Tiva Wallon

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Tiva Wallon and I am an author. Mostly I write romance and have branched off into erotica, paranormal and Sci-fi. It's my goal to write something in every genre and after I accomplish that, I will write something in each sub-genre. Have a look at my web page listed below to see my work.

Comment Wall:

  • Amber T. Kingston

    Hi Tiva,
    Thanks for the invite! Your books sound really interesting. The description you give almost reminds me a bit of the Laurell K. Hamilton novels, of which I've been a big fan. Best of luck to you!
  • Teri Thackston

    Thanks for the invite, Tiva. Love your name!
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for the invite, Tiva. I look forward to getting to know you better and encouragng you and partnering with you as opportunities present themselves. Please visit our site to find out more about us and our ministry as well as to see a sample chapter from our emotional recovery workbook for Christians. I pray it ministers to you as it has to countless others.

    Pastor Sharon BIllington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Andielle

    Thanks for the invite Tiva, your goal is great!! Look forward to getting to know you.

    -May you stay safe and protected.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    I am here for you. Let me know if I can help with questions you may have.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Barbara

    Nice to meet you Tiva. Congratulations on all your fine work. I really like your website and your books sound like some awesome reading.
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    Thank you for the friend invite! This is an invite to visit my web site at :www.lmstephenson.com. Please check out my hot new steamy, sensual, passionate romance novel called, "A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE". I can assure you that you will wish that it would never end when you read it! While you are there please sign my guestbook. Also, don't forget to enter the contest for a chance to win an autographed beautiful love journal. May there always be love in your life! Leeanne
  • Jim Misko

    Hi Tiva I just left my home in Alaska to come to the desert in California. Can't just pick up and come to your three author book signing but I think it is a good idea. Our Alaska Writers Guild is sponsoring a three author, each a different genre, book signing evening at B&N once every three months. Haven't had one yet, but we are expecting good things. Gets cross genre exposure for new and established writers. Tell us how it goes. May it go well with you. Jim PS: Thanks for the invite.
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Tiva!

    I'm the secretary of FL Writers Assn. To answer your Q, we have strong regional writers groups in Orlando and in Pasco County, among lots of other areas.

    Dahris Clair is the leader of our Pasco County Group. You can search for her at bookmarket.

    FL Writers Assn. is a wonderful group for learning, networking, and submitting work to the quarterly magazine. It's actually not only for Florida any more. We have national and even a few international members!

    If you'd like to check it out, please come to http://www.floridawriters.net.

    I also run the FL Writers online group. You can come join it at bookmarket, regardless of your FWA affiliation.

    Have a good weekend,
  • Barbara