
74, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I live with my husband of over 28 years, 3 dogs, and a barn cat in a very rural area. Our children are grown and we have two lovely granddaughters. We taught Country/Western Dancing for many, many years before we moved here a little over 10 years ago. I have taught the 4 agreements as well as workshops on creating your heart's desire and The Celestine Prophecy.

My first book called Life is Like Making Chocolate Chip Cookies was officially published January 2, 2008, not because of anything I have done, but because Spirit gave it to me and gave me the means to get it published. I was led to write it. I was given the tools. And... I was even blessed with the money to make it happen without having to take it from our very limited income. No one can tell me there is no God. No one can tell me that he doesn't supply our needs. No one can tell me he doesn't answer prayer.

If you are interested in an autographed copy of my book the website to place an order is Non-signed copies are also available on Here is what just one person has said about Life is Like Making Chocolate Chip Cookies:

"I received your book as a gift from a friend for Christmas and I enjoyed it tremendously. I got to the point where I was looking forward to one more chocolate chip cookie addition in the book. Isn't that so like life though? Just about the time we think that is all there is and bang we get a little more to chew on. LOL I loved this book as it was easy to read, yet said so much and it was done with love, laughter and much wisdom. Thank-you for sharing you gift with us all. Looking forward to more." ~Phyllis

Having been married to the same man for 26 years has given me a wealth of lessons on relationships. I worked with a psychologist friend who has literally pushed me into writing one of the many books inside of me. He has always said I have a story in me. In fact, more than one story. I quite agree.

Since joining this network I have learned so much and come a long way on my book journey. I want to thank each and every one here who has helped me personally. I also want to thank those of you who have posted great information for all of us to learn, to grow, and to publish. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

I will still have questions. Hopefully soon I will be able to help and answer other people's questions. Wouldn't that be a great thing to be able to do?

Comment Wall:

  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Peggy Collins

    So glad to have you aboard! It was a huge learning curve for me as well-this marketing a book - and of course there are lots of talented people here - so I think you've come to the right place.
    Just know that whatever I've learned, I'll be happy to share.
    Peggy Collins
    Speaker, Trainer, Author of
    Help Is Not a Four-Letter Word:
    Why Doing It All Is Doing You In
  • Terry Whalin

    Hello Susie,

    Great to meet you here. There is always a lot to learn about marketing books and publishing. I've got a great deal of information--almost 700 entries in my blog The Writing Life.

    Author of Book Proposals That Sell
  • Linda Ladd

    Hi Susie! It's very nice to meet you! Sure, you can pick my brain any time you want to! I'm new at this internet stuff, too, so I can relate to your confusion. :) Keep in touch!
  • Cheril Vendetti

    Hey Susie,

    I saw your name on Eric's page and saw you have great energy ( like Eric). "I'm not Rockefellah" as my father would say but I'd love to send you some money for your ISBN number.
    My e mail is Please E mail me and give me your address so you can get goin' on getting that numba girllllllll! lol


  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Susie,

    How are you? Thank you for accepting my friend request. I look forward to chatting with you more.

  • Cindy Jost

    Thank you for accepting my offer...good will find this site very helpful
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hi Susie, I just adore your name. It makes me smile! I applaud your efforts at getting a website up. I know how challenging it is when I write my Blue Turtle Crossing poetry e-zine from scratch. I'm working on it right now & my eyes are getting fuzzy from html code. Look forward to talking with you!
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Susie! I have a friend and her name is Judy Ayyildiz. In English that is Judy Moonlight. When she visits Turkey where I have lived nearly 30 years, and own and run an English bookshop, she introduces herself for fun as Mrs Judy Moonlight to children when we do special seminars for them.

    I want to say congratulations on being married to the same man for 26 years. Wonderful. I am single and believe this right for me because of my work and where I am. I also write for a newspaper here as a columnist. Feel free to browse it and give me some comments:
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    HI Susie. Thanks for accepting my friend request. I look forward to seeing how the Lord leads us to support and partner with each other.

    Enjoy the site when you visit. You'll find many words of comfort, support, information and gentle challenge as well as a sample chapter from our widely praised, life-transforming emotional recovery workbook for Christians. There's also info on how to order your personal copy.

    Warmly, with all blessings,
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Thanks for visiting the site, Susie. It's there for daily encouragement as well as support and information for you and those you care about.

  • Andielle

    Hi Susie,
    I noticed on the discussion "What books have you written?" that you are writing a workbook for "Life is Like Making Chocolate Chip Cookies". This is something that I'm trying to piece together for my high fantasy novel "The Tapestry Chronicles: Born with Power of the Divine". Could we chat?
    -May you stay safe and protected
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Susie,
    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. Congratulations on your book and a publishing company. That is a lot to achieve. Good luck!
  • Ken K. Chartrand

    Hi Susie Sunshine! We all could use a little sunshine on these boards. Not unlike most writers, I sometimes run low on confidence. Welcome!
  • Rita Schiano

    Best of luck. I think you were smart to start your own company. More writers should take back that control. Best of luck. - Rita
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Susie, somehow you got dropped from my friends list, and I'd love to have you back. Please accept my request with my apologies.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Have a great night, Susie.

  • Nelson Pahl

    Hello Susie

    You're welcome.

  • Doris Anne Beaulieu

    Hello Susie;
    Thanks for joining me. Always a pleasure to add sunshine to my page.
  • Andielle

    Hi Susie,

    Wanted to give you a heads up. The holidays are over and I'm back at it. I should be mailing things out the week of Jan. 7th.

    Hope all was peaceful, joyous and filled with rebirth.

    -Sending a private email later
  • Steven Clark Bradley

    It is a privilege to meet you and hope we can mutually encorage each other in our writing endeavors. Blessings!

  • Theresa Chaze

    You're welcome. I look forward to getting to know you and your work better.