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Writing a Christian book is a great way to share the love of Christ, His Redeeming Passion, Kingdom principles, the Word of God and testimonies that can bless others. As a follower of Christ, every Christian has a powerful testimony, teaching or…Continue

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 31, 2017 at 1:30pm
Title: Breaking the Silence
By: Diamante Lavendar
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Breaking the Silence by Diamante Lavendar is a touching fictional memoir written through a series of diary entries by the main character of the book, Joan Eastman. The character has bought the diary to journal her second pregnancy. Beginning with a poem written by the author, the poem sheds light on the beauty of the Lord’s keeping of you in your life and the fleeting temporal world that we live in, giving all hope for the future available in the Lord. Her book continues with fading in-and-out of memories and glimpses of the characters life, revealing horror of young innocence that was stolen and abused, Eastman’s memories of child abuse portray abuse that began at two-years-old and continued for many years. Encouraging all to not internalize abuse, the author speaks out to inspire others to break the cycle of silence that victims of abuse often endure in their suffering.
As the book transcends into the depths of child abuse and the wounding, the author reflects these journeys with life-lessons learned that reveal an overcoming spirit. She reveals how the Lord was there at every “winding road” that helps readers understand such issues as: anger, emotional and sexual abuse, the damage of stuffing emotions, self-esteem, hatred, perfectionism, self reflection, and so much more that offers readers hope and faith in God, offering a realization that with help from Him, they can overcome all abuse and neglect in their lives.
Throughout the book, many different seasons are revealed in the character’s life, displaying just how God carried the character through all the dark times. A restoration of hope and a personal relationship in the Lord  developed over the years in the character which sheds light on the fact that whether abused or not, all readers can relate to the different seasons of one’s life and look back upon their lives to see the hand of God active upon their life. This is the main theme of the book intertwined with breaking the silence of abuse that the author has creatively conveyed.
She also wants others to know that they are not alone. Encouraging all to look to God and that there is hope, healing and restoration in Jesus Christ. This book comes highly recommended for those that need help and encouragement in processing abuse, giving them a foundation in the Lord, and helps lead them into recovery by offering hope through Jesus Christ.
Order your copy of Breaking the Silence at Amazon or in Kindle. You may visit the author at Diamante Lavendar
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 23, 2017 at 5:11pm
Inconvenient Adventures by Helen Cadd is a wonderful read, one that is written from the heart and from one who has lived a long life serving the Lord in many capacities. Through such, Helen has a very unique perspective that offers attitude adjustments for life, and the inconveniences and challenges we all face. Relating this to a life centered in Christ, these attitudes prove monumental in daily perceptions, as Helen Cadd looks back on her life story and inconvenient adventures.
Helen’s shares from a place of experience and much biblical wisdom. She speaks of her life with Dick, her husband of 58 years and the fun they had together. Her fond memories of their children, the Christmas memories and even childhood memories bring the book to life and makes for a very interesting read. Her life adventures are a testimony to God, family and love, as they lived out many of the Commandments of the Lord (one in particular was to remember the poor).
As the author states, “This is not a book of ‘Do, Don’t and How To.’  It is simply stories in my life of adventures and the results of an attitude change.”  Noting that the first key to “opening your life adventures” is a change of attitude. She assures to readers that all is possible with the Lord.  
With such chapters as Adventures with the Piano, Adventures With Poverty, Adventures With The Trumpet, Adventures With Scriptures and Prayer and Adventures With Jon Our First Son, all in all, over 15 adventures included. You will love reading Inconvenient Adventures.
Leaving readers with the inspiration, “. . . attitude makes the difference; it can turn disaster into a great memory. It can turn tragedy into triumph. We can learn important lessons and even change disappointments into fun or real joy.”
Her testimony shares the wonderful memories, mishaps and adventures of a life well lived!  
This book comes highly recommended as an encouraging read, one that weaves Christian values, a life of doing and wonderful family times for those who relish their memories and love God. 
You may get your copy of Inconvenient Adventures at Amazon or as a download on Kindle.
Title: Inconvenient Adventures 
By: Helen Cadd
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 22, 2017 at 8:52pm
The Forum: A Deadly Game of Wheat and Tares by Ronald Winters offers a riveting fictional account of “real world end time events, current day attitudes and directions of the spirit of the times in which we live.”
Barak Zonman, starts off this fast-paced thriller, blending elements of espionage with a religious and political polarization that affect the masses of population around the World. In the book, there is a conspiracy to bring all faiths into one large interfaith religion and Barak Zonman and his popular TV show – The Forum must be eliminated.
This begins with Zonman, the show’s founder. The Forum “is a faith oriented call-in TV show designed to let viewers question leading members of the clergy.” Controversial in nature, this show sparks debate – and hinders the worldwide current of leading all into one faith and world peace. This novel of the wheat and tares is an amazing book written to those that would seek truth in God and the true Christian faith.
Running for his life, Barak finds sanctuary in a church and finds himself radically changed by a baptism by water, followed by a baptism of the Spirit, as evidenced by the speaking in tongues. Highlighting this issue, the author speaks of the controversy between believers on being “born again” (either by just statement and belief and/or by receiving the infilling of the Spirit, as evidenced by speaking in tongues). This radical way of being born again and receiving the Spirit is what Apostle Paul spoke of, thus, the book sheds light on God’s way versus man’s way. Man’s way and God’s way are running a collision course to the End Times in this book that reveal an exciting plot of scenarios begun by two Prologues that concurrently blend modern-day questions and events that has been spoken of in Bible Prophecy. The author also notes that we are in the time of the Olivet Discourse that Jesus speaks of on the Mount of Olives, mentioning the time of Jesus return as near since the birth of Israel in May 1948.
In the back of the book the author offers his personal testimony, delivered instantly from prescription drug dependency when “he looked in the mirror” and repented of his ways. Holding fast to true repentance, the author advocates true Holy Ghost filled deliverances and that the modern-day believer should have them as a norm, instead of replaced by the Forum so to speak – the modern day church who compromises and duplicates the actual workings of the Holy Spirit by replacing them with good theology, programs and modern day mood alteration technology. He also offers observations on some relevant issues, two being backsliding and tithing. 10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on September 29, 2017 at 9:03pm
Tending the Warrior Soul by Louis Harrison
In war there are traumas to the soul that are not assuaged for the warrior by even the most excellent psychological care, medical interventions, and official support programs. Tending the Warrior Soul helps to advance understanding of this soul damage, and offers support, encouragement, lessons from personal experience, counsel, challenge, and resources to those God has called to care for warriors' souls, as well as to the warriors themselves and their loved ones. 
"Ministry to war experienced troops begins and ends with a servant's heart. We must 'remake' our worldview, expand our theological reference points, and accommodate our civilized views about violence, cruelty, right and wrong to the uncivilized applications of war. Neither God nor His commandments change, for these are the anchor points, trustworthy and sure. ... Teaching people to sort through the reality of God while sifting through the ashes of soul, spirit, and mind burned in the consequences of war is not 'routine' business. Ministry to warriors is transformative." From Foreword, by Colonel Mike Hoyt, Chaplain, U.S. Army, Retired. 
Lou Harrison never dreamed of "writing a book," and was embarrassed when it was suggested. The thoughts he had been writing down during his years of ministry were for his own understanding and growth in ministry to combatants. His words, advice and insight have been tested for accuracy and usefulness through feedback from war-experienced friends, extending from young grunts to ranking line officers and chaplains.
You may get your copy of Tending the Warrior Soul at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Visit the author at Author Louis Harrison.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 30, 2017 at 3:27pm
Title: Who is a Perfect Man? Who is a Perfect Woman?
By: Bamidele Kings
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Who is a Perfect Man? Who is a Perfect Woman? by Bamidele Kings is a Bible study series of Psalm 15, coupled with examples from Scripture, examples and personal experience that will encourage readers to study the Word of God and bring a closer walk God. Derived from his own personal trials, the knowledge and insight the author offers sheds light on using the Bible as our foundation from which to live from. His insight and knowledge of the Scriptures, coupled with true Biblical examples and teachings help readers understand Jesus Christ and encourage all to be intimate with God on a personal level.
With such powerful, life-changing chapters as: The Soveriegn God, El Roi – the God who sees me, The Lord Who Sanctifies, El Elohe Yiserael – God, The God of Israel, Jehovah Tsidkenu-The Lord our Righteousness, The Lord Who Sanctifies, Jehovah Rohi –The Lord is My Shepherd, The Adoni –The Lord My Great, God is Love, Thou Shall be a Good Minister!, The Priesthood of Jesus Christ, Jehovah Shalom-The Lord is Peace, this book will re-focus you!
With a powerful anointing to preach the Word of God and share the Good News, this book written by a Senior Pastor helps readers come to understand that the Lord is really Lord of ALL. This is a wonderful, well-written, and Scripture focused read on God, Who He is and what you have as a child of the Most High God. 
Highly recommended for all Christians not only to ignite or re-kindle faith in the One who loved us first, but also to set matters straight within ourselves and the Church.
Get your copy of Who is a Perfect Man? Who is a Perfect Woman? at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 25, 2017 at 11:51pm
Title: Echoes From the Past:
A Young Man’s Search for Love and Identity
By: Moboni Lewis
ISBN #978-1-62676-901-4
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Echoes From the Past: A Young Man’s Search for Love and Identity by Moboni Lewis reflects life’s paths through a Christian fiction novel based upon the scripture verse in Genesis 50:20 (paraphrased), “What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord turned around for good.”  
Offering readers hope in the Lord, the author presents a mixture of intrigue, true life tragedies of domestic violence and betrayal wrapped into the life and mystery of a fast-paced plot. Readers come to understand that Echoes from the past may sometimes overshadow, but with the Lord’s help, He can work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)
Henry Doe finds new beginnings after being abandoned by his birth father, and sent to live with his aunt at the age of 7. Years later, after making some bad choices, Henry finds himself judged by some of the town church folk and soon becomes homeless. Bitterness overtakes him, and a life of crime and gangs suddenly looks appealing. Within this story, Henry eventually comes to his senses, finds love and identity in a new beginning in a marriage and ministry. But not before a slew of persecutions, false accusations and even a prison sentence turns his new life upside down – except for one thing – God’s hand upon his life.
Despite Henry’s past, this book sheds light on the hope that is available in the Lord and in His ways. The author helps others understand that the Lord does in fact work all things out for our good.
This book comes highly recommended to dads, sons and fathers, displaying how rejection, violence and selfish ways take their tolls upon families. With that in mind, the author writes to all the Henry Does out there who have been betrayed, rejected and mistreated by family and the church, encouraging them to find a new life in the Lord and His ways. A great read!
MoBoni Lewis is a wife and mother and loves to write! She resides in the United Kingdom with her family.
Get your copy of Echoes From the Past at Amazon or as a download in Kindle
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 19, 2017 at 10:34pm
The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and Real Account of Life’s Beginnings by Brian Donnelly shares insight into the Earth’s age, Creation, science, evolution, the Big Bang theory and the beginning of life.  Also sharing God, Jesus and insight into Heaven, makes this a book that pits itself against any other theory other than Biblical creation, giving research, history and research.
The author’s main goal is to give readers the facts of evolution in a language that is easily understood by most, and to let them decide for themselves using logic, science and the Scriptures. He has written a book that causes people to think about “what” they are believing in when speaking of the thought that humans came from apes, and mentions other theories as well. His writing shows that evolution and other theories by scientists, disproves itself.
Beginning with Earth’s age, the author asks a poignant question. One that I think most Christians have asked: “Have you wondered why there is such a huge discrepancy regarding the age of our planet?” As scientists have claimed, the Earth’s age is 4.6 billion years, yet the Bible refers to planet Earth as only being six thousand years old. Revealing a study through the book of Genesis, the author sets the stage for the understanding that Creation is a viable theory.
Summarizing such events as Adam and Eve giving birth to the first generation Cain and Abel, to Noah and the Flood, the book skips along at a fast-paced, keeping readers attention. Continuing to trace the origins of the “Out of Africa” movement created by Darwin, the author propagates his attention to the details of their arguments. Analyzing, how this actually could happen without becoming overly scientific, so all of us can understand.
This is a great and relatively short read that directs people to look up, at God, at Jesus, describes what Heaven is like and gives them an understanding that makes sense. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wonders: Where and how did we get here? Within this, the author is courageous enough to state his mind and that he believes humans did not come from apes!  Adding some humor throughout, readers will appreciate the author’s integrity on a man’s attention and dedication and family, gives insight into the unfair spread of wealth and speaks to those who have a heart to do something.
To find out more information about Why The Theory Of Evolution Can Never Be Proved visit Author Brian Donnelly.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 19, 2017 at 9:34pm
Title: Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet
By: Piely Paul
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet by Piely Paul is designed as a yearly daily devotional that sheds light on God’s unfailing Word, His promises of protection, safety, peace and love that are available for each one of us. As a Devotional, the book begins on January 1 and ends on December 31st. The book is unique in that the author keeps to theme of restoring, peace, joy and hope. Each page begins with a scripture verse and ends with a concurrent scripture. Living daily in His presence is the main theme and the author encourages all of God’s goodness, God’s character and His ways to having peace and joy in life, helping readers develop a closer walk in their relationship to the Lord.
With hand-selected scripture verses, this book facilitates trust and leaning in on Jesus, just as the Apostle John did. Fresh insights bring renewed hope and life that help readers understand many different facets of redemption and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The book reveals Jesus in such a way as the Good Shepard and the Savior of our souls that it brings understanding and revelation to the reader. Short commentary enhance readers’ understanding of Old and New Testament insight, as the author has included a faith-filled look at some of our the patriarchs, such as Moses and David. With Biblically sound doctrine, the author has combined spiritual truths that add to the book, sharing the promises we have on Earth now, as well as for eternity.
Redemption, the joy of salvation, and restoration make this book, an excellent book for someone needing hope and encouragement. This daily devotional makes for an enjoyable read that helps bring Christian focus on Jesus and His Word and His promises that speak of joy, healing, hope, salvation and safety in Him. 
A highly recommended daily devotional!

Get your copy of Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Fee... or in Kindle as a download.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 28, 2017 at 11:16am
Title: Demon Portals: 
A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance
By: Timna Pilch
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance by Timna Pilch reveals the dangers of dabbling in the paranormal, psychic divination, and occult practices. As one who practiced divination, and had a wide-range of experience as a Psychic Medium, the paranormal, demons, visitations and hauntings, this book is an eye-opener.  Her knowledge in occultic practices will surprise many and leave many who read it in awe of the deception and ways that demonic entities infiltrate our lives. Her main purpose in writing this book is to shed light into God’sTruth from The Holy Bible of the absolute dangers and warnings that God gives to those who would continue to dabble in paganism and occultic practices. Revealing just how dangerous this is, her story unveils the supernatural realm, patterns of demons, and the reality of good versus evil that clears the confusion about the paranormal, ghosts, spirits, hauntings, demon possession and entanglement, that offers to readers hope in a future with Christ while simultaneously offering a keen understanding of the invisible world and the battle for our souls.
Beginning with an overview of her childhood, she starts with her birth. Seemingly born with a deep intuition and empathic abilities, her childhood reveals much suffering and trauma that only compounded her emotional state, also being surrounded by demonic entities from birth, that took her down a dark path in life. Explaining her gifts, as what she calls prescience and being an empath, also gave her a unique insight of the supernatural realm, in which most do not experience. Her experiences, pictures and choices only reveal a deeper understanding to readers of the deception and influence the demonic realm has upon our lives, thoughts and spirits through various means.
Her true story is fascinating and her book helps those who are deceived to find truth in the God’s Ways, His Word and the salvation and grace offered to them with a new life in Christ. Additionally, as a Vegan, her book offers further insight into the character of animals, their suffering and advocates “non-consumption” of animal meat and by-products, such as milk and cheese. Christians will be intrigued and find much Biblical foundation and insight into the demonic realm that will give them a better understanding of demons, and for those who are dabbling in witchcraft and the occult, they will understand that they are literally “opening up” demonic portals into their life. Her book gives advice on the only way to get free – Repentance, Redemption, water baptism, prayer and living God’s way of life.
What a wonderful read filled with hope with a future in Christ and His Truth! ~ Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium's Path to Deliverance at Amazon
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 19, 2017 at 4:14pm
Title: Responsive Readings for the Modern Church
By: David Rhodes
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Responsive Readings for the Modern Church by David Rhodes is: “A study in the relationships between Bible scriptures in a responsive reading format for use in corporate worship or personal study.” Using key words, this study is similar to a concordance, wherein a person can look up scriptures references. Gleaning from subjects pertinent to each book, the author has selected verses that impact faith, belief, and daily living that give a wide-range of subjects from such books such as: Psalms and Proverbs, with over a thousand footnotes that add to the versatility, incorporating the Old and New Testament books. This book fosters a time for study and meditation in God’s Word that will increase faith and nourishes the soul with the premise that God’s Word is alive and active.
To use this book, readers can simply look up a subject that interests them or perhaps a word like hope. Designed for reflective reading, this is an easy and vital way to study scripture verses that instill hope, encouragement and helps anchor the soul through Jesus Christ and the Word. In the eBook format readers are able to click directly on the footnotes link which will lead them to the WEB (World English Version) online for further study.
Such subjects as: angel, anger, apostle, believe, born, children, chosen, create, David, eternal, faith, forgive, free, God, great, Heaven, holy, hope, Jacob, Jesus, Joseph, joy, Kingdom, laugh, light, Lord, love, majesty, mercy, nothing, peace, power, pray, righteous, sacrifice, salvation, silence, sin, spirit, thanks, water, wisdom, word, work, worship, evil, fool, gold, good, man, the righteous and the  wicked, and so much more, provide a wide spectrum of the scripture verses that speak of Christian values, morals, choosing life and implores readers to live by the Word. As humans, we tend to forget- this book is a good reminder of God’s wisdom that is written onto the tablets of our hearts.
Developed for corporate study or personal reflection, this book is a quick way to ingest the Word and memorize scripture verses to be encouraged and inspired through the Word of God.

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