Nelson Pahl

51, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Hometown: Twin Cities
BA: Hammond College
Married? Never, forever
Dependents: Two dogs
Best Read: Self-Reliance
Favorite Topic: Women
Fave State: Colorado
Fave Country: Switzerland
Fave Hobby: Hmm...
Fave Sport: Baseball/Hockey
Fave Jock: Marian Gaborik
Fave Jock 2: Francisco Liriano
Fave Indie Writer: Ken Harvill
Fave Music Genre: Ambient
Fave Music Genre 2: World
Talents: Raking my lawn
Keen Insight: Idiots are stupid!
Advice: Don't give advice!

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Glad to meet you too Nelson...the lion was six months when this photo was taken, - cute little fellow!
  • Theresa Chaze

    Thank you Nelson. I hope your tour is going well
  • Theresa Chaze

    Thank you. If you every need help with creating one, let me know. Part of what I do is help others successful publish their books.
  • Nelson Pahl

    Thank you I will do that.
  • CPMurphy

    Just thought I'd let you know that after yesterdays blog appearance, my website (which hosts the blog) received 547 hits. As far as blogs go, it doesn't give me a daily count like the website does but a running total for the entire month~ so I can't say for sure how many viewed the blog but I'm sure you received some much appreciated online attention. Great job! Any time you want to appear again, just let me know or let Jean know. She knows how to get in contact.
  • Brenda Wynn

    Thanks for the invite Nelson.
  • Marta Stephens

    Hi Nelson, thanks so much for the invite to your group!
  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you, Nelson, for inviting me to be a part of your circle of friends.
  • Martha Jette

    Hi Nelson:

    I have completed the review of your book: “Bee Balms & Burgundy” and it will be posted on my blog site on Dec. 18. Hope you like it!

  • Jim Misko

    Hi Nelson. Our genre's are too far apart for either of us to read the other, but diversity is good for the literature world. Welcome to the fold. May it go well with you. Jim
  • Nelson Pahl


    Thanks for the thoughts; I appreciate them.

    Unfortunately, you have me pegged wrong. I don't write in any specific genre. In fact, my second books is a tragedy, my third book is horror fiction, and my fourth book is a drama. Truth be told, I may never write another love story in my life. Who knows? I do know this, though: genre-writing bores me. So...

    Again, thanks for the thoughts. Good fortune will everything.


  • Dragonmoonpress

    Thanks for the invite, and good luck with the book!
  • Venus Perez

    To every woman who has fought
    the battle, and the subsequent
    self-doubt and fear,
    win or lose...

    That is pretty much how I feel. Thanks for the words of inspiration Nelson. Thank you so much for you invitation. I'm working hard to make changes happen in 2008 and I could use all the help I can get. Thank you for adding me as a friend and helping me make a difference.
  • Rosalie Skinner

    Hi Nelson,
    Thanks for the invite. Good luck with the books.
    Your words are inspiring.