Author & Book Promotions


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Something About Me and My Book:
We promote literary works by best-selling and new authors wanting greater online book publicity!

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  • Lawrence Abiola Olaifa

    Thank you Nadia, well, Authorhouse is very supportive in their publishing process. Though I must add that their services are expensive, but they always assure good quality production. They have an Authorcentric process that helps you monitor the progress of your book. They also claim to have a wide network of retail distribution channel for the books produced.

    I have enjoyed publishing with them and would recommend them for anyone. However, you could visit their web to learn more about their services.
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Nadia! Thanks for the comments. Send me the info about being featured on your website. You can email me off list or right back on this forum if you like. Thanks much!
    I want to get to know the work of all my new friends here, but it's going to take some time. (So many talented people!)
    Thanks again,
  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    Thank you for allowing me to become a friend . . . I also write poetry . . . Well, I always say I am not a poet, I just write poems . . . I'm pushed for time, but just wanted to say hello . . .
  • Art Tirrell

    That's Garth from the inside flap of "How Evan Broke his Head and other Secrets". Tell me about virtual book tours, Nadia.
  • Vicki Hess

    thanks Nadia. Vicki
  • Art Tirrell

    Thanks. I'll take a look.
  • Toby Heathcotte

    Thanks for inviting me.
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Thanks, Nadia. I was wondering if you'd want to "swap" books with me--my novel for your "Unscrambled Eggs" book, since they are fairly close in price on Amazon.
    And, have you contacted the people at Joel Osteen's church? Since your book was inspired by one of his sermons, they may be happy to add it to their in-house bookstore. Just a thought.
    Keep in touch,

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Send me the link for your trailer, Nadia!
  • David A. Lewis

    Hi Nadia,

    It very nice to be in your company. Yoy have being doing an amazing job and I look forward to reading more of your work.
  • Mark David Gerson

    Dear Nadia,

    Thanks for the invitation. Seems as though a lot of my eggs are being ununscrambled right now. Love the title!

    Mark David
  • John Oarc

    AuthorHouse is a print on demand publisher.
    I have looked around a bit more and found the prweb on your site, but it's not free any more. do you know of any others.
    thanks for every thing you are doing for the authors.
  • Mark David Gerson

    On the egg comment: things in my life that seemed scrambled/uncertain seem to be unscrambling and moving toward something more resembling certainty
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    After posting your video to YouTube, did you notice a spurt in sales? Just curious.
  • PG Forte

    Hi, Nadia. Thanks for the add. I look forward to reading more of your work.
  • Lorraine Harris

    Hi Nadia. You are a wonder with tons of information. Your is extremely helpful and a must read for authors. Thanks and keep up the great work.
  • Steve Golightly

    Hello, Nadia. I look forward to networking with you, too. However, I must warn you, I am a complete novice with all things technical. I've only recently bought a computer, and I am overwhelmed by the internet. I only ask for patience. However, I am willing to learn, and my brain is switched to "on."
  • Lawrence Abiola Olaifa

    Thank you Nadia, thats a good suggestion. I will put that in mind. Its really backbreaking when you have to pat so much to have your book ready.
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Nadia, Congratulations on your achievements and awards. Well done! If you would like to publish your book in Turkish I own a bookstore and publishing company in Istanbul and can provide you with more information. I have two books in the Christian market-self development and one non-ficiton available on Amazon and barnes and Nnoble. It is Culture Smart Turkey. I do not have all the awards you have earned but I have been listed in Whho is who in Turkey 2006. Keep up the great work! I write as a columnist for Today s Zaman an English national and international newspaper printed in Turkey and on the web. You can read one of my articles if you go to: Hope you enjoy it and are encouraged. Charlotte McPherson
  • Laura Beth

    Hi Nadia,
    Thanks fot the invitation to be your friend. It is great to meet another"poet" in the group. I look forward to getting to know you and hope that we can share some networking ideas with eachother.

    Blessings and Good Cheer,
    Laura Beth~
    visit me at
    & let your heart be inspired...
  • Laura Beth

    Thanks for the info about the trailer Nadia! I am not very skilled with the computers but it sound more basic than I thought. I will keeo it in mind for sure! Yours was very well done!!!
    Laura Beth~
  • Kerul Kassel

    Congratulations on your book and thanks for the invite!
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    Hi Nadia! Can you comment back with the url for Author & Book Promo? I'd like to check it out. Thanks!
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    Thanks, Nadia!
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Nadia!

    Thanks for the invitation. Checked out your website, sounds interesting. Sent you an email.

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
  • Lisa Pelto-PublishingCoach

    Didn't mean to remove my other message -- I love your book title!
  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Hi, Nadia!
    The way I'm posting these photos is to copy them off of my Gather page - where they are already left justified. I haven't done "fresh" posts here yet - so I'm afraid I'm clueless! But you could (if you wanted) post a Gather article and then try copying it to here, then delete it if you don't want it staying up on the other site? Very best,
  • Leyla Susanne Varasteh

    Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
  • CPMurphy

    Thank you for the invite! Best of luck to you.
  • Gene McVay

    Do you have any advice about book signing events for fledgling authors? I have heard that some new authors bring their own books to Barnes & Noble on a consignment basis for the event. At least that is what I understood from an author in San Diego. I am the moderator of a book promotion forum and would like to share your thoughts on the subject. Do you know how to set one up?
    Regards, Gene
  • Douglas Quinn

    Hi Nadia. I'll study your information when I have a little more time. Thanks for inviting me as a friend on this site.
  • Karen Anne Webb

    Hi, thanks for the friend invite! I haven't gotten my page up to speed yet, but my genre is science fiction/fantasy (I'm also a freelance journalist and book editor. Can't wait to check out your promotion site! I publish with a small Canadian press, and as you probably know authors (unless your Stephen King or JK Rowling) have to hit the bricks hard to get their books to succeed!
  • P. Marie

    Thanks so much for inviting me here, Nadia. All the best to you.
  • Sydney Stone

    Thanks for the invite Nadia. God Bless Sydney
  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Hello Nadia, hope you're having a great week.

    Writing Community
  • Robin Caldwell

    I write for and write for my clients as a ghost. And I'm an editor, substantive. Geez, I also do manuscript critiques. So yes, in a way I am an author, just not a book author at this point. Thank you for the welcome, that was sweet!
  • Toni V. Lee

    Thanks for the invite, Nadia.

    I hope you're having a great week!

    Toni V. Lee
  • Sydney Stone

    Thank you Nadia, yes I was born and raised in Clearwater!! Thanks for adding me as your firend, I look forward to networking with you as well!! God Bless Sydney
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Nadia!
    Can you email me and give me a snail mail address where I can send you something? Thanks!
  • Donna Rogers

    Thanks for the invitation to your site, I would be honored to become a member.
  • Mark Bredt

    Congratulations on the awards, Nadia, well done! Tell me more about your promotional services. I have one book out now, and four in production. In anothre company I work four we have ten titles in production. We want to sell books... how can you help?
  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    Congrats! Sure sign me up for membership . . . Although I have to tell you I find myself bogged down with the research for my upcoming fictionalized autobiography these days . . . Still I am interesed in marketing, that is for sure . . .

    Thank you kindly for the invitation.
    I am excited about your work and accomplishments. I look forward to taking my dream to the next dimension.
    You are doing a wonderful job.
    Grace and Peace.
  • Roland Taylor

  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Just curious. When you write a blog, a notice gets sent to your friends? Neat! You already know I loved you book. You should tell everyone about your Noble Prize. (-:
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • The Voice

    Thanks for the invite Nadia.

    From what I've read of your seem to be a very interesting person whom I shall enjoy getting to know. I hope we can work together someday.

    Introduce yourself to the World!

    For all your Voice Marketing or Audio Book needs...remember "The Voice".

    In addition, HollawayGraphics can also help you get your Book, Ministry or Business off the ground through creating a Business Logo or Monogram as well as designing Business Cards, Business Kits, Brochures, Flyers, Book Covers, CD Jackets, Letter Head, Web Sites, Marketing Apparel and more.

    I look forward to networking and possibly working together with you someday. Aside from that though, I look forward to getting to know new friend.

    Eric H Hollaway Sr
  • Lakishia Smith

    I really think it's great, and a wonderful place to network. I look forward to networking with you as well.

    Thanks for the comment and stay in touch

  • Jim Musgrave

    Hi Nadia,
    Thanks for the invite. The more the merrier!
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Nadia,
    There's a poetry contest going on at

    Thought you might want to check it out. (And tell your poet-friends?)

    Hope this helps,
  • Sydney Stone

    Hi Nadia I read some of your poems on Colleen's turtle page!!! Beautiful!!! I write prayer poems to God, I have for years and am in process of getting them published. Glad we have met! God Bless Sydney