Author & Book Promotions


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
We promote literary works by best-selling and new authors wanting greater online book publicity!

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  • Ken Jensen

    Thanks so much for the invitation Claudia!
    I hope my book affects people as strongly as yours obviously does. Took me almost to the age of forty before I realized that helping people, somehow, anyhow, was the way to go.
    Well, we get there when we get there, right?
    Take care,
  • Aithne Jarretta

    Good Mornng Nadia,

    Thank you for the friend invite. I visited your website. Thank you for sharing your information for promotion. I've bookmarked it and will read some more later. [Information overload. ;o)]

    Thanks again.

  • Elisa Mayo

    Thanks for the invite Claudia! Can't wait to learn from you!
  • Kelly Komm

    Nice to meet you, Nadia!
  • Dario de Judicibus

    OK, thank's
  • Dianne Schwartz

    You certainly are accomplished! I hope to get to know you better!
  • Shelagh Watkins

    Hi Nadia,

    Follow this link, then click on the "Join PublishedAuthors Now" link:

    See you there!

    ~Shelagh Delete Comment
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Hi, Nadia.

    I am honored to add you as a friend.

  • ceci miller

    Hi Nadia,
    You can find out more about the books we develop on the "Book Credits" page at Our publishing philosophy is summed up in an article you may have seen at various Web sites: "Why Self-publish?" The article is readable on the "Get Published" page of the CeciBooks site. Thanks for asking! Do let me know if you'd like to know more. All the best, Ceci
  • Barbara

    Hi Nadia,

    I'm extremely proud to add you as a friend! Your accomplishments in the field of writing is nothing less than spectacular! I'm so proud and excited for you. Your hard work and dedication to this craft is undeniable.
  • Sean Toh

    Hi Nadia,

    Congratulations to all the awards you have won. I believe there are lots of hard work behind it. It's my honor and pleasure being invited into your network. I believe we could learn a lot from each other and leverage on each other networks. Feel free to drop me a line and talk to me about your possible ideas to turn them into realization. Keep in touch and thanks for the invitation.

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
  • John Fielder

    Hi Nadia,
    Thank you for inviting me to be your friend. For some-one like me, your website is most helpful and inspiring.
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    Thank you for the invite! I ask you to please visit my web site and check out my hot new romance novel called, "A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE." You can read an excerpt from my book, explore the third chapter and read about my exciting CONTEST for my book! While you are there please visit my guestbook and sign it. Just go to:
    Thank you, Leeanee
  • Dario de Judicibus

    Well, Nadia. The problem is not to find a translator. There are very good translators around. The problem is... who pays for translation ;-) I cannot: too expensive. I could translate a chapter, no more...
  • Dario de Judicibus

    PS But thank you for URL... I will write them anyway.
  • Joan Cerio

    Hello Nadia,
    Thank you for the invitation. Your work sounds very interesting.
  • Christina Rowe

    Thanks, Nadia. I would love to network with you and find out more about author-promotion. Looks very interesting.
  • Barbara

    Hello Nadia,

    I meant every word I wrote. You are an inspiration to me. I've written several articles for Helium and other online journals, but as of yet I can't seem to get into a print magazine. But, I'm not giving up hope. By the way, thank you for stopping by my website! And, yes I'm a fellow author at PA. I'd also like to say I don't often post on the PA message board but I do read them quite often, and I always look forward to yours, they're quite informative.

    Look forward to hearing from you as well.
  • Alan Goowin

    Hi Nadia, thanks for the invite, I look forward to chatting when I get my head round how all this works.
  • Sean Toh

    Hi Nadia,

    Nice to hear from you. Well, I think it sounds the same but just spells differently. Tell me about your ideas. I'm most willing to network with you for a 'Win-Win' collaboration. May I have the honor to send you a copy of my autographed book specially for you? Feel free to drop me your ideas.

    P.S. Discover the goodness of mangosteen juice! You will be amazed by it's health benefits. Click the url below to find out more!

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
  • padma narayanswamy

    wow I will be happy to be your friend and thank you so much
  • padma narayanswamy

    it is nice to have a friend who is a writer and that too an award winning writer i love to chat with you what are you writing now? presently i am writing a script titled Finding my father
    Yes in my manuscript i comment on various things it is simple and has come straight from my heart and so the title
  • Stefhen Bryan

    Nadia, thanks for the invite and congrats on your many awards. i hope to learn from you.
  • Russ Heitz

    Hi Nadia!
    Congrats on all your awards and published works! You'll no doubt be a valuable addition to our rapidly-growing network! I'll have to check out your Author-Promotion site! Welcome!
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hi Nadia! Thanks for my blog comment! I know, I know! I've been SO BAD this week also - spending WAY too much time on this network, Shelfari & myspace. It's just too much fun, LOL! And on top of that, running around doing every day stuff with my daughter, dog sitting, and coding for the new edition of Blue Turtle. It's CRAZY!!! But I actually scribbled down 2 poem drafts this week while blow drying my hair.... now that's what I call multi-tasking.
    Have a great, productive weekend!
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Nadia! Thanks for stopping by and emailing me. I am very, very new to this site. Good luck with your books. You can visit my website at: if you want to add your link there and sign the guestbook. Happy writing! Penni
  • padma narayanswamy

    Thanks Nadia I also added you in my friend's list
    and i am also looking forward to hear from you
  • Pat OBryan

    Hi Nadia- thanks for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.
  • padma narayanswamy

    thanks for the help
  • padma narayanswamy

    thanks a lot i appreciate it
  • Dario de Judicibus

    OK, I did. And I'll try Publish America too. No try, no result :) Thank you for hints.
  • Taryn Simpson

    Thanks for the invite! I look forward to getting to know you!

  • Kare Anderson

    What an impressive background you have on the creative (poetess) and business (author promotion)
    I look forward to actualy getting to know you and your work. Two of my closest friend are poets
    - Kare

    Remember the many
    compartments of the heart,
    the seed of what is
    possible. So much of who
    we are is defined by
    the places we hold for each
    other. For it is not our ingenuity
    that sets us apart, but our
    capacity for love, the
    possibility our way will
    be lit by grace. Our hearts
    prisms, chiseling out the
    colors of pure light.
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Nadia! You are most certainly on my friend list...can't have too many of 'em huh? Thanks for stopping by! Later...Penni
  • Conrad Glover


    Thanks for being my new friend on the network. Look forward to chatting with you. Enjoy your weekend.
  • John Oarc

    nadia, hello. hope this finds u well. thanks for the friend request. appreciated that! i have been to your author promotion site, WOW! impressive. there is so much info you have to offer. it is a rare find and i would like to say thanks to u for putting that out there for us.
    nadia- this is so difficult to promote this book. i have scoured the internet and have found much info. it seems everybody wants several hundred dollars to give u a hand. i would love to hire everyone of them but i don't have that kind of money.
    i found the prweb site. they now charge nominal fees to do a press release for one. it is considerably less than my publisher.
    in your opinion how well would doing a press release help?
    please help me with this- if i am going to send a newspaper my book for possible review, what all do i include other than bio?
    did u ever write your name in the books u sent for review in case the info you sent with it got lost?
    nadia there are so many things rolling in my head.
    writing the book was the easiest part.
    in Christ
    john oarc
  • Tammy Whisman

    Hi Nadia,

    Sorry Yahoo is giving you a hard time. How have you been?

    "Fireflies, Moonlight and All That Jazz"
  • Alan Goowin

    Hi Nadia,
    You've done a good job of your site so far.
  • Donna Gunter

    Hi Nadia--

    Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)
  • Kare Anderson

    Yes I wrote the poems and sayings in my acceptance of your invite
  • Paula McNeal

    Tan ks for the invite. I look forward to networking with you.
  • Donna Gunter

    Thanks, Nadia.

    My graphic designer, Heather Colman, put that together for me. You can see more of her work at If you want to work with her, tell her I sent you!


    Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)
  • Marilyn Gross

    Hi I love to write murder mysteries. The book I am writing now is called The Old Man and The Elf. I would like to write a book that will become a movie
  • Lawrence Abiola Olaifa

    Hi Nadia, Glad to have you as a friend, I was also very happy to read your profile. I look foward to getting to know you better.
  • tpier

    Thank you, thank you Nadia. I am so glad you introduced me to Book Marketing Network. I'm looking forward to more networkings with you.

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Nadia,
    Thanks for extending the invite. It's great to have a chance to get to know another writer, especially a woman of faith. I look forward to becoming more familiar with your work, which sounds wonderful.
    Let's stay in touch!
    Adding Romance to the World....One book at a time
  • Stacey Kannenberg

    Nadia -

    Thanks for the invite. Impressive work!!! I will check out your author promotion site too!
    Keep on keeping on!
    Smiles - Stacey
  • Glenn Froese

    Hello Nadia

    Just saying Hi, and thank you for inviting me into your circle.

    Till next time
  • Art Tirrell

    Hi Nadia, thanks for the invite, and congratulations on the wonderful award. Savor it!
  • robert catherine

    thank you for adding me

    chef robert