Ane Mulligan

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm not really 106, I just refuse to give my real age. I write contemporary fiction with a twist of suspense and a dollop of humor. I'm on the Operating Board of ACFW and the co-owner of the popular literary blog, Novel Journey,

Comment Wall:

  • Julie Eller

    Hi, Ane. I recognize your smiling face from ShoutLife! How fun to meet you here as well. Thanks for the Friend invite--it's my privilege to accept!

    I'm gearing up for release of "A New Promise" next Tuesday, 9/11. The enemy has been throwing up lots of obstacles, including an infected spider bite Monday which has been totally miserable. I can only believe that he must be running scared about now.....

    Take care, and I'll look you up over on SL and say hi.

  • Ane Mulligan

    Thanks, Douglas, or do you go by Doug?
  • Shirley Kiger Connolly

    Hi, Ane. It's good to see you here.
    Shirley. I don't know if we will ever be busy enough!
  • Luis Baudry Simon

    Hello, What can I do for you?
  • Cameron Chambers

    "thank you for being a friend..." there's a song that has those lyrics, can't remeember which one, but great to have you on board.

  • Karen Anne Webb

    Hi, Ane, thanks for the friend invite. I'm still getting my page up (and figuring out how to get this stuff over on the left submitted) but my genre is fantasy with a lot of attention to women's issues, humor, and tricky twists (puzzles and mysteries -- it's a lengthy quest series)
  • P. Marie

    Thank you for requesting me. When the Wind Blows sounds very interesting. Here's wishing you the very best!
  • Donna Pampalone

    Hi Ane,
    so nice to meet you, glad you invited me. best wishes with your books. Hope you'll visit me at my website, leave a comment so I'll know you stopped by.
  • Toni V. Lee

    Thanks for the invite, Ane.

    I hope you're having a great week!

    Toni V. Lee
  • Laura Christianson


    Thanks for introducing yourself and alerting me to your upcoming adoption books. Glad your agent is interested. I'd love learn more about your projects. Please join us on Adoption Writers and tell all!
  • Linda Leigh Hargrove

    Ane, you're everywhere. How'd you find me over here. Tyora turned me on to BMN. Lotsa fun so far. Take care.
  • Douglas Quinn

    I'll have to admit, you look pretty good for 106--even for 99, if that's your true age. Ane is an interesting spelling for your first name. I collect unusual names for possible future use for characters. My daughter, who is a hair stylist, provides most of the fodder. If you have the time, check out my page on the ning siter site at Crimespace and read the excerpts from my novels. Where is Suwanee, California? Was recently in the Sacramento Delta area visting relatives on their houseboat. That was fun. A little cramped, but fun.

  • Douglas Quinn

    I believe in the old adage that you only are as young as you feel. And, yeah, i thought Suwanee looked like a "Southern" name. Will look forward to your blog re "Ane".
  • Dave Sheed

    Hi Ane , thanks for adding me to your friends list .I'm still pretty new here , just finding my way about ,but so many friendly talented interesting people. Visit me web site if you get a chance and say Hi in my guestbook
  • Shayla V. McClellon

    Great synopsis sounds intriguing..thanks for connecting with me and hope we can talk suspense soon!
  • Revvell

    Thank you for the "friend" request. Story sounds wonderful!

  • John Oarc

    Thank you for the friend request. I've enjoyed being on BMN. Your books sound interesting.

    Continued Success
    John Oarc

    What a sense of humor!
    'cause the first thought come to my mind was: "WOW! she looks good for her age"!
    Will check your work. Got jokes?
    Stay blessed.
  • Anita C. Lee

    Ane, thanks for including me in your friends group.
    Blessings on your work--
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    hello Ane!
    Thanks for the invite. I am thrilled to find so many other Christian authors here. We should think seriously about some kind of joint venture--perhaps a compilation of short works or something along those lines. Or, becoming familiar enough with each other's work so we can recommend one another wholeheartedly to our lists.
    Well, thanks again. Look forward to more correspondence with you.
  • Nellotie

    Thank you, Ane, for the invitation. I look forward to learning more about you and your world.
    Nellotie Porter Chastain
  • Ann Stewart

    Hi Ane and friends,

    Thanks for inviting me in your list of friends! Look forward to networking!

    Ann stewart
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Thanks so much, Ane. I've been looking for the right Christian writer's group. ACFW sounds perfect! I will also check out both your blogs. My next big "to do" (well, one of them, anyway!) is to finally start my blog!
    Thanks, many blessings,

    PS: If you review books that aren't brand new, I'll send you a copy of mine asap.
  • Ane Mulligan

    Thanks, Freda. You know how those "what if" moments go ... you can't ignore them or they begin to shout at you. :o)

    I look forward to getting to know you, too.
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hello Ane, thank you for the friendship. I had to laugh at your explanation about your age! :) I checked out excerpts of your book on your website. You are truly a gifted writer, and I wish you all the best with your books.
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hi Ane,
    I finally got to follow up on your advice and joined ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers, for those who aren't familiar ). I am looking forward to getting knee-deep into the organization, finding out all it offers, and seeing if there is a place I can be of service to others. Thanks so much for telling me about them.

  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Thank you, Ane, what a sweet welcome. I am actually trimming my email subscriptions so I can make room (and time!) to read the most important ones. ACFW is one I don't want to miss. I know for sure that you only get OUT of something as much as you are willing to put IN. BTW, I love your Novel Journey blog, too, and I'm signed up for that one.

    By any chance, do you know of a good script for an opt-in form on a Google blog, such as the one you have on that page? I'm looking for something I can cut and paste into the page, with autoresponder capability. I believe I noticed two opt-in boxes on your blog, in fact. (That tells me it can certainly be done; now I just have to find out how. Google doesn't offer the option.)

    Again, thanks for everything,
    Have a great conference in Dallas,

  • Julie Eller

    Hi, Ane. Thank you for the prayers and concern regarding the spider bites....I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner--I haven't been on for a couple of weeks. I spend a lot of time at SL...well, comparatively speaking :)

    I've healed up 100%--the Lord is so good to me! I've never been particularly arachnophobic before (yellow jackets/hornets are my big fear), but now I'm definitely on the watch-out for spiders! Yuck!!

    Hope all's going well on your end!

  • Julie Eller

    Thank you, Ane. I appreciate your concern and prayers so much! I'm definitely keeping an eye peeled for these nasty buggers!! You do the same, ok!?!

    Happy Monday!!

  • Ane Mulligan

    I'm thrilled to repot that When the Wind Blows took second place in its category in the ACFW Genesis contest!

    Also, I have a new humor column which is in this month's Afictionado e-zine. Go to and scroll down to Let There Be Light. You can read it there. I also have a book review on Be Sweet in teh same issue. Diann Hunt is my mentor and her book, Hot Tropics and Cold Feet won the Book of the Year award for its category. WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Terry Burns

    Yet another familar face - good to see another ACFW member here
  • Douglas Quinn

    Douglas Quinn
    Author, Editor, Book Reviewer

    12 January 2008

    Dear Family/Fans/Friends/Readers

    Please join me in the first week of my Virtual Book Tour. Beginning tomorrow, Sunday, January 13th, writer Brenda Kay Wynn will publish an interview with Douglas Quinn on her webblog site at

    You are invited to go to Brenda’s site, read the interview and comment and/or ask questions. I am looking forward to responding to your comments and queries.

    The interview will be posted throughout the four week tour. Weeks two, three and four will have different articles hosted by and posted at other webblog sites. Would love to interact with you along the way.

    In addition, each time during the four week tour you leave a comment and/or ask a question your name will be placed into a drawing for a Free Signed Copy of Blue Heron Marsh.. Hope to see you all there.

    Douglas Quinn

    P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your email address list. The more people who participate the happier I will be.