some revealing spiritual themes. With a gift to writing poems, this is his way of sharing insights and life experiences that offer sound Biblical and spiritual wisdom. 
Thought-provoking, faith-filled, encouraging and some heart-warming, this book brings refreshing inspiration to readers with an invitation to stop and ponder . . . on the beauty and wonder of our world, loving relationships, and different facets of God that bring delight to our souls. A blessing to read, this book also brings hope for the heavenly realms and the angelic, pointing readers to God’s wonderful Word and Truth, encouraging all to follow the narrow path (Jesus) that leads to Eternity.
Wonderfully encouraging, this is a beautifully creative endeavor that highlights Biblical themes and some scripture verses, as the author speaks on such subjects such as: Eternity, love, faith, friendship, life-priorities, the goodness of marriage, and so much more.
The author also shares insight on the importance of salvation, love, hope and believing in Jesus. Leading others to thoughts of Eternity in a special way, that include angelic encounters and Holy Spirit encounters, Glory Trail shares some of the author’s deepest thoughts and motivations that create a unique collection of poems, sharing wisdom, hope and the Christian faith.
A Highly recommended read for everyone.
You may get your copy of Glory Trail at Amazon or in Kindle.  Visit the author at Author Robert LaBarge.

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